

    NO SCURVY.... I drink orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, and etc and I take vitamins..........
  • I knew a guy like this, he never ate fruits or vegetables. He was overweight, always had acne, his hair was falling out, he stank and his teeth were rotting. But he was alive and he was living functionally

    THANK GOD I'M NOT HIM!!!!!!!
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member

    NO SCURVY.... I drink orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, and etc and I take vitamins..........

    If you like the juice, why don't you eat the fruit?
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have not eaten fruits or vegetables ever! I know sounds crazy.....I have been this way all my life, nor do I eat meats (except chicken) or seafood. I mostly eat breads/pasta and junk food.......... So now I want to try juicing, can anyone tell me anything about juicing? I am nervous because if the taste is not good, I may not drink it..................

    I am not being flippant here, but you change your diet that drastically and the toilet is going to love you!

    Just introduce one piece of fruit at first and build up. If you don't, like I said, the toilet is just gonna love you!
  • helsbelshms
    helsbelshms Posts: 93 Member
    Ok, so I sympathise about not liking fruit or veg, I hate most veg and can tolerate some fruit. So, I find a way around it. I have smoothies with banana, strawberries, blueberries (or other berries), low fat yoghurt or milk and some honey to sweeten. If you like apples, then use apples with a few different types of berries so the taste is predominantly apple to start with.

    As for veg, I love home made soups, but maybe try a tomato based sauce on your pasta. If you blend the veg into the sauce, you will never notice it. Then maybe start adding some small pieces of the veg (e.g. carrots) to the sauce.

    I don't believe in forcing yourself to eat things you don't like, I have tried it have fallen into worse eating habits because of it. However, trying small amounts at a time and hiding them at first will help.

    I work with 2 guys who are like you. Both a normal supposedly healthy weight, but one eats nothing but chips and crisps (with the odd apple thrown in) and the other wont even eat the apples.

    I do find it strange, since I thought I was fussy, but be proud that you're trying to make a change and be healthier. After a while you will notice a difference in the way you feel.
  • I have not eaten fruits or vegetables ever! I know sounds crazy.....I have been this way all my life, nor do I eat meats (except chicken) or seafood. I mostly eat breads/pasta and junk food.......... So now I want to try juicing, can anyone tell me anything about juicing? I am nervous because if the taste is not good, I may not drink it..................

    I Juice everyday! I dont replace food with it but use it to boost my nutrient intake

    You can mask the horrible taste of alot of veg with other things - which takes away the bitterness

    Nothing tastes as good as freshly juiced apple with nothing added - but add some spinach, kale, whole unpeeled lemon and you've got some awesome stuff for your health right there - go for it
  • JennaViolet
    JennaViolet Posts: 11 Member
    Fruits and vegetables are delicious. And there are so many of them that you can guarantee there will be something that you like.
    They're juicy and sweet and they don't make you feel horrible and greasy afterwards; they make you feel refreshed and healthy.
    Don't do the juicing thing, just start by trying to incorporate you 5 a day into your diet and find fruit and veg that you like so that you can get enthusiastic about healthy foods rather than thinking it is all horrible. Because it's not.

    Cut back on the junk food and the carbs while trying to add fruit and veg in. Maybe make stir fry with noodles and things instead of your normal meals.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Sshhhhhhhhh! Turn your caps lock off
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I juice a lot and think it's amazing. But if you won't eat the vegetables you won't like the vegetable juice. You'd probably like the fresh fruit juice by you'd need to add a LOT of fruit to mask the green vegetables and that is not a healthy way to juice. It took me a while to like the vegetable juice and I love eating veggies.

    You might want to try the other suggestions of just trying new things, blending veggies up in various pasta sauces, or even smoothies. A little at a time and you'll develop a taste for it.

    For example, I've never liked mushrooms but there are so many wonderful recipes that use mushrooms and there are health benefits so I'm learning to like them a little at time. So suck it up and eat your veggies :tongue:
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    If you've never eaten fruits or vegetables (I don't know how that is possible!), then juicing wouldn't be my first choice. How about you start by adding one fruit and vegetable to your day? Then, you can build from there.
    Good luck!

  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Its possible.....The problem is the taste..... I do like apples and corn...that about it.....

    How do you know what you like if you have never eaten fruits and veggies all throughout your life. This reminds me of my ex....

    Me. Do you like chick peas ?
    He: No...
    Me: what don't you like about them ?
    He: I don't know, I never tried them......
  • I hate pineapples but I ALWAYS add pineapple to my juicer. Something about it blends so well with everything else. I use apples, kale, carrots, stuff like that. Drinking juice is a lot easier than eating fruits and veggies. I'm not much for veggies unless it's a salad.
  • Double post
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    Juicing is great but it takes a little work. I wish my juicer was easier to clean. I agree with the others, if you haven't eaten fruits and veggies, not sure if you will enjoy the taste. We started juicing to use all the bountiful produce from our organic garden and the extra apples from our neighbor. Also to get our son to try more varieties of produce. It seems like he can drink down something quick even if it wasn't to his taste buds. Our daughter loves juicing, very fast and convenient for her when mum makes the drinks.
  • As a mom, when I'm introducing new foods to my kids at first I only ask them to lick it and see what that tastes like. The next step is to take one bite and describe how it tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, salty) and if it is crunchy, chewy, ect... This makes the new food more "normal" to them and makes them more willing to eat it.
    In their lunches I will send 3 baby carrots and ask them to eat one of them. Sometimes they only eat one, sometimes they don't eat any, and sometimes they eat all 3.

    The goal is to introduce new foods with no pressure. Once a food has been tasted enough times (like 12 or so) usually a person will start eating it (not always but generally). Maybe something like this would work for you? If you take one bite and really think about the tastes and textures you are experiencing. I would pressure yourself to eat lots of anything you don't like. Just a little each day and maybe your tastes will slowly change so you can enjoy what you are eating. Then you will naturally want more.

    Excellent post!! AND wonderful mother as well!!

    I really like fruits and vegetables, and even was vegetarian for about 8 years when I was younger. But I have known many persons who would really benefit from this process you have described.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 303 Member
    If you're going to try juicing, put a whole apple in anything you juice. It will provide sweetness and override the more bitter flavors. Carrots, spinach, celery, and apple is my favorite juice blend.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member

    How do you know what you like if you have never eaten fruits and veggies all throughout your life. This reminds me of my ex....

    Me. Do you like chick peas ?
    He: No...
    Me: what don't you like about them ?
    He: I don't know, I never tried them......

    Oh I hear this a lot, from kids and adults!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Ok, so, if you and your son are so against fruits and veggies, have you been tested for allergies? My son doesn't have any food allergies, but seasonally, there are fruits and veggies he can't eat. They cause a cross-reaction with his tree allergies. It is worth getting tested. Maybe there is more to the two of you refusing fruits and veggies. I do believe that apples and corn were not on the list of any cross-reactions for the trees (I'm not sure though). There were a lot of fruits and veggies that my son wouldn't eat at all, or would only eat them cooked. Some of them he couldn't tell us why he wouldn't eat them, but bananas he said made his mouth tingle.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I have not eaten fruits or vegetables ever! I know sounds crazy.....I have been this way all my life, nor do I eat meats (except chicken) or seafood. I mostly eat breads/pasta and junk food.......... So now I want to try juicing, can anyone tell me anything about juicing? I am nervous because if the taste is not good, I may not drink it..................

    Keep doing what you're doing. You're still alive so it's obviously working.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know, but it not healthy and i'm not getting any younger......

    Both true statements. So, stop acting like a child and eat properly. If you want to juice then do it. The internet is full of recipes. But you still need protein and fiber. Just eat proper meals, regardless of whether you drink juice or not.

    Seriously, if you want to be healthy then eat mostly healthy foods. Eat a variety of foods.