Anyone expecting twins??

Just found out at 14 weeks that we are having twins. Do you still exercise? Do you still log your food?


  • lindsienygaard
    lindsienygaard Posts: 72 Member
    I just found out on Monday I will be having twins. I'm about 11.5 weeks. I've been walking, I try to walk for about an hour on the treadmill at least 4-5 days per week. My dr told me to read a book called When you're expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads by Dr. Luke. It says by week 12 I should have gained at least 9 lbs but so far I've lost 2. I can't eat much because I never feel hungry so I'm almost afraid to workout now becuase it'll just be more calories I need to eat.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    My twins are 3 but I had an amazing pregnancy. You should keep walking and walk every single day. Don't do more exercise than you are used to though.

    Logging food is a good idea so you can keep track of eating enough calories and nutrients. If you can't eat a lot, eat frequently. I had trouble gaining weight also so had to start eating protein bars and making shakes and whatnot.

    Make sure you are eating an insane amount of iron. You have to be able to make blood for you and two other people so iron is crucial.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Aw yayyy! IN just to say I'm a twin and we're awesome folks:) you're in for a delightful time OP
  • Lost24and20MoreToGo
    Thanks ladies!

    I eat pretty well, around 2000 calories a day. I am now at 18 weeks and have gained 7lbs. I was already 25lbs over my ideal weight before getting preggo. So all in all I think it's ok.

    I wanted to keep active, but to be honest after at day at the office, my toddler, my teenage daughter I am pooped out and usually in bed by 8pm.

    Congrats to all on your babies! and Lindsie, I bought that book and I found some helpful stuff but also some troubling parts about preterm labour. scared me a little and I have stopped reading it. Lol Good job on being on the treadmill 4-5 times a week. :)