Keep binging on weekends help

I keep binging really badly on weekends were I can eat about 2500-3000 calories a day. I am so good through the week and I en up feeling rubbish on Sunday evenings because I have eaten everything in site for the last few days. I try so hard not to do it but I can't help it. How do I stop??


  • TapouTFTW
    It is evident you weekend is not scheduled. I say this, because we have a set order of business during the work week. We have to plan it out. Weekends, no so much.

    Step 1 - Plan you weekend meals

    Next thing, you probably do not have any fixed tasks to accomplish. The weekend is you own after all. Set up some tasks. Maybe something mundane like cleaning or laundry, some DIY project or just heading out with your friends. I think we all know what idle hands are...

    Step 2 - Plan your weekend activity

    This is going to be a kick in the head for a lot of people, but don't stay up "late". There are oodles of studies that show people who stay up later eat. You would normally be asleep at this time and your body is in a different mode. BUT, since you are up and about, you body tells you "Feed Me!" :devil: People who keep regular sleep cycles tend to lose more weight. The weekend can also be a time to catch up on needed rest, to fuel you for the next week or the next workout. Resting is paramount for recovery.

    Step 3 - Don't be a night owl, get some sleep.

    I hope this helps.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    [ To be read in "wise old grandfather" voice ]

    For everything in life there are a million reasons to, and a million reasons not to. All of those reasons are valid. During the week you choose one of the reasons to. On the weekends you choose one of the reasons not to. Next weekend choose differently.

    It really is that simple.
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    I'm not sure about you, but I tend to go on big eating raids when my anxiety begins to peak. I've noticed two triggers: 1) procrastinating some big project or task, and the due date is impending (the next day?) and 2) staying up too late. For some reason, if I run myself ragged and refuse to go to bed (a bad habit I'm trying to break) I'll suddenly kind of be in this weird groggy state where I just want to go eat.

    If I do get in the mood to start eating everything in sight, I'll either get out of the house (and go for a walk.) This does two things. First, it gets me away from the food. Second, the exercise might help mitigate the stress. Sometimes going to bed works, too (if you can get to sleep, and I never, EVER have these eating attacks in the a.m. or afternoon.)

    I also keep a big tupperware container full of low-cal snacks I can try to turn to (though it's tough if there's something like, say, ice cream sandwiches in the fridge or peanut butter in the cupboard!)

    Good luck. It's rough stuff, I know...