Having trouble keeping motivated

So I feel fat. My clothes barely fit. I need, at the very least, to stop gaining weight, not only for my health but for the functionality of my closet. The problem is, I start out the day feeling motivated, and then it just trickles away. I start eating right, and then give into my cravings by lunchtime. I mean to exercise, but don't like getting up early and don't like messing up my hair and makeup later in the day. I know that must sound incredibly lame and lazy to all you fit people out there. But that's who I am right now. Anyone out there who used to be like me? What got you over the edge, psychologically? How did you keep yourself motivated for more than a few hours?


  • Jormit3
    I have the same exact problem. Everyday starts out okay, but as the day goes on I get busier and its harder to stay on track. I'll make one little slip up and think , " we'll the day's ruined, might as well not even try anymore". I have found though that per preparing snacks that are healthy like nuts, or yogurt, can help keep me on track. When I get the mid-day munches ill reach for a granola bar or apple to curb my hunger. It also helps to remind yourself that weightless is day by day. Try to make each day better than the last. You can do it!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,053 Member
    :flowerforyou: Check out this post. I thought it was great!


    Good luck

    Edited to add the link I forgot.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    If one is COMMITTED to their goal, then motivation isn't an issue. So have a pow wow with yourself and figure out if you are doing this just to do it, or are you going to do WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO (safely) to reach your goal? No obstacles, setbacks, negative progress, etc. will deter you. You schluff it off and come back stronger the next day. Commitment is the key.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    Either you want to change or you don't ... motivation doesn't really play a role in this - like you said - what happens when your motivation is gone - you go back to your old habits

    For me, I had to make a change because I had let my health come in second for so long, that it was affecting me - I started having problems even just walking down the block without getting back pain

    I am not a morning person, so I exercise in the afternoons or evenings

    I don't like the gym, so I walk a couple of miles daily - I walk @ 2.5 miles per hour but at least I am doing something more than I was previously

    I did not cook - now I cook 95% of my meals - if I eat out, I go somewhere where I know that there are healthy options

    There are always excuses and reasons to not exercise / not eat healthy

    If you need to be motivated to change, then you are not ready to change
  • liftsforchocolate
    Though I still have problems once in a while, I've had the most success waking up around 4:30, breakfast that I like to eat (proats with almond butter), and then working out. If you workout early, you won't have to hold it off/procrastinate and will make better choices for the rest of the day.

    I used to often tell myself I would workout later on in the day but would end up eating unhealthy and never worked out because I thought I had ruined the day (which was sooo stupid).

    You really just have to make it a part of your day. I went to the gym almost every morning this way no matter how tired or unmotivated I was. Always worked out, but to lift heavier I needed motivation (I just thought of how I would look like if I kept it up)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Always got to go back to the core reason

    ask yourself WHY am I doing this , is this what I really want ? , make it your mission to achieve what u want .

    Its the only way you will stay motivated . The "reason" will keep you pushing forward , or simply make you sit back and do nothing about your life .

    Everything in life is choice and where you are sitting right now is a result of the decisions you made , think wisely and make the right decision of what you want your future or continue to suffer . choice is always yours
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Either you want to change or you don't ... motivation doesn't really play a role in this - like you said - what happens when your motivation is gone - you go back to your old habits

    For me, I had to make a change because I had let my health come in second for so long, that it was affecting me - I started having problems even just walking down the block without getting back pain

    I am not a morning person, so I exercise in the afternoons or evenings

    I don't like the gym, so I walk a couple of miles daily - I walk @ 2.5 miles per hour but at least I am doing something more than I was previously

    I did not cook - now I cook 95% of my meals - if I eat out, I go somewhere where I know that there are healthy options

    There are always excuses and reasons to not exercise / not eat healthy

    If you need to be motivated to change, then you are not ready to change


    Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.
  • Beet_Girl
    Everything in life is choice and where you are sitting right now is a result of the decisions you made , think wisely and make the right decision of what you want your future or continue to suffer . choice is always yours

    I like that thought.

    Clearly, I'm not 100% committed and willing to do whatever it takes. I do want to change, but not enough to be all in all the time. Sigh.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    what's you idea of "eating right?" A few things that people go wrong with is 1) making too drastic of a change overnight...doing a complete 180* overnight isn't really advisable; 2) people in general tend to have very little knowledge of actual proper nutrition...so "eating right" often means eating bland and boring...sucking on celery sticks and eating nothing but dry salads and fat free...super calorie restrictions, etc.

    To make a lasting lifestyle change is going to take work...that work starts with baby steps...setting daily nutritional and fitness goals; you're not going to right the ship overnight. Also, "eating right" doesn't have to mean deprivation and agony. Do some research on proper nutrition and you will soon realize that indeed you can enjoy yourself while getting plenty of nutrition and that you don't have to starve yourself to get results.
  • iambart88
    iambart88 Posts: 3 Member
    I do agree that motivation is what will drive you to keep it up long term, but I also have some suggestions for how to set yourself up for success when the motivation feels like its hard work. Plan everything ahead of time over the weekend. Package your meals and snacks so that it is easy to just bring what you already counted out for calories. Look up easy and healthy recipes that will have leftovers and make that. If you're able to work out in the morning, go for it! If not, put time in your calendar to work out in the afternoon, and make a weekly plan for what days you'll exercise and what you'll do.

    I sometimes fill out my MFP for the week on Sunday, and then only adjust as needed during the week if I end up having a change of plans. It will make you feel more like you're just sticking to the plan instead of doing extra work duringt he week. Hopefully as your body and mind change and you feel success and energy, you'll gain motivation and will want to keep it up.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    do not let emotions dictate your goals to you.

    1.) make a goal.
    2.)do the things to get to the goal.
    3.) meet goal

    there should be no "I feel like's" in that process.
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    You asked a million dollar question and all we can give you is thousand dollar answers... When your finally FED UP with the fat feeling you will make the decision to change.... I have to wash my hair everyday now but it worth it because after every workout I 'm a step closer to my goal...

    I hope you find the motivation you need to get started and stay motivated!!
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    Either you want to change or you don't ... motivation doesn't really play a role in this - like you said - what happens when your motivation is gone - you go back to your old habits

    For me, I had to make a change because I had let my health come in second for so long, that it was affecting me - I started having problems even just walking down the block without getting back pain

    I am not a morning person, so I exercise in the afternoons or evenings

    I don't like the gym, so I walk a couple of miles daily - I walk @ 2.5 miles per hour but at least I am doing something more than I was previously

    I did not cook - now I cook 95% of my meals - if I eat out, I go somewhere where I know that there are healthy options

    There are always excuses and reasons to not exercise / not eat healthy

    If you need to be motivated to change, then you are not ready to change
    So true on this!
    I was like you where so many times in the past, I decide to diet and either by the end of the day or the next, off of it.
    Like you it was getting to the point that there was so few items in my closet that I could wear and I was shamed when shopping for workpants, had to get the men plus size and cried in Macy's dressing room when 3X's no longer fit. But I still didn't commit.
    What happen to change me was a major health scare when visiting the doctor I was right at stoke point. This was my motivated moment. I went out that afternoon and stuggle to walk a half mile panting and sweating. Nothing like being so close to a stoke to make me motivated to change.
    But I'm a night owl (from working late shifts and graveyard for decades) and didn't care too much for salads. But I was going to make changes.
    I walk often mid afternoon or evening (before daylight savings). I purchased a steamer top for a pot and start steaming veggies.
    It was so hard and there were times when I was at Sonic about to order when I thought about being dead.
    That first month,each day was a struggle. I'm an excellent cook,but no more gumbos, quiches loaded with cheese. Also not eating a full package of bacon at one sitting. I would look at the sucess page on this site and see people who had broke the cycle.
    I also told myself this weight didn't come on overnight and not to expect to lose it overnight.
    I also ask myself when feeling low, am I'm worth living and being better?
    It's not going to be easy,but please stay motivated BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HEALTHY!
    Much love from Memphis!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: