I feel miserable about myself, help?

I guess this thanksgiving I didn't go home. So I'm all alone on campus. Everything closed, no one is here except for some people, but I don't know them. It's been the longest 4 days ever... and today it's getting to me... I feel so depressed... usually I'm not as depressed... Also I feel so ugly because I gained so much weight over the years... I used to be 113, now im 135! I'm 5'2 so I'm definitely overweight... my girl friend said that I'm beautiful and I'm not fat or chubby... But I still feel ugly because I was better before than I am now... It's so hard to get back on track... please help me? How can I start again? I used to work out everyday, 3 hours a day, 6 days a week... now it feels like a chore trying to workout everyday... and also I want to look thin and tone, i want a girly body, help?


  • kaitlinrosex3
    Same thing happened to me I was 103 now 135 5 foot 2ish and I feel like im humongous. I lost a few pounds by stopping eating after 8 pm and not going out to eat as much. Also, try eating apples. When I eat them I get the sugar I want and not as hungry. Also, if you crave ice cream or chocolate try the weight watcher stuff or if u go out for ice cream get frozen yogurt taste them same but less fat. You just got to change some stuff up and try doing extra activities if u hate working out. If u have a dog trying taking him for a walk or get one of ur friends to go out and play a sport. Its worth a try, I hope I helped some what.
  • SyreetaJayne1
    You've definitely come to the right place. You won't find a better, more supportive and knowledgeable group who will cheer you on towards your goals. If you haven't already, be sure to write down your goals for yourself. One thing that is important tho, if you can't learn to love yourself at 135, you may find you won't love yourself when you get to 115. I would suggest getting a copy of Bob Harper's book, "Are You Ready", it really helps tackle those types of issues. Otherwise you'll find yourself on a merry-go-round. The good new s is you can start from anywhere! Get your goals down on here (myfitnesspal), and start taking care of yourself. find the exercise and foods you can enjoy while learning to be healthy. You can do it!!! Best of luck to you on this journey!!
  • kahroleena22
    kahroleena22 Posts: 14 Member
    Find your "soul mate" workout. Something you actually look forward to doing every day! Running on a treadmill or using an elliptical bores the crap out of me! So I end up doing group classes @ the gym when I can. Having that accountability has helped a lot! :)
  • iknowicaniknowican
    Aww jaded firt off consider yourself hugged. You need to start small and maybe go for a walk . Try and do something you enjoy while your alone on campus. Put some tunes on and just dance , read a good book or maybe some good old tabloid type mags. I hate to sound corny but this too shall pass. Cindy :heart:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: (((hugs))):flowerforyou:
    Sorry you had a bummer of a holiday-:frown:
    If your exercise routine is getting you down:grumble: and your hating the idea of it then CHANGE it!:noway:
    All different types out there- Try different classes Zumba is fun and burns a wad of cals (plus you get to meet new people).
    Hot yoga- you'll be drenched, Pilates or kettlebells you'll be amazed in the difference in a short time...
    NOTHING says you HAVE to go to the gym and get on a piece of equipment for an hour or two-
    Experiment and shake things up!
    And girl, your young and not to heavy (many others are trying to loose 100+ pounds) GO MEET PEOPLE (they are), don't wait for them to come to you!:wink:
    Best wishes for a Happier Holiday and a marvelous New Year!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Alone at Thanksgiving is awful as I know from experience. Remember, they all start coming back tomorrow. Tonight, take a bubble bath, or listen to your fav song/movie and treat yourself. We are here for support and you can do this. Depression is a big sapper of motivation. Try joining one of the weight loss groups on here that have weekly weigh ins. I know that motivates me to keep going. Find a class at the school gym you enjoy, like Zumba, and sign up. Add me as a friend if you want.

    You CAN do this! Good luck!
  • AlyssaC2010
    Like one or two people said, try a group class. The university I go to offers a ton of classes many times a day for students. There's spinning, zumba, yoga with different levels, kickboxing, abs, various dance classes, and more. You should check on the website or at the fitness center to find the different classes that are offered. And maybe you could find a buddy that you go to other classes with. I haven't actually gone to a group fitness class yet...I'm a little nervous to go by myself lol but I may end up going next semester.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    bummer--good thing you posted and got it out. Start with small goals--walk around campus, sign up for ballroom dancing or something completely different. Make adjustments as you find out what works for you and log every day--helps keep you on track. we'll be here for you!
  • SailorBoyFoster
    I am only 5.4 and used to weigh 220!!! Ive worked hard and it felt like a chore at times, but once you get started you cant stop! Keep the moto up and you will find yourself at 113 again in no time :) Set goals such as run times too, so you can see progress even on the weeks you dont lose anything.

    Proudly 160
  • SailorBoyFoster
    Also, can you get on the base (DM). Every time I visit my brother in Tucson I hit that airforce gym there... One of the sweetest gyms ive been to.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    flowers.gif from a fellow Wildcat! In fact, I grew up in Tucson.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Just so you know, 135 pounds at your height is actually still within a healthy BMI. Just thought that might encourage you--you aren't actually overweight.:flowerforyou:
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Oh well I can relate... something about being alone during the holidays that gets to you. But the feeling will pass i promise and it gets better :wink: . Spend time with your friends, have a study group of something, it will give you something to focus on and forget that feeling, that's how i deal with it and it works! :bigsmile:

    I'm also 5'2" and have pack on a whooping 40lbs :noway: in the past 3 years :sad: started college weighing 106, am embarrass to say that now i'm almost 140! :grumble: but don't feel depressed, focus on working out (if you enjoy exercising) or having a healthier diet. Cheers! :flowerforyou:
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Just so you know, 135 pounds at your height is actually still within a healthy BMI. Just thought that might encourage you--you aren't actually overweight.:flowerforyou:

    Ditto :) 135 was my goal weight, and I'm 5'2 lol! Maybe I'm comfortable here beacuse of my frame & how I hold my weight...I cannot imagine being 113, I would look gaunt.

    Best of luck getting to where you feel comfortable:smile: