Looking to lose 50 lbs in 3 months



  • FindingMyPerfection
    My name is Jan and I am new to this site. I would say ignore all rude and condescending messages. Its all a mind thing - you can lose weight if you are determined. Lose weight by being sensible and eating healthy food and going for a brisk walk every day, pushing a pushchair uphill will make it more effective!( If you have a young child) Certainly count calories to guide you and weigh your food. Plan ahead so that you have always got something you can eat when you get hungry. Make shopping lists for a week ahead. All this works for me. 1200 calories is a good amount to aim at.
    I am a granny and have been overweight for most of my life. I am now trying to get healthy as I don't want diabetes etc. Good luck !

    Sound advice Jan.

    Welcome. Newbie myself.
    Please don't think the metabolism and needs of a granny are in any way the same as a young woman's! You know nothing about her and give her a cal target? This is not responsible, and in some cases can be harmful. Please just don't!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    My name is Jan and I am new to this site. I would say ignore all rude and condescending messages. Its all a mind thing - you can lose weight if you are determined. Lose weight by being sensible and eating healthy food and going for a brisk walk every day, pushing a pushchair uphill will make it more effective!( If you have a young child) Certainly count calories to guide you and weigh your food. Plan ahead so that you have always got something you can eat when you get hungry. Make shopping lists for a week ahead. All this works for me. 1200 calories is a good amount to aim at.
    I am a granny and have been overweight for most of my life. I am now trying to get healthy as I don't want diabetes etc. Good luck !

    Sound advice Jan.

    Welcome. Newbie myself.
    Please don't think the metabolism and needs of a granny are in any way the same as a young woman's! You know nothing about her and give her a cal target? This is not responsible, and in some cases can be harmful. Please just don't!

    I'm sure the OP will be following the calories set out by MFP - Sound advice was the healthy food and being active stuff.

    I think I have set out my stall on my post above!

    After all doesn't everybody know about the energy balance equation?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Congratulations for the upcoming happy day! :D

    Ok the basic calculation goes like this.

    In order to lose 1 lbs in a week you have to burn 3500 calories. Which means per day you have burn 500 calories.

    You can burn 500 calories a day with a proper diet and exercise,.

    Given below are some of the tricks that works for me. Maybe you can get an idea with that.

    1. Never eat anything less than 1200 calories. You need this much of calories for your basic body functions. Do not starve yourself.

    2. Drink about 2 litres of water daily.

    3. Eat 3 meals with 2 snacks in between.

    4. Try not to eat too much processed food or fizzy drinks.

    5. Exercise daily. Both cardio and weight-lifting are important. I do weight-lifting 3 days a week and cardio everyday for at least 45 minutes. [There is a technique called High Intensity. I can't do that due to weak knees. So I go low intensity].

    6. TRACK EVERYTHING you eat. This might not look that important, but if you can do this for a week, you would see how, when what food that we eat add unnecessary calories.

    7. I do not believe in cheat meals but you can keep one meal every week to eat anything you like. This habit I tried unsuccessfully because it makes my food cravings become really bad. Its easier to avoid it all together and forget about how it tasted than eating it once a week and crave for it the rest of the week :D

    These are the very basic steps. Feel free to drop me a message if you like :)

    Good luck!

    EDIT: Please re-think about eating 800 calories because it is an extreme diet. Also, 3 months is a rather too short a period to lose 50 - 70 lbs.
    There are some good points here but some of it is just personal preference. the amount of meals a day make no difference to weight loss as will processed food and fizzy drinks.

    To boil it down you need to set a sensible deficit with MFP I would suggest setting your goals to 1 pound a week considering the amount you have to lose. Then just track all your food accurately and set your goals realistically you will not lose 50 pounds in 3 months in a healthy way and keep it off long term. Also add some moderate exercise in there for fitness (your diet is for weightloss0. You do not need to cut foods or food groups out in reality you van have anything in moderation but what you will find is healthier options will likely be lower calorie. Remember you never put 50 pounds on overnight so it wont come off that quick either.

    Good luck
  • FindingMyPerfection
    My name is Jan and I am new to this site. I would say ignore all rude and condescending messages. Its all a mind thing - you can lose weight if you are determined. Lose weight by being sensible and eating healthy food and going for a brisk walk every day, pushing a pushchair uphill will make it more effective!( If you have a young child) Certainly count calories to guide you and weigh your food. Plan ahead so that you have always got something you can eat when you get hungry. Make shopping lists for a week ahead. All this works for me. 1200 calories is a good amount to aim at.
    I am a granny and have been overweight for most of my life. I am now trying to get healthy as I don't want diabetes etc. Good luck !

    Sound advice Jan.

    Welcome. Newbie myself.
    Please don't think the metabolism and needs of a granny are in any way the same as a young woman's! You know nothing about her and give her a cal target? This is not responsible, and in some cases can be harmful. Please just don't!

    I'm sure the OP will be following the calories set out by MFP - Sound advice was the healthy food and being active stuff.

    I think I have set out my stall on my post above!

    After all doesn't everybody know about the energy balance equation?
    The bolded is a dangerous assumption, especially when the op has unreasonable goals.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    OP, there plenty of good post and advice in here. I would highly suggest reading the below thread as well. Education is key to meeting results. The question you should be asking yourself is what is your true long term goal. Do you want to be skinny so you look good in clothes or be fit so you look good in a bathing suit. The first is easy and you see this with a lot of people who eat 1200 calories or less. The second takes more work as tennisdude point as because it requires adequate calories to preserve lean body mass (lbm). LBM is what makes a body tight and lean. The more muscle you have, the more you will weigh but the more lean you will be. In fact, you can lose more inches and have a slimmer waist line even when your weight is greater (link #2). So realistically, look at your goals.. both long and short and set up your goals to there.


  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    Okay my opinion is this losing that amount of weight could mean your not around on your wedding day you will be ill, start today get clean on food so target to eat as much fresh food as possible and start a work out I suggest starting small and building , you wont lose all that weight but you will tone a bit and look glowing and look better than you do now surely that's the best things id much rather be a glowing healthy toned bride than a gaunt looking skinny one stay healthy sensible and you will look amazing xxx
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    OP, there plenty of good post and advice in here. I would highly suggest reading the below thread as well. Education is key to meeting results. The question you should be asking yourself is what is your true long term goal. Do you want to be skinny so you look good in clothes or be fit so you look good in a bathing suit. The first is easy and you see this with a lot of people who eat 1200 calories or less. The second takes more work as tennisdude point as because it requires adequate calories to preserve lean body mass (lbm). LBM is what makes a body tight and lean. The more muscle you have, the more you will weigh but the more lean you will be. In fact, you can lose more inches and have a slimmer waist line even when your weight is greater (link #2). So realistically, look at your goals.. both long and short and set up your goals to there.



    Big thumbs up for Nerd Fitness. :smile:
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    My name is Jan and I am new to this site. I would say ignore all rude and condescending messages. Its all a mind thing - you can lose weight if you are determined. Lose weight by being sensible and eating healthy food and going for a brisk walk every day, pushing a pushchair uphill will make it more effective!( If you have a young child) Certainly count calories to guide you and weigh your food. Plan ahead so that you have always got something you can eat when you get hungry. Make shopping lists for a week ahead. All this works for me. 1200 calories is a good amount to aim at.
    I am a granny and have been overweight for most of my life. I am now trying to get healthy as I don't want diabetes etc. Good luck !

    Sound advice Jan.

    Welcome. Newbie myself.
    Please don't think the metabolism and needs of a granny are in any way the same as a young woman's! You know nothing about her and give her a cal target? This is not responsible, and in some cases can be harmful. Please just don't!

    I'm sure the OP will be following the calories set out by MFP - Sound advice was the healthy food and being active stuff.

    I think I have set out my stall on my post above!

    After all doesn't everybody know about the energy balance equation?
    The bolded is a dangerous assumption, especially when the op has unreasonable goals.

    Sorry it was a tongue in cheek remark.

    Aimed back at you - for the assumption of not understanding metabolic rates!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    BTW, below is what you should aim for on average. Although, the first few weeks you can see high water weight losses.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Hi Janieboo,

    50 - 70lbs in 3 months could be a little unhealthy but it's not that long of a period of time so dw gurl it'll be all good, i'll help you out start off aggressive. you could try dropping your calories straight to about 800 a day. eat whatever you want but only 800 calories worth of it then that's it. drink only water try and get everything low sodium aswell and you should probably walk for about 45 minutes a day at a solid pace and you'll be on the right path to losing close to 70lbs before your big day!!! :D xD

    Good luck babe
    God Bless u xo <3

    Very bad advice dont listen !!

    Truly bad advice. Unhealthy. Unrealistic. Do this and after two days you will binge like crazy because you are starving.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    My current weight is 220 i am 27 and i am getting married july 4 i want to lose 50-70 lbs, i know nothing about exercise or dieting i am looking for some peoples stories and maybe some tips or an exercise routine i can do that will help me

    Sorry but there is no quick fix you would need to lose just over 3lbs a week to lose 50lbs by the end of June, if you think you can do then go for it but remember the slower it comes off the longer it will stay off.
    I suggest following a strict 1200 calorie a day diet or whatever is recommended for you from MFP and exercise 5 times a week high intensity speak to someone about the types or level of exercise that will help you achieve your goal but more importantly is safe for you. Don't do any crash diets as the weight will always come back on and more with it and please dont take diet pills they dont work and are unsafe.
    If you are really determined follow the diet plan on here cut out bad foods as in whatever is your weakness mine being bread and savory foods so I've cut down and alcohol if you drink it...have a treat every now and again something small just so you dont feel you are not enjoying the healthy eating plan and best of luck !

    This isn't good advice either. 1200 is too low for her weight.
  • LoopsLinn
    LoopsLinn Posts: 17 Member
    My current weight is 220 i am 27 and i am getting married july 4 i want to lose 50-70 lbs, i know nothing about exercise or dieting i am looking for some peoples stories and maybe some tips or an exercise routine i can do that will help me

    Sorry but there is no quick fix you would need to lose just over 3lbs a week to lose 50lbs by the end of June, if you think you can do then go for it but remember the slower it comes off the longer it will stay off.
    I suggest following a strict 1200 calorie a day diet or whatever is recommended for you from MFP and exercise 5 times a week high intensity speak to someone about the types or level of exercise that will help you achieve your goal but more importantly is safe for you. Don't do any crash diets as the weight will always come back on and more with it and please dont take diet pills they dont work and are unsafe.
    If you are really determined follow the diet plan on here cut out bad foods as in whatever is your weakness mine being bread and savory foods so I've cut down and alcohol if you drink it...have a treat every now and again something small just so you dont feel you are not enjoying the healthy eating plan and best of luck !

    TOTALLY AGREE! Arranging all the wedding plans can become very stressful, adding major weight loss will add to that stress, You don't want to set yourself up for failure. Stick to the MFP recomended calorie intake it works!! Good Luck and congrats. x
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Surely a troll? Nobody could seriously think that they could lose 50lbs in 3 months, could they?

    Also, anyone with a brain in their head will learn that 800 calories a day is a bad idea about a day after starting.

    When you joined MFP it will have set goals for you. Follow them.

    Seriously my first thought was TROLL
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    My current weight is 220 i am 27 and i am getting married july 4 i want to lose 50-70 lbs, i know nothing about exercise or dieting i am looking for some peoples stories and maybe some tips or an exercise routine i can do that will help me

    Sorry but there is no quick fix you would need to lose just over 3lbs a week to lose 50lbs by the end of June, if you think you can do then go for it but remember the slower it comes off the longer it will stay off.
    I suggest following a strict 1200 calorie a day diet or whatever is recommended for you from MFP and exercise 5 times a week high intensity speak to someone about the types or level of exercise that will help you achieve your goal but more importantly is safe for you. Don't do any crash diets as the weight will always come back on and more with it and please dont take diet pills they dont work and are unsafe.
    If you are really determined follow the diet plan on here cut out bad foods as in whatever is your weakness mine being bread and savory foods so I've cut down and alcohol if you drink it...have a treat every now and again something small just so you dont feel you are not enjoying the healthy eating plan and best of luck !

    TOTALLY AGREE! Arranging all the wedding plans can become very stressful, adding major weight loss will add to that stress, You don't want to set yourself up for failure. Stick to the MFP recomended calorie intake it works!! Good Luck and congrats. x

    It's actually MFP's daily NET, not intake.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    My current weight is 220 i am 27 and i am getting married july 4 i want to lose 50-70 lbs, i know nothing about exercise or dieting i am looking for some peoples stories and maybe some tips or an exercise routine i can do that will help me

    Sorry but there is no quick fix you would need to lose just over 3lbs a week to lose 50lbs by the end of June, if you think you can do then go for it but remember the slower it comes off the longer it will stay off.
    I suggest following a strict 1200 calorie a day diet or whatever is recommended for you from MFP and exercise 5 times a week high intensity speak to someone about the types or level of exercise that will help you achieve your goal but more importantly is safe for you. Don't do any crash diets as the weight will always come back on and more with it and please dont take diet pills they dont work and are unsafe.
    If you are really determined follow the diet plan on here cut out bad foods as in whatever is your weakness mine being bread and savory foods so I've cut down and alcohol if you drink it...have a treat every now and again something small just so you dont feel you are not enjoying the healthy eating plan and best of luck !

    This isn't good advice either. 1200 is too low for her weight.

    Simple - For calorie count follow the MFP guidelines.

    Eating too much of a deficit will actually hinder your weight loss goals.
  • expoduck
    My advice? Sensible weight loss and a good corset! :drinker:
  • LoopsLinn
    LoopsLinn Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Janieboo,

    50 - 70lbs in 3 months could be a little unhealthy but it's not that long of a period of time so dw gurl it'll be all good, i'll help you out start off aggressive. you could try dropping your calories straight to about 800 a day. eat whatever you want but only 800 calories worth of it then that's it. drink only water try and get everything low sodium aswell and you should probably walk for about 45 minutes a day at a solid pace and you'll be on the right path to losing close to 70lbs before your big day!!! :D xD

    Good luck babe
    God Bless u xo <3

    Very bad advice dont listen !!

    Truly bad advice. Unhealthy. Unrealistic. Do this and after two days you will binge like crazy because you are starving.

    We need our calories for energy, especially if working out everyday..... you'll become tired, fatigued,lethagric resulting in low motivation, low self esteem and burn out. Follow MFP advice stick to recomended intake and enjoy the weightloss and the wedding planning. You will look stunnning on your big day > x
  • FindingMyPerfection
    My name is Jan and I am new to this site. I would say ignore all rude and condescending messages. Its all a mind thing - you can lose weight if you are determined. Lose weight by being sensible and eating healthy food and going for a brisk walk every day, pushing a pushchair uphill will make it more effective!( If you have a young child) Certainly count calories to guide you and weigh your food. Plan ahead so that you have always got something you can eat when you get hungry. Make shopping lists for a week ahead. All this works for me. 1200 calories is a good amount to aim at.
    I am a granny and have been overweight for most of my life. I am now trying to get healthy as I don't want diabetes etc. Good luck !

    Sound advice Jan.

    Welcome. Newbie myself.
    Please don't think the metabolism and needs of a granny are in any way the same as a young woman's! You know nothing about her and give her a cal target? This is not responsible, and in some cases can be harmful. Please just don't!

    I'm sure the OP will be following the calories set out by MFP - Sound advice was the healthy food and being active stuff.

    I think I have set out my stall on my post above!

    After all doesn't everybody know about the energy balance equation?
    The bolded is a dangerous assumption, especially when the op has unreasonable goals.

    Sorry it was a tongue in cheek remark.

    Aimed back at you - for the assumption of not understanding metabolic rates!!!
    Sorry, but I will assume people are less informed, till they show otherwise. :flowerforyou:
  • tgabmac
    tgabmac Posts: 46 Member
    First of all welcome and congratulations on your big day. Though it's really ambitious, it it not necessarily possible. Fast weight loss is 10 pounds a month (and this can be extreme). Most of the initial weight will be water weight. Also, the scale is just a number. For weeks, my numbers would not go down, but my inches did. Just aim for healthy eating and resistance training instead. NEVER EVER EVER eat below 1200 calories. Your body will go into starvation and you will be stuck in a rut. Eat a good amount of protein to stay full...


    You are getting married! They obviously love you for who you are. Don't let the scale make you forget that!
  • LoopsLinn
    LoopsLinn Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, MFP recomended Daily Net..........Thank you:wink: