My Vegan Journey

Hello, my name is Sarah and I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. I began using this just a few days ago on my iPhone and then just logged on to see what the site has. I'm delited to see that it has a community of so many people coming together for the same goal. I haven't really seen anyone on yet that has such an overwhelming amount of weight to lose as I do but I've come to learn that everyones weight loss journey is different and although you may only have 50 lbs to lose those 50 lbs to you are just as important as my 300 are to me.
I have a very big undertaking and I think the biggest thing for me is to not look back at all of my thousands of failed weight loss attempts and to just attack this with renewed vigor. Never before have I been in such dire need of losng this weight. I have constant extreme pain in my legs and it has made it very difficult for me to be mobile. At this point I'm embarrassed to say I have a hard time even getting down the hall to the restroom. I am forcing myself through this pain though and have begun a very nutritious diet. When I say diet I now mean just my way of eating not "diet" in the typical way of thinking.
I have become a vegan because from my hours and hours of research I believe that it is truly healthy and will help with my arthritis pain and possibly even my asthma.
Well, I've babbled on long enough. I look forward to getting to meet you all. :) Have a wonderul night.


  • sltx1002
    sltx1002 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there! I love the way you're thinking - about the future instead of the past attempts.

    Good luck on your journey. You can do this!!
  • aquariuscutie123
    ive been considering going vegan for years. i wud love to have that lifestlye. it seems so healthy! :)

    all the luck in the world to u girl :)
  • myranda2888
    myranda2888 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I would have to agree that I love the way you are looking upon this. :D I wish all the best of luck to you, and just know that you can do it!

    Also, I praise you for being able to take the steps of being a vegan (not that anything is wrong with being a carnivore either), I, myself, have attempt a couple of times, but right now I guess I'll just continue to be a vegetarian.

    Once again, many, many wishes to you!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    HEY! welcome hope you like it here haha this is a great place for everyone and i will personally never go vegan but i wish you the best

    lance :drinker:
  • pittgal08
    pittgal08 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all so much. I'm so excited and it's gonna be a long journey but what is it they say it's not the destination it's the journey? Or something like that haha.
    No, absolutely nothing wrong with being a carnivore ha. I became a vegan for health reasons not for ethical ones. Although, I do have to say they definitely could find a more humane way of treating the animals. I intend to go completely Raw Vegan at some point but I need to transition to that.
  • annabanana05
    hey i have considered going vegan. let me know how it works. good luck
  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    You can do it, lady!!! Stay strong and know that there will be good days and bad. Don't give up on those bad days, just push a little harder. You have my support and my prayers.
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Be sure to find good protein sources and get all of your daily vitamins/minerals. :)
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    I've gone vegan before to help with some health problems I was having at the time, and BOY, what a difference!!! I wish you all the best on this. I love your attitude about this- you can do it! Exercise and nutrition are important factors, but what we sometimes don't realize is that support is another big factor! Stick to this site like glue, especially on bad days-- it has been a huge motivator for me!
  • mscott45
    mscott45 Posts: 3 Member
    What a lovely way to introduce yourself. I'm vegan by nature (ethics) but have been eating a little fish for health reasons as my protein intake wasn't good enough.

    I have a fair amount of weight to lose - about 5 stone, I'm not sure how many pounds that is (what's 5 x 14?!). We've got a long battle ahead of us!

    My nutritionist has recommended eating more oils to teach my body to burn fat, and to cut out sugar completely. I'm trying! I do love home-made vegetable juices, they make me feel alive. But it's hard to summon up the energy to make them!

    Good luck with your weight-loss journey. May you enjoy it and continue to inspire others with your positive outlook.

    Michelle x
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hi dear welcome, good points just gotta take it one day at a time and u can do it. i,m a vegetarian 5 years now, i do eat eggs and fish bc i wanna be sensible at the same time. my dr was about to put me on meds for type 2 diabetes and i beat it, no more probs. ur skin will be gr8 and you are going to feel wonderful. mine u its not easy bc when u go to parties or cook out u may not find any food, also eating out can be hard at times but u eventually learn to live with it. now i,m working on portion control. look me up and lets keep in touch
  • Fruit4dessert
    Fruit4dessert Posts: 150 Member
    I agree with you that a vegan diet is the healthiest, and I wish you lots and lots of luck in your journey!

    P.S. If you want any vegan cookbook recommendations, I'm sort of a vegan cookbook junkie and would love to make recommendations! :)
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I sincerely wish you the best of luck. This site is a great place to help track everything and gain support. :)

    I'm a long-time vegetarian, but vegan as of the past year (ethical). I have definitely seen an overall improvement in my health and healthier looking skin as an added bonus - so I wish you well with it if it's something that works for you!
  • Oida1310
    :-D what a nice topic...!!!! I am also vegetarian, that from time to time goes Vegan (like right now) but then I go back to Vegetarian, because I live in Italy and I have zero immunity to their hand-made Ice-crem...:-/ so sorry but it too good :-x But I feel sorry for animals and I really solved my quite seriouse health issues with vegan style of life...and I lost I stonrgly raccomend it...:-D
  • Agnesgooche
    Have been Vegan for a year now and feel fantastic. Lost 70 pounds and could stop taking pain meds for arthritis. I do both the raw program through and follow the cooked program through both sites are very informative and supportive, but find that myfitnesspal is great for following through.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I wish you the best with your journey and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I think you have a wonderful attitutude!
  • pratrat150
    I agree with you that a vegan diet is the healthiest, and I wish you lots and lots of luck in your journey!

    P.S. If you want any vegan cookbook recommendations, I'm sort of a vegan cookbook junkie and would love to make recommendations! :)

    ooh I want vegan cookbook recommendations!! have any that dont use too many 'vegan substitutes" (aka tofutti, earth balance, etc.)? I want some good recipes that just use a lot of healthy grains, veggies and beans. lemme know if you think of any! thanks!
  • LoserCruiser
    Good for you for your positive attitude! I wish you lots of luck in your future healthy lifestyle!
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    I love veganomicon. the same authors did a brunch book and the infamous vegan cookies invade your cookie jar.
    there are tons of vegan blogs that have great recipes, two favs are chez bettay and c'est la vegan. Good luck
  • ctlynn
    Nava Atlas' Vegan Express is my favorite cookbook. Meals in 30 minutes or less, and each recipe comes with links to side dishes so you can compose a whole, balanced meal quickly.