Any 5'11 girls?



  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    It is so good to see regular numbers (well regular in my world!!!!). To see all you beautiful women and what 165 can look like or 180 on us tall girls just makes me feel better. I am always trying to figure out what I look like because I think I can have a bit of body dismorphia. Does anyone remember that show that they line up women of all different weights and then have the 1 woman stand next to who they think is their body match? Every time the woman saw themselves as larger. Usually by 2/3 sizes!! Another observation, everyone is being nice in this thread. Some of the forums just get mean and annoying. So thank you all for that!

    Oh and I love wearing heels but feel like I walk horribly in them now. My guy is 6'5" so it is great when he and I are eye to eye and we walk into a room. :) However it was always weird to lean down to kiss someone when I dated guys my height or just a little bit taller. I hated that feeling and I don't care what anyone says, it does feel different when lying down in bed with a guy who is shorter. When your feet pass theirs, you can feel it....
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    Jut thought of this, 1 time I was walking in SF at night with my 5' girlfriend. A man asked us for directions. She ignored him and started walking away fast. I stopped told him where the street was and how to get there. I chased after her and asked what was up with that??? She said "I can't take chances. I never talk to strangers at night". Given I am the size of the average man, it has never occurred to me to be scared while my short friends live with that fear I guess pretty regularly. I figure only a crazy criminal is going to try to take down the lion ;). Although on my first blind date with my guy, he wanted to pick me up but because he is so tall himself, I told him no. I was like, he could actually take me....
  • khallmt
    khallmt Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to see there are other 5'11 girls who have goals similar to mine! I'm shooting to get back to 145. That was my weight when I felt I was at my most fit. I was starting to wonder if I should feel guilty for wanting to lose a couple pounds. I think I must have some slight body dysmorphia as well. My boyfriend and I were looking at some pictures of me from high school where I thought I looked fantastic, and he thought I looked too skinny. That is part of why I set my goal weight to be about 10 pounds more than I was in high school.

    As for the heels, I'm in a wedding this summer where, for the first time ever, I can get away with wearing heels. My boyfriend and I are the same height, so I never wear them. However, the groomsman I'm walking with is 6'8"! I'm definitely using this as an excuse to wear heels (at least for the ceremony).
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Here I was hoping... and again, I'm bigger than the lot of you haha :) It's all good. Sucks to be such a tall fatty sometimes.

    I'm 6'1" and currently in the 420s. I've yet to find someone on here comparable. :)
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm 5'11''...although I think a wee bit taller first thing in the morning, lol. I am currently about 172. Last time I had my weigh in it was 171.2 and then period/PMS hit. I'd say I wouldn't mind hitting 159 and then re-evaluating how I look and feel. I'm a tight size 10 right now. I would just like to be a loose 8 and not feel anything jiggle when I run. Is that too much to ask? :bigsmile:
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 5'10" tall, weight currently 268, working towards getting to 200lbs then I will see. At 200lbs I am a size 14 (currently a 16/18)

    Feel free to add me as a friend. It is VERY nice to see other tall women stories on here. :)

    oh and heels: yes in my 20's I rocked heels and loved it. Now my poor feet and ankles hate heels, if I could still wear them I would

    (makes all the short girls jealous :laugh: )
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    By the by.... the heels thing, I figured I'd say, I have 3" heels that I wear with pride!!! Sure, it makes me almost 6'5" but I don't care, I love them and they also improve my posture.
  • crimsonandclovers
    I have body dysmorphic disorder but I'm currently undergoing counselling for makes this journey so much harder than it needs to be because no matter how big or small the progress, i physically can't see it! even if my clothes end up baggy and the scale goes down to god knows what number, i still feel just as big and frumpy as before. Fingers crossed the counselling helps.
  • nwrainyday
    Just under 6' here! This is my 2nd go at MFP, and last time my goal was 140, but I stopped at 150 because I looked and felt great. I'm guessing a lot of us are in the same boat in that we were the rail thin, tall girls in school! I have been this tall since I was about 15. And at that time I was 125lbs soaking wet. I literally ate everything and stuffed myself at every meal/snack. I had no idea how to eat to simply be full, I was chasing the pounds. Fast forward, now I'm having to learn moderation, portion control, and all that great stuff (blah) to keep myself at a moderate/healthy weight. You can probably figure it out from my ticker - I'm at about 164 now and want to get down to 150 again. I'm taking it really slow so hopefully it is easier to keep off this time.

    Also, I agree with everyone that having some muscle instead of being boney thin is ideal. Being stronger is a healthy goal and I definitely want to incorporate it into my lifestyle. But again, this lady never had to work out or be very active, so it's a big lifestyle change. Part of my identity is being lazy. So, we'll see! I know what I want, and how to get there, which is half the battle!

    Oh and heels? Nah. I'm not a person that enjoys standing out in a crowd. I blend surprisingly well for a nearly 6' woman and I prefer it that way. But I'm also the least judgy person you'll ever meet, and think it's great when other tall woman have the confidence to wear what they want (heels, or whatever).

    Stay strong and stay focused, ladies!
  • EmmaNilsson77
    EmmaNilsson77 Posts: 38 Member
    5'10ish here, and about 15 pounds from my goal of 170. Add me if you like!

    I'm currently wearing size 8. I keep questioning if maybe I shouldn't go for closer to 160, but I am finding myself already quite angular... I suppose I shall just get there, then reassess.

    As for heels... oh, I have never been ashamed to stand out in grandiose fashion. My current favorite outfit consists of 4" heels, flower print leggings, and a beautifully matching orange sweater. I'm a singer; I come by the diva style and attitude quite honestly. :P
  • mtns2010
    mtns2010 Posts: 17 Member
    The nice thing about being tall is the odd five pounds or so isn't really significant. The bad thing is you need to lose 20+ pounds drop a jeans size. :-D

    Isn't that the truth! I'm 5'10" and compared to shorter friends, I feel like we can definitely get away with a lot more! But on the downside, I'm working on losing a pants size, and it seems to be taking me forever.

    It's really interesting hearing the differences of our healthy weights and sizes, even though we are all similar in height.

    My scale's on the blink, but I'm somewhere around 170 and aiming for a size 10, which should put me at a weight of around 150-160. My feel-confident-in-a bikini weight is 148, but I can usually maintain 155 pretty easily with my regular eating habits and a "normal" amount of recreation (which means it's probably a natural weight for me at my age). Alas, I had a few years of way to much stress and not much regular exercise, and it added up, so I'm working my way back down to that range.

    NWRainy Day -- I could have written your post. Yes, I was exactly 125 in the middle of high school and could eat anything. Yes, re: having to learn different habits; and I am totally with you on the heels thing. I love seeing confident, tall women in heels, and think, wow, that's awesome, but I prefer to blend, so I rarely wear much of a heel, if any. (Luckily, I live in a place where practical shoes that can function in the snow or on a hike over the lunch hour are more important than style.)
  • Naturally_EB
    Naturally_EB Posts: 44 Member
    Hey I'm 5'10" I'm aiming for a GW 160.

    As far as wearing heels, I buy what is comfortable and cute! So if I see a pair of 4-5" heels that I can walk in comfortably then consider them bought. I've come to accept that I can't do anything about my height so its best to flaunt it. LOL :wink:
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Sizing is weird though:
    I have no idea what size I was back when I was 165lbs. At least I have no idea what it is today because sizing has changed so much. I had a 30 inch waist and wore a size 11/12 jean.

    I have never been the skinny tall, curvy tall and I always had a bit of belly
  • brownbeauty2013
    brownbeauty2013 Posts: 50 Member
    I am 5'11 and I love to wear my heels when I go out. Ladies be proud we are statuesque amazons and if people can't handle it , their loss. I am currently at 225, want to get down to about 190 and see how i feel. I like my curves, just want more muscle definition and more tone. Just going to get fit and see what I like once I get there! :)
  • k_perlinger
    k_perlinger Posts: 55 Member
    5'10 - currently 163. I'd like to get down to 150, but not sure any lower than that is possible. We'll see when I cross that bridge.
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    Dammit....I'm not a girl nor am I 5'11". Although I think in middle school I was 5'11 at some point. Does that count? And I'm only one X chromosome away from being a woman.
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'11 and 179 right now, down from 220. I want to get to 170 then see where i am. 155 would be the lowest I would want to go, but it's hard to maintain, and I'm old :) Right now I wear a 12, and probably won't be lower than a 9 when I'm done. When I was 135 and way too skinny pre kids I wore a 7.
    Feel free to add me.
  • CurviiRunnr2014
    CurviiRunnr2014 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'9". My first goal is 160 but hope to see 140. It's a wait & see thing. I started at 274.
  • Speazzy
    Speazzy Posts: 79 Member
    Giiiirlll people are lookin' at you in your heels when you're 6'2" because you're hot ;) everybody loves an Amazonian woman! Haha :) but seriously. I used to think I looked like a giant in heels too until, when I expressed this to my grandma (who is 5'8" used to be 5'9") she told me that she thinks tall women are elegant and beautiful :) and so now when I wear heels I think "aww grams"

    My grandma was also super tall, like 5'10" (even in her old age). She was anti-heels and always told me that flats were more flattering. So I rarely wear heels because I feel like I already tower over everyone. BTW the "Amazonian " made me think back to when I was in high school - I used to have blonde hair (please don't judge me) and my brother nicknamed me "Blonde-zilla"!!! He would make Godzilla noises when I would walk down the hall or into a room. It was awful, but funny! I have a friend who is 6'2" or 6'3" and she wears heels all the time. I lack the confidence and the balance!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'm 5'10 and have been at my goal weight of 136 pounds for several months. Last time I had my body fat checked (summer) - it was 16%. I'm a size 4 to 6.

    I don't wear heels on a regular basis but I do like to wear them when I dress up.