Newbie looking for other "many kids" moms (or dads) :)


My name is Holly.

I recently gained about 15 pounds after starting some new medication. I am the mother of five children 11, 10, 9, 7 and 6 (we are a blended family - three of them are naturally mine). I work full time and go to school full time. Being in shape and healthy is important to me.
Running has always been my passion and would typically keep me in a comfortable 140 lb range for my 5'6" frame. I have never been model thin - never cared to be. However I have recently gained weight from what I assume is the medication I am on and over the course of a few weeks shot up to 160 lbs. (My profile pic is old)
Now is the time to get back in shape and take my eating habits and health more seriously.
So I just started Jillian Micheals Body Revolution - I am three days in and am soooooo sore!!!!! Im talking; walking like a mummy, cant bend over or get out of a chair sore. Plus I have shot up three pounds since I started and am retaining water to a point my feet swell anytime i sit or stand for too long.

I could really use some support from friendly folks who may possible navigate the same daily obstacles with similar goals?


  • trippbear
    trippbear Posts: 143 Member
    I have a 11 year old now and am having a new baby March 10. I am so worried about not getting to exercise or eat as healthy as I have been I hope to stay on track and stay motivated once the baby gets here!
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    I've got 3 kids from 8 down to 5 months! I just started my weight loss about a month ago and have since noticed many challenges. A major problem being that after getting home, having dinner, homework, bedtime, I'm doing my exercise at 10:30 next to the bed trying not to wake up my infant. Working through it is part of the challenge though. Not doing any videos, but more than willing to help out with encouragement. Feel free to friend if you like.
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    I am a mom of 3 kids & just recently gained about 7 unwanted pounds(I know it doesn't sound like a lot but it is for me). I'm not going to ask what type medicine you are on, but I Started some myself last May, I just recently stopped in January due to the weight gain. I googled a lot about weight gain on this medicine and it said that doesn't matter how much you work out or eat healthy its impossible to lose weight while being on it (from other people reviews) . So therefore, I stopped it all together. Now of course I am really upset bc of the weight and my body in general from having kids so It's time to do something about it.
  • @trippbear - after having a baby I would encourage you to get lots of rest :)

    The rest will come soon. Congratulations on the little one!
  • @motivatethism - I understand! Ten pounds and I cant fit in my pants any longer. I was amazed (not in a good way) by how the weight just kept adding up. Now that Ive stopped taking it, it doesnt seem to want to come off. I typically run as much as I can with five little ones, but it wasnt helping. Thats why I started this program. I figured if anything it could help me get thigns back on track.
  • MagJam2004 - I can relate to working out late at night. Its hard to get motivated at 10:00 at night, but I already get up at 5 am with the kiddos, so I guess I have to get it in where I can. Lucky for me working out makes me relaxed and tried, not juiced up like some. Good luck!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    SAHM to five, lifting and biking myself into shape!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I have one 18 year old...almost done ;) I am also a new runner.
  • forbiddendonut
    forbiddendonut Posts: 60 Member
    3 kids here! A 7 year old and 4 year old twins. It's really hard to fit in workouts for me. I love running outside so much, but I can't usually get to exercising until the kids are in bed, so I'm stuck running on the treadmill in the garage. I also lift weights twice a week with the hubby after the kids are in bed. It's tough!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey :)
    Hubby and I started training for a marathon, but got sick and then got sick and then got sick, so we downgraded to a half marathon. I'm 5'2 on a good day and currently at about 154. I want to be at 135ish. That would be good for me. I am also in grad school and a full time teacher on top of my 6 kids and being married to a coach....
  • erincricket
    erincricket Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Holly,

    I am on a similar path as you---I have four kids--12, 11,10 and 6.
    Feel free to friend me if you'd like. I have abt 40 lbs to take off.

  • I'm a stay at home mom to 3 (2.5 yr old and 9 month old twins). My husband works 12+ hr night shifts 4-5 nights a week so I'm on my own. I try to get to the gym 2-3 times a week and do a video at home 2-3 nights. But I'm definitely struggling with all the responsibilities and making sure that I'm getting the time I need to make myself healthy! The more support and motivation, the better! Anyone is welcome to add me!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I created this group for moms with lots of kids if you're interested ;)
  • Hello!

    I am a mother of 4 and am a stay at home mom as nobody goes to school yet, lol.

    Son-4 yrs old
    Twin Girls- 2 yrs old
    Son- 3 months old

    Its REALLY crazy to have so many small children very close together in age. I gained a lot of the weight during my pregnancy with the twins. When it finally was coming off I got pregnant again! So now that I've had my tubes tied I want to get rid of this weight once and for all. I breastfed all my kids until they were at least 1 yr old. My first son until he was 14 months and the twins until 12 months and my newborn well of course he is still being fully breastfed. So it is very hard to find the time and the energy to exercise. So for the time being until he sleeps better at night I am concentrating on my diet. I would love some extra motivation as well. Add me if you want :)
  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    Blended family too, with 7 kids,...... 29, 25, 24, 21, 20, 18, 16 (that's right, seven kids... would have been eight, but I lost a daughter)
  • 3U3Mommy- Oh boy! I feel for you! I am also a mother of twins! Its really hard, but as you probably know already it does get easier. Just thought I should mention it to you as I know I would have loved to hear that when my girls were 9 months old.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I've got 4 kids ages 2-8. I'm dealing with chronic back trouble and some other minor health issues. (At least I hope they're minor. I'll find out soon.) I will not be a mother who feels it's hopeless to try to get in shape. I also love to be friends with people who share some of my "struggles". Send me a request if you'd like!