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Wheat Belly diet



  • Ive been on and off wheat since 2007 due to an intolerance. I can list the foods that i avoid, its helped tremendously. If i eat wheat i get bloating, MAJOR fluid retention, my face gets hot, my overall temp rises and i feel terrible.

    I avoid:

    SORBITOL(in chewing gum, candy etc)

    FODMAPS is also worth having a look at. Very interesting as it includes all those and is linked with sugars, dairy and wheat.

    Basically, when i eat wheat, i hold fluid everywhere and i look 9 months pregnant. After stopping it completely my joint pain went completely, my energy increased and i got rid of loads of fluid.

  • Tessgo2010
    Tessgo2010 Posts: 1 Member
    I think you have to look closely at the type of carbohydrates you are eating and if you eat allot of processed foods ( bread and pasta's) then you are likely eating empty carbs that spike you blood sugar. Try mixing up your grains and if you do have a gluten intolerance cut out the wheat ( and other gluten containing grains) Eating gluten free is expensive and time consuming so if you are not fully committed or need to you are going to find it unsustainable in the long run. Our wheat bellies are likely coming from the highly processed wheat products that we are finding everywhere these days. I have been gluten free for over a year now and am fully committed by necessity.

    Meat is very expensive and depending on what you are eating high in saturated fat etc. Try serving beans, chick peas, lentils for a few meals a week. They are relatively cheap, fill you up and increase your protein intake... use your food log and the reports to keep track of your carb/protein/fat ratios. You'll see you will feel better with the higher protein ( and not that much more) you won't need to fill up on empty carbs and will be healthier in the long run. Try brown rice and whole wheat pastas instead of bread, what you save on the cost of meat you can spend on better grains.

    Hope my thoughts help and that you have great health and success with your goals
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    If you're feeling awful most days, and doing something as clear cut as eliminating gluten holds the possibility of feeling better...than why not give it a 30 day trial?

    I think the danger with gluten free, fat free, sugar free is that people then substitute foods which are nutritionally empty. I've checked out the labels of gluten free muffin, e.g., and yes, while it is gluten free the first ingredient is sugar and the second is rice flour.

    I eat flour and sugar on occasion. I just don't eat them daily.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    I have been completely gluten free and I have been slightly gluten free. I think ultimately, ANYONE can benefit from less processed foods (store bought bread, prepared noodles, etc). So even if you didn't go completely gluten free, watching your gluten intake could definitely be beneficial, if not to just keep you from consuming packaged/processed foods.

    That's currently where I am right now. IF I am going to indulge, I will choose a gluten free product to do so.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you're feeling awful most days, and doing something as clear cut as eliminating gluten holds the possibility of feeling better...than why not give it a 30 day trial?

    I think the danger with gluten free, fat free, sugar free is that people then substitute foods which are nutritionally empty. I've checked out the labels of gluten free muffin, e.g., and yes, while it is gluten free the first ingredient is sugar and the second is rice flour.

    I eat flour and sugar on occasion. I just don't eat them daily.
    That's a great point: If you think it will help, what's the harm in stopping for 30 days to see?
    And yes, I totally agree that IFF you decide to forgo gluten and sugar, don't swap them for the commercially available GF SF varieties.
    I too eat flour on occasion, but I choose wisely. I know what works with my belly by now.
  • I shop only on the outside aisles.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    I eliminated all gluten (except beer) from my diet, for a month. My sinuses cleared up, my resting heart rate dropped, I started sleeping better, and my chronic heartburn utterly dissapeared.

    I added back home made bread (five or six ingredients, locally sourced wheat), and none of those problems reappeared. I added back home made crackers. No problems.

    I ate two slices of store bread, WHAM.. same symptoms.

    FOR ME, the issue appears to not be gluten at all, but the chemicals and preservatives used in commercially produced products that contain gluten, for things like consistancy, shelf life, and presentation.

    So.. would going "gluten free" rid me of all my symptoms? Most likely. Is gluten the issue? Not even a little bit.

    "not eating gluten" is not an elimination diet for diagnosis of allergy or adverse reaction.

    Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I thought this might be relevant:

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I thought this might be relevant:

    That was an interesting read, thanks.
  • Two years ago after reading the Wheat Belly book I went GF. I was astounded how fast the pain, bloat, migraines, skin issues...etc went away and how gluten resistant I am. After doing research and such, I am now completely Gf, grain free, dairy and sugar free.. and in the process have lost 150lbs. I am newly on here as I have hit a plateau since August and am looking for help in getting my weight loss back in gear. I haven't gained any weight, which is FAB! But, I also haven't lost any more weight or inches...I need to lose at least 40 more lbs to be at my goal.
    The wheat Belly way not only cured me of MANT ailments, but it has also reversed my type 2 diabetes and glaucoma scale.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Two years ago after reading the Wheat Belly book I went GF. I was astounded how fast the pain, bloat, migraines, skin issues...etc went away and how gluten resistant I am. After doing research and such, I am now completely Gf, grain free, dairy and sugar free.. and in the process have lost 150lbs. I am newly on here as I have hit a plateau since August and am looking for help in getting my weight loss back in gear. I haven't gained any weight, which is FAB! But, I also haven't lost any more weight or inches...I need to lose at least 40 more lbs to be at my goal.
    The wheat Belly way not only cured me of MANT ailments, but it has also reversed my type 2 diabetes and glaucoma scale.
    I hadn't heard that about glaucoma. Fabulous. And congrats on your weight loss!
  • I love my bread and sometimes as i have a family to feed, sometimes there is nothing much else to eat. Meat is expensive. Bread is cheap. But I've cut right down now to only 2 slices a day and it has definitely made a difference to how I feel and look.

    Honestly, I never thought in a million years I could give up bread but I did and now I don't miss it at all. I have adapted to it very well and can not believe the difference in my "wheat belly".
  • what was your deficit? 50 cal? Doubt you were really at a deficit - 250-500 cal per day
  • he lost all credibility when he had a guest that talks to the dead
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    I started it about a week ago and notice a big difference is how I feel. People really should read the book, it's pretty eye opening and explains how the grains that our grandparent used are not the grains that we have access to today. PM me and I can explain more about it. It sounds hard to do but it's not really.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I know this is an old thread, and I'm sure that many of the participants really do have intolerances to gluten or other substances in grains or other foods. But reading this thread brought these ideas to my mind:

    Confirmation Bias: http://www.skepdic.com/confirmbias.html
    Communal Reinforcement: http://www.skepdic.com/communalreinforcement.html
    Placebo Effect: http://skepdic.com/placebo.html
    Double Blind Testing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_blind#Double-blind_trials

    There's a reason real medical trials are difficult and time intensive: proper double blind tests are difficult and expensive.
  • little_firebug
    little_firebug Posts: 22 Member
    If you have read Wheat Belly you might also try Grain Brain by David Perlmutter.
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    Threads like these always make my "ignore" list grow. This is without a doubt the most judgmental, preachy board I read .. and I've even been known to frequent a religious board or two. Why do people take what other people eat or don't eat so personally? I'm here to learn, not defend.

    For those who ARE allergic to gluten or super sensitive to wheat, is bleu cheese dressing the "gluten devil" it's made out to be? I really can't give up my bleu cheese dressing; and while I can control it when I make it by only purchasing gluten free bleu cheese, you never know when eating out.

    I am reading Wheat Belly right now, but I honestly don't regard it as a "diet book". But, frankly, weight loss is what leads a lot of us to reading about this stuff in the first place.

    Amazing how people are making comments about the book and haven't even read it. I've read it and there are parts that make perfect sense. Not everyone is the same, so what works for some folks will not work for others. People need to do what's right for themselves.
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    I've just started to read it and was warned he doesn't have proper qualifications. In any case, if I'm reading right, I believe what he has said about wheat being modified so that it is now not a healthy thing to eat. Knowing this makes me really want to find some heirloom wheat seeds. It's not that wheat is bad so much as the GMO version is. Is that right?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I've just started to read it and was warned he doesn't have proper qualifications. In any case, if I'm reading right, I believe what he has said about wheat being modified so that it is now not a healthy thing to eat. Knowing this makes me really want to find some heirloom wheat seeds. It's not that wheat is bad so much as the GMO version is. Is that right?

    In my opinion, no that isn't right. I don't have any fear of GMOs.

    But I believe that is the claim the author is making.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    Unless you have an intolerance to gluten, there's no reason to stop eating it.

    Weight loss = burning more calories than you consume. So if you eat at a reasonable deficit, you will lose weight. Not because of any fad diet.
