Today at the gym

I had a little pep talk with myself and decided it was time to man-up and go into the free weights section and start stonglifts

So I walked in, and you know the old western movies where the outsider goes into the saloon and everyone stops what they were doing to stare at the newbie? Well, thats what happened.. Men actually stopped doing their curls and playing on their ipads and turned to look at me.

Me, being the coward I am, turned around and walked straight back out and went on the treadmill instead

How do you cope with being stared at like that? I've never done free weights and don't want everyone staring at me while I'm trying it out. Was considering just going to the gym at some ridiculous time (like 3am) since its open 24hrs but that seems a bit extreme, even for me! :embarassed:


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    The only thing to do is go back and start lifting!

    I was ridiculously intimidated when I first went, and yes men did look but I still did it, felt out of my comfort zone but hey I did it yay!!! The 2nd time was also a bit nerve racking but I carried on.

    Now I couldn't care less, I love going and lifting and makes no difference to me if I'm the only female there or not. I'm there to lift nothing else : )

    I mean really, what is there to worry about they are men, humans, that's it lol...they're there to work out too!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Walk back in.

    If people stop and stare, simply ask, "never seen a woman, before?"

    Do your workout and leave.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    nod and smile...and go in with a plan of action so you aren't wandering around looking lost. This isn't a competition, and they're just looking at you because you're a new face. Once you get through the first day, you'll be fine.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    If you know how to lift, with correct form, go in and own it. Let 'em stare, then stare 'em down as you get stronger, and eventually lift heavier than they can.

    If you are unfamiliar with lifting, please, oh please, have a trainer show you what to do. If you're at a gym, there are trainers around. You do NOT need to pay for a session (though for rookies I'd advise doing so!) to learn a few compound lifts with proper form.
  • kerrirob1
    kerrirob1 Posts: 23 Member
    I think I'll go back tomorrow

    I have a plan and I know exactly what I need to do, but since I've never used the equipment I'm a bit scared

    Might go when its quieter though..
  • kerrirob1
    kerrirob1 Posts: 23 Member
    Sarah, I asked the PT that showed me around but he told me that 'girls don't lift' and I should use the treadmill. I'll scope out another PT who looks like they know what they're talking about..

    Thanks for your replies!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Where do you people go to they gym that this is a thing? I've been in and out of gyms for the better part of four decades. I've been to commercial gyms and little hole-in-the-wall iron factories owned by former professional wrestlers. I've never been in a gym where a woman using weights was even remotely novel. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just amazed that I've never seen it. Even in the most lunk head gyms there are always women working out. If it's a big deal where you are then that's all the more reason to get in there and get your nose dirty. Show them that it shouldn't be a big deal. You belong there. You belonged there from the moment you decided you belonged there.
  • You probably just look uncomfortable and lost. If you confidently walked in and started setting weights they wouldn't care, at most talk to you. I don't think they were being sexist or anything so don't be mean, and it's just the vibe they got from you, they can't possibly be in the gym at all times so they can't tell if you are new there or not.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    Show them that it shouldn't be a big deal. You belong there. You belonged there from the moment you decided you belonged there.

    ^^ Nominated as the BEST post of the day!

    I [heart] you SaintGiff!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Sarah, I asked the PT that showed me around but he told me that 'girls don't lift' and I should use the treadmill. I'll scope out another PT who looks like they know what they're talking about..

    Thanks for your replies!

    are you kidding me?

    what an *kitten*.

    Go back in there- with a plan- and do your homework.

    and go do the da*m thing. Girls life things all the time- groceries- babies? car parts whatever- life is better when you are stronger.

    if they continue to stare- you can ask them if they prefer to take a picture since it'll last long... or if that's the first vagina they have seen walking out side the kitchen.

    That's usually my go to joke- "slack jawed look-oh I know- Go Team Vagina!!! I'm really lost and confused right now- being out side the kitchen with shoes on.. but I still need those twenties anyway- kthaxbai."

    or more often- I don't talk to anyone- I just go in- do my thing and leave.
    Where do you people go to they gym that this is a thing? I've been in and out of gyms for the better part of four decades. I've been to commercial gyms and little hole-in-the-wall iron factories owned by former professional wrestlers. I've never been in a gym where a woman using weights was even remotely novel. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just amazed that I've never seen it. Even in the most lunk head gyms there are always women working out. If it's a big deal where you are then that's all the more reason to get in there and get your nose dirty. Show them that it shouldn't be a big deal. You belong there. You belonged there from the moment you decided you belonged there.

    pretty much this.

    you pay to use the facilities- the "facilities" include free weights. period. end of story. this is not a crisis or a novel concept. go do your work out- turn your jam on- angry baby eating music? go for it- jock jams? go for it little britney? go for it. who cares- put on whatever makes you want to work.
    (work b*tch by britney- awesome song by the way if you need pepping- it's on my play list right next to "hard out here" by Lily Allen)
  • KL124
    KL124 Posts: 44 Member
    Whenever people stare at me at the gym, I look them in the eye. Making eye contact generally makes people look away. I also like to turn on good music and really focus on doing reps correctly. Also, what kind of schmuck says that girls don't lift weights?! Most of my girl friends spend part of every workout lifting, and they are all feminine and toned.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Where do you people go to they gym that this is a thing? I've been in and out of gyms for the better part of four decades. I've been to commercial gyms and little hole-in-the-wall iron factories owned by former professional wrestlers. I've never been in a gym where a woman using weights was even remotely novel. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just amazed that I've never seen it. Even in the most lunk head gyms there are always women working out. If it's a big deal where you are then that's all the more reason to get in there and get your nose dirty. Show them that it shouldn't be a big deal. You belong there. You belonged there from the moment you decided you belonged there.

    YES! Finally, I thought I was they only one who thought this. Thread after thread after thread of women in the free weights section being such a big deal that I thought I was going to some weird alien gym or something. I don't get it, women lifting is neither new or rare.

    Anyway OP doing anything for the first time can be intimidating, just slowly ease into it and do what make's you comfortable. Don't do something extreme that will make you never want to go back. Best of luck and be strong it gets easier! :-)
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    You probably just look uncomfortable and lost. If you confidently walked in and started setting weights they wouldn't care, at most talk to you. I don't think they were being sexist or anything so don't be mean, and it's just the vibe they got from you, they can't possibly be in the gym at all times so they can't tell if you are new there or not.

    No. All the no in the world. She's allowed to look uncomfortable and lost. Most of them men in there are uncomfortable and lost. Most of the men who women think are staring at them are staring at pretty much anyone just to see if they can learn something. Everyone really needs to get over this remedial idea that simply by virtue of having a penis someone is an expert on weight training, and that the lack of said penis means you are clueless. This mindset not only prevents women from doing things that are pretty awesome for their bodies, but it causes a lot of men to start training, have zero progress or injure themselves, and then give up because they are too ashamed to ask for help. Half of the smartest lifters I've ever met were women. I've learned just as much over the years from women as I have from men. All of this nonsense from both sides needs to stop. It's a ****ing gym for crying out loud. It's good for everyone. Everyone belongs there. Unless you are using the squat rack when I want to use it. Then I don't care if you are a man or a woman, you need to go play on an elliptical now.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    You probably just look uncomfortable and lost. If you confidently walked in and started setting weights they wouldn't care, at most talk to you. I don't think they were being sexist or anything so don't be mean, and it's just the vibe they got from you, they can't possibly be in the gym at all times so they can't tell if you are new there or not.

    No. All the no in the world. She's allowed to look uncomfortable and lost. Most of them men in there are uncomfortable and lost. Most of the men who women think are staring at them are staring at pretty much anyone just to see if they can learn something. Everyone really needs to get over this remedial idea that simply by virtue of having a penis someone is an expert on weight training, and that the lack of said penis means you are clueless. This mindset not only prevents women from doing things that are pretty awesome for their bodies, but it causes a lot of men to start training, have zero progress or injure themselves, and then give up because they are too ashamed to ask for help. Half of the smartest lifters I've ever met were women. I've learned just as much over the years from women as I have from men. All of this nonsense from both sides needs to stop. It's a ****ing gym for crying out loud. It's good for everyone. Everyone belongs there. Unless you are using the squat rack when I want to use it. Then I don't care if you are a man or a woman, you need to go play on an elliptical now.


    At most, it's likely a, "hey, haven't seen her here before." And that's it. At least, that's how it would be at the gym I go to.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    You probably just look uncomfortable and lost. If you confidently walked in and started setting weights they wouldn't care, at most talk to you. I don't think they were being sexist or anything so don't be mean, and it's just the vibe they got from you, they can't possibly be in the gym at all times so they can't tell if you are new there or not.

    No. All the no in the world. She's allowed to look uncomfortable and lost. Most of them men in there are uncomfortable and lost. Most of the men who women think are staring at them are staring at pretty much anyone just to see if they can learn something. Everyone really needs to get over this remedial idea that simply by virtue of having a penis someone is an expert on weight training, and that the lack of said penis means you are clueless. This mindset not only prevents women from doing things that are pretty awesome for their bodies, but it causes a lot of men to start training, have zero progress or injure themselves, and then give up because they are too ashamed to ask for help. Half of the smartest lifters I've ever met were women. I've learned just as much over the years from women as I have from men. All of this nonsense from both sides needs to stop. It's a ****ing gym for crying out loud. It's good for everyone. Everyone belongs there. Unless you are using the squat rack when I want to use it. Then I don't care if you are a man or a woman, you need to go play on an elliptical now.

    Well said!
  • Sarah, I asked the PT that showed me around but he told me that 'girls don't lift' and I should use the treadmill. I'll scope out another PT who looks like they know what they're talking about..

    Thanks for your replies!

    :laugh: :huh:

    Definitely find another trainer who knows what they're talking about. I love it when I'm lifting and I get comments from MEN at the gym. Today my husband and I were doing chest and the guy next to us was commenting on how hard I work and a few weeks ago another guy said something to my husband in the locker room about the amount of weight I lift and how it's impressive because you don't see that too often.

    As for your first experience, I'm guessing they all looked up and looked at you because you were the only one walking in. I bet that if you stood there for a second, smiled and continued on in they would have went back to whatever it was they were doing.

    Good for you for taking the first step and opening the door. Now all you have to do is continue on in and get them weights!
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Sarah, I asked the PT that showed me around but he told me that 'girls don't lift' and I should use the treadmill. I'll scope out another PT who looks like they know what they're talking about..

    Thanks for your replies!

    Um, report his *kitten* to a manager. He's losing clients for the gym by his ignorance and bigotry. If we were local to each other, I'd join you, show you what to do correctly, AND stare down that failtrainer as I lift more than he can. I'm outraged on your behalf.
    If you're at a gym where trainers tell you cardio is for girls and weights are for boys, you may need to go to a different gym. I can't even wrap my head around that.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    It also took me a while to pluck up the courage to go into that section but i did it cos i wanted to start strong lifts. I didn't notice anyone looking when i first went but i always used to make sure it was quiet and even so, i felt very self conscious and nervous every time i went down there for a week or two at least! 6 months later and i could not give a monkeys. Yes, they do look sometimes when you i first walk into the area and head for the squat rack, and yes sometimes they do peeve and stare at your *kitten*. But sometimes they are also helpful too and i don't let them put me off my workout. If they want to stop and stare and balls up their own workout then it's up to them but I just get on and do my own thing. Go on and do it - what have you got to lose? Nothing, that's what! But everything to gain :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Our gym's cardio deck overlooks the weight section. I've been lifting at home for awhile now but hadn't transitioned to lifting at the gym (where it's warm!) After plodding along on the treadmill a few times and watching the weight lifters down below I realized that I knew at least as much as the majority of them and since I am paying for the use of the area too, I invaded. I did learn from watching them a few times that most of them start out with dumbbells and machines and then do the cage at the end. I prefer to do my squats at the beginning so I head straight for the cage after my warm up. I do feel like a unicorn in there at times but I ignore them. For most of the guys who are there when I am, I am probably old enough to be their mom. :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Sarah, I asked the PT that showed me around but he told me that 'girls don't lift' and I should use the treadmill. I'll scope out another PT who looks like they know what they're talking about..

    Thanks for your replies!

    Um, report his *kitten* to a manager. He's losing clients for the gym by his ignorance and bigotry. If we were local to each other, I'd join you, show you what to do correctly, AND stare down that failtrainer as I lift more than he can. I'm outraged on your behalf.
    If you're at a gym where trainers tell you cardio is for girls and weights are for boys, you may need to go to a different gym. I can't even wrap my head around that.

    yeah- pretty much.

    I don't do cardio at all- and if I do- I certainly don't do it on the damn treadmill- vagina /=/ cardio.

    forgot to link this since it's got so much good stuff in it.