Issues Losing Weight

Hi - I'm new to this site and just thought I would see about some advice & support.

For many years I used to run 20-30 miles per week, until I developed bone marrow edema & microfractures in the 4th metatarsal bone of my right foot while training for a half marathon. I was forced to stop running for 9 months. I then gradually started running again but the pain came back so I stopped. With the lack of running I had gotten up to 100 kgs. In September of last year I was finally referred to an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in foot & ankle injuries. I was unable to get an appointment until December due to a trip I was planning to Burma during the month of November and they had no openings in October.

While traveling through Burma in November, I successfully lost 10 kgs. I returned to the US in December and went to see the surgeon. He put me in a walking cast and wrote a prescription for new orthotics. He wanted me in the boot until I was symptom free for an entire month. Then he wanted me to start running to see if the pain came back. During this time in the boot I started a LCHF diet. This yielded good results, at first. I was able to lose about 8 kgs over the course of 3 weeks. Getting down to 82 kgs.

In early January I was at the doctors to have a lipid panel, metabolic panel and blood pressure checks due to borderline hypertension (and I wanted to see how my cholesterol was since I had started the LCHF diet). I was started on 10 mg of Lisinopril per day. After about a week on the drug I noticed that I was not losing any more weight. Perhaps coincidence. In fact, I had started to gain weight and was back at 85 kgs. My lipid panel also came back and my HDL was high and my cholesterol was high, however my triglycerides and HDL were normal. I decided to end my LCHF and go to just a low carb, moderate fat and moderate protein diet. It also happened to be one month since I was wearing the walking cast and was able to take it off and start running. I had purchased a pair of Hoka One One shoes and started running. Running 3 miles 3 days a week.

Fast forward from 18 January thru Today.

I am now running 5 miles, 3 days per week and have had good success in regards to running and no further pain -- for now. However, I am still not losing weight. Last week I talked to my doctor about stopping the Lisinopril (I was having major issues with orthostatic hypotension) and also because I wasn't losing weight and I wanted a trial to see if that was a possible reason. Although it's not one of the official side effects, each person responds differently. She agreed it would be a good trial, but I need to check my blood pressure weekly and if it goes above 140/90 then I need to start again.

I'm just very frustrated that I have been unable to lose any more weight. I have been keeping my foods the same to avoid temptation of other things. Below is a summary of what I eat in a given day.

2 whole eggs with 3 egg whites with no sodium added Mrs Dash seasoning and cayenne pepper

Romaine lettuce with a chicken breast, asparagus and the dressing is just dijon mustard and a chili sauce

either same as above or
a soup that is made with a chicken breast, broccoli, asparagus, seasonings, cilantro

I drink 2-3 cans of Le Croix Sparkling water (which is carbonated water that contains only natural flavors).

** Based on Tim Ferris's Slow Carb Diet, you're supposed to have one day where you go "hog wild". I'm not planning to go "hog wild" but on Sundays I do allow myself some sugar and then tomorrow back to slow carb.

The only thing I have not done recently is take measurements, but my weight as of this morning is 88.9 kgs, which is the same as what I was last week and the week before. I'm just confused as to how I can go 3 weeks at the same weight, eating the above and running a minimum of 3 days per week (5 miles each time, burning approximately 600 calories each of those runs).

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciative.



  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member

    Are you carefully weighing your food, and including everything you eat in your food diary? Last year I thought I was being accurate, but the difference between my results and my log indicated that I was missing at least 200 calories every day....

    I suggest taking a look at the links on this page:

    In particular, these two are very helpful:

    Exercise and "healthy eating" alone don't lead to weight loss. In 2012, I gained about 10 lb./4.5 kg while bicycling over 50 miles a week on average, walking all over the place, and eating good home-cooked food. I only started losing weight when I started carefully counting calories and running a consistent deficit over the course of every week.

    Good luck!
  • Hi There-

    Thanks for the information. I will have a look further and closer into the amount that I eat.

  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    Hi There, I to am on Lisinopril and have a difficult time taking off weight. I am not sure if this is a side effect, it does seem like the weight comes of easier when I am off it, I have gone off for a while too, but my bp requires me to be on it. Even with regular exercise. I like to run too.
    Anyway, it is a slowww journey, and I have just recently been tracking calories very carefully. I hope to see some good results in the next month.
    Best of luck to you.
  • ColieMarieL
    ColieMarieL Posts: 7 Member
    I'm having similar issues. I quit running and moved in with my boyfriend and gained weight. I got upset, so I re-started healthy eating and working out consistently. I too have been not losing weight, I tried carefully measuring out my food and I have dropped a few pounds. But I'm also visiting with my doctor next week to see if she can make any recommendations. If I hear of anything useful I will share :)

    Best of luck to you!