10 day juice fast

Hello All
I am wanting to do a 10 day juice cleanse. Has anyone done this before? If so what are your thoughts/ pros cons.
i eat healthy daily so i wont be shocking my system but i get awful headaches daily and I read that cleaning out the toxins will help.
Let me know your experiences with juice cleanses. Thank you


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    If you're liver, kidneys and bowels are functioning properly then you're not going to cleanse anything, the body takes care of that. Juice fasts don't do anything special, and if done for too long can be dangerous to your health.

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    What toxins?

    Every time someone asks this they talk about toxins. Yet no one has ever been able to answer the above question.

    If your body is not cleaning any "toxins" out, then you have more issues then any cleanse could help you with. You would need immediate medical help to stay alive.
  • bb_lose_weight
    bb_lose_weight Posts: 103 Member
    I found a juicer for 10 bucks at a yard sale it was brand new and I couldn't pass it up. I watche fat sick and nearly dead and was ispired to juice. I bought the supplies juiced for 10 day. I had the headaches that they talk about on day one and two and day three I felt better. After 10 days I didn't really feel "cleansed" I felt about the same but I was about 10lbs lighter. As soon as I went back to eating solid foods I gained 6 of those lbs back. Some of the juices are hard to get down if you know what I mean but I found that I keep the juicer around to make carrot orange ginger juice and some apple carrot juice as well. I use the juice to supplement my food as I do beleive fresh juice has some great benefits but for me it is a way to get more calories in veggie form.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    I'd talk to your doctor about the headaches before you do anything. If they are awful and happening every day it could be something you really need to take care of or at least something that can be managed better.

    Drinking juice for 10 days won't accomplish much, you'll just get a whole lot of sugar and not enough calories. That doesn't detox or cleanse the body in any way.

    Keep eating healthy and talk to your doctor.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Why not eat the veggies instead of juicing them? Juicing takes out much of the fiber that helps your colon function properly.
  • Kyttiara
    Kyttiara Posts: 28 Member
    In with popcorn.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    If so what are your thoughts/ pros cons.
    Drinking juice doesn't remove any toxins. Juice fasts aren't needed and are popularized by "natural" and "clean" proponents who believe that eating processed foods poison you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Hello All
    I am wanting to do a 10 day juice cleanse. Has anyone done this before? If so what are your thoughts/ pros cons.
    i eat healthy daily so i wont be shocking my system but i get awful headaches daily and I read that cleaning out the toxins will help.
    Let me know your experiences with juice cleanses. Thank you

    I think you're talking more along the lines of a detox, which I don't think is necessary unless you have a medical issue or are on lots of medications and need a medication detox. Talk to your PCP about the headaches. Ask them to refer you to a neurologist. I have daily vestibular migraines with an aura and take Topamax for it. The medication helps a lot.
  • Thank you for the helpful advice.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member

    OP, I agree that you should view this link.
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    Food is food... and, juicing just takes out the fiber -- and fiber is really good for your health, for feeling fuller and better for your digestive system.

    After a quick look at your diary, the few days I saw you blogged, you were under 1200 calories. I'm not a doctor, and don't pretend to be one, but in my opinion, you may be getting headaches because you're not eating enough. Make an appointment with your doctor and talk to him/her about the minimum amount of calories you should be consuming.

    Good luck! ????
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    Ugh, I tried to do one of those once. Couldn't make it to the 2nd day and felt light-headed and like I was going to pass out by the end of the first day. Don't do it, the only reason celebrities do it is because they want to lose weight before a big night like an awards show, but it's all water weight and you'll gain it right back when you start eating solid foods again.
  • My son and his girlfriend did this a couple years ago. They bought a book on it and followed the regiment. They both had the severe headaches after a couple days, but after the third day neither had a headache. The girlfriend started getting weak after the 5th day and on the 6th day couldn't lift her head off the pillow and was vomiting. We talked her into stopping. After eating normal, she was fine the following day. My son made it through the 10 days against everyone's wishes, but once he starts something, he won't give up. He lost about 10 pounds, but said he didn't feel any better, just tired. While they were on this diet, my house smelled like the underside of a lawn mower after freshly cutting the grass from all the kale!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I agree with above posters about the juice / cleanse / detox comments, that is - eat the fruit/vegies, body will "detox" and "cleanse" if you feed it right - that's what your kidneys, liver and bowels are for ....

    Just thinking - re your headaches - are you drinking enough fluids/water? Being dehydrated can cause headaches - and drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you feel better.
  • MrsCurvyFab
    MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
    HI Lauren, I know everyone is saying you don't need it. I would definately ask your PCP. Now from my own experience.. I did a 10 day juice also after watching fat sick nearly dead. After 3 days of breaking my caffeine addiction, i was in utopia. I felt awesome.. I lost 10lbs, and gained it all back after I started eating again. Nothing really happend. so IDK.

    My husband also juiced with me. lost 15lbs, and hasn't gained anything back. He used to be a smoker, and when he started juicing he started coughing a lot of 'black stuff' which we looked it up, and research indicated he was releasing build up in his lungs from smoking. He hadn't smoked in years prior to the juice fast.

    Third, my coworker suffered from migraines almost weekly. I told her to watch the movie, research online, talk to her doctor, etc. AFter my experience she tried the fast as well, but eating a sensible dinner at home. by choice she did this for 30 days. obviously lost weight, but she was headache migraine free. She said no other pill has ever worked quite like juicing did. She continues to juice her breakfast, and sometimes at lunch also. Just a little background on my coworker. Her mom died real young from something brain releated.. i can't remember. So she has a doctor she sees on the regular. Her mom suffered from migraines also, so she is real careful. She doesn't work with me anymore but we stay in touch. she said when she falls off the juice wagon, she starts to feel sluggish and will start up again. It worked for her... thats all :)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • HI Lauren, I know everyone is saying you don't need it. I would definately ask your PCP. Now from my own experience.. I did a 10 day juice also after watching fat sick nearly dead. After 3 days of breaking my caffeine addiction, i was in utopia. I felt awesome.. I lost 10lbs, and gained it all back after I started eating again. Nothing really happend. so IDK.

    My husband also juiced with me. lost 15lbs, and hasn't gained anything back. He used to be a smoker, and when he started juicing he started coughing a lot of 'black stuff' which we looked it up, and research indicated he was releasing build up in his lungs from smoking. He hadn't smoked in years prior to the juice fast.

    Third, my coworker suffered from migraines almost weekly. I told her to watch the movie, research online, talk to her doctor, etc. AFter my experience she tried the fast as well, but eating a sensible dinner at home. she did this for 30 days. obviously lost weight, but she was headache migraine free. She said no other pill has ever worked quite like juicing did. She continues to juice her breakfast, and sometimes at lunch also.

    Thank you so much for your input.
    In regards to my headaches I've been tested and been through the ringer and no one knows why. And I have tried everything even my balanced diet with only water through out the day doesn't help.