Turf toe workouts

so yeah...I have turf toe. I'm really bummed about it and doc said it could be weeks before it's feeling better.
Pity party aside...I'd like if anyone that has experience with this could give some suggestions on cardio other than bike.

I guess I could really focus on lifting. Been meaning to read up on the new rules.

I'm really upset over this.


  • Reneeisfat
    Reneeisfat Posts: 126 Member
  • Reneeisfat
    Reneeisfat Posts: 126 Member
  • ScubaAmyMN
    ScubaAmyMN Posts: 1,701 Member
    There's a chance no one responded because there were like, three similar questions on the same day. Here's what I responded to someone with a knee injury, and someone with a walking boot (and I've also had turf toe - it's awful!)

    Seems like there are a lot of people with lower body injuries on here. I just posted the following for someone who asked a similar question. I have no need to "promote" my playlist, just want to share it if it's helpful.

    I made a 28 minute playlist on Youtube with seated Zumba routines when I sprained my ankle in April:
    It's called "Chair Zumba workout" if that link doesn't work.

    There are a lot of them on youtube; those were just my favorites. If you search for Zumba Gold, a bunch of them are seated. It's not a killer burn, but if you get into it, you can get your heart pumping.
  • AlexTrumpeter
    AlexTrumpeter Posts: 7 Member
    How did your recovery go? I have a sprained toe and just joined a new gym :(. I have tried light swimming and am going to do some weights today but really am going to miss jogging. I broke my toe three years ago, and this seems to hurt worse than the previous injury. Any tips?
  • ohiofreebird
    ohiofreebird Posts: 7 Member
    Hi "Renee is FIT" - your new name. Let's keep it positive. We have to with a topic like Turf Toe. I have it too, and I'm very bummed out about it. The first time I had Turf Toe was almost two years ago after walking a half marathon (Cleveland Rite Aid). Seemed like it would never go away! Lately, I've been working hard at the gym, running on the treadmill, and the ol' Turf Toe comes back to plague me again.
    My answer so far has been to use the elliptical. That seems to be my fail safe default cardio exercise when all else fails. When it happened last time, I was swimming, but I must admit that it still bothered me in the pool, just not as much.
    I read up on this, and apparently it's from hyper-extending the big toe - I don't recall doing that, but whatever. I haven't iced it, but I have been taking Aleve for it and avoiding the treadmill in favor of the elliptical.
    Have you had any healing or success stories?
  • ohiofreebird
    ohiofreebird Posts: 7 Member
    Oh, and one other thing. I cross country skied for two and a half hours yesterday, and my toe joint did not hurt afterward. I wonder if the cold helped.
  • ohiofreebird
    ohiofreebird Posts: 7 Member
    Started swimming! I'm going to swim two days a week to see if it helps reduce the pounding and wear and tear on that joint.