20's and 30's somethings with over 100lbs to loose.

Hi there.

I'm looking for friends to add to my page with similar lives and challenges as me. I am 27 and a mom to two.little guys.

I have somewhere between 135lbs and 160lbs to loose (I haven't fully committed to a goal weight) I am over 300lbs now and just started my journey. So far I'm down 8lbs.

I hoping to find friends so we can motivate each other and be in it for the long haul



  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm 28 and trying to lose about 100. Somewhere around 85-90 to go now.
  • kristilynnhales
    kristilynnhales Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 30 and currently 333. Trying to get to 150ish(maybe). Would love the friend request!
  • BenHenryMom
    BenHenryMom Posts: 8 Member
    Great! I added you both.
  • jimjamsjet
    jimjamsjet Posts: 57 Member
    I am 24 and trying to lose 55 kg (121lb).
  • katielampkin56
    katielampkin56 Posts: 16 Member
    I am 38 and live in Florida. I started out at 350 pounds. I lost close to 100 pounds and then I injured my foot. I quickly gained back 40 pounds because I was off of my regular exercise routine and figured I would just scrap everything. Now I'm back on track and have lost close to 10 pounds so far. I started 8 - 9 weeks ago at 290 and am now 281. My feet are going to be a problem for my entire life (collapsed arches, heel spurs, and both have planters faciatis...I don't know if I spelled that right) so I need friends that are there through my good times and the times I can't do normal workouts. Right now my goal is to get to 250 (I want to start small). After that I would love to get down to 200. I don't know where I want to go from there since I haven't been under that since high school. If you would like to add me feel free I would love people like you on my list.
  • yayamay
    yayamay Posts: 16 Member
    I'd love to have mfp friends... right now I only have two, one of which is my brother :( LOL. I have about 120lbs to lose to get to where I would love to be, however about 100 will bring me to a weight that I will be able to maintain. I've been struggling with losing and gaining 8 for the past 2 months. recommitted myself on Saturday and so far this is day 3 for 3 :)
  • jrwilliams124
    jrwilliams124 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi I am 37, I have 4 kids 20, 15, 7, and 2 and I need to lose between 180-200 pounds. I am currently 358 and 5'8. I would love some friends and motivation.
  • linuxidiot
    linuxidiot Posts: 1 Member
    32 yo Male, started January 1st at 347lbs, down to 319 currently, final goal is to lose at least 100lbs.
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    i'm 32 soon to be 33. i started out at my heaviest at 319. im sitting at 281 right now. need to lose about another 130-140. feel free to add me!!
  • well i am 28 and have lost 155 already.. but i still have more to lose and im struggling a little.. always up for more friends and to show it can be done. best of luck to you. don't give up you can totally do this. and by the way even if i reach my ultimate i will still be here for many years maintaining and rooting for my friends.
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    31, restarted January 1st. Have about 140- 150 to lose... maybe more, maybe less. All feel free to add me!
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm 32, a mother of 1, and need to loose 100 pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • airforceman1978
    airforceman1978 Posts: 100 Member
    i am a father of 2 with over 100 pounds you can add me if you whant
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    38 mom of 2, need to lose over 100.
    Feel free to add if you'd like.
  • I'm 25, single mommy of one little girl, have lost a little over 40 so far since my highest pregnancy weight and want to lose around 80 more. I lost 85 lbs between the ages of 16-18 but gained it back over the years and then some, then got pregnant. So I'm back on the wagon. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Anamarie77
    Anamarie77 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 36 and have approx 200lb to lose. I have currently lost 17, but had a rough last week at my weigh in where I gained back 2lb. I do not have any support at home which makes it hard. Well, my husband says he is supportive, but he still buys junk for the house and will sit in front of me eating fast food and such and tell me I should just be able to stay away from it. Anyway....feel free to add me. I would love to be part of a supportive group that cheers each other on!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    37 my goal is to lose 200
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 26 and have lost 25 so far! I still NEED to lose about 120 to be within the "normal" weight range for my height (5-2)
    but i would be so happy to just be under 200 as of now! need to lose at least 62lbs more for that! ;) lets be friends :)
  • dzjellybeans
    dzjellybeans Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Feel free to add me if you would like.

  • horsehelpnow
    horsehelpnow Posts: 35 Member
    Im 36 and have 3 kids. Just recommited to my journey. I've lost 65lbs and have another 80lbs to go. I could always use supportive friends. Feel free to add me.