
I was reading an article in "Women's Health" about eating gluten-free. It's a great little article if you're interested. I have some of the common problems and am going to go to the doctor to get tested for a possible allergy or sensitivity issue. It's a bummer because I really like mock duck.

Anyway, in my quest to reduce the amount of simple sugars I consume, going gluten-free probably couldn't hurt. Just as long as I make sure I'm still eating whole foods as replacements (e.g., quinoa and amaranth). Anyone have any thoughts on going gluten-free?

P.S. Paleo diets are also generally gluten-free. If early humans used to eat this way, perhaps it isn't such a bad idea.


  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    My sister was diagnosed with a wheat allergy about 8 years ago (siliacs disease) and has been on a gluten free diet since. It made a big difference not only in her health but in her weight.

    Gluten free has kind of become the diet de jour. It's not for everyone but it seems to be quite good for you with few drawbacks (aside from taste! Hah)
  • sheilabennett
    I've been gluten free for about a year (due to celiac) and sometimes it is really really tough, but I am surviving. There are really good gluten free alternatives to most things that one would miss (pizza) and I have been MUCH healthier since I started the diet. Most of my junk food cravings were of the gluten variety so now its easy to say no, cause I know that I'll get sick!
  • Gershwyn
    Going gluten-free can be worth a try for people with inflammatory or digestive issues. You may not have celiac disease, but a sensitivity to all those interesting chemicals they use to bleach the flour. Benzoyl peroxide, for example.

    It's also the best time in human civilization to go gluten-free, as we are finally nearing a point where you can do it without hardly noticing. (Or without it costing a fortune.) I'm Canadian, so I rely on a company in Edmonton called KINNICKINNICK ( ) for all my gluten-free products.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm also allergic to wheat barley and rye. (not celiacs just a severe grass allergy) and I too have been gluten free for a year. It's not that bad. Talking to my doc more people are coming down with "IBS" as eating "whole grains" becomes more popular. She showed me a study that basically showed the trend upward with IBS and the "healthy grains" increase. She's a firm believer not all of us were meant to process the quantity of these grains that we stuff into our bodies. Read labels at the grocery store- EVERYTHING processed has wheat in it. It's crazy. I cut it out and feel a MILLION times better. I say if you've got digestive issues give it a try- it certainly can't make it worse!!

    Good Luck to you!!

  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    I have a wheat sensitivity and have gone gluten free. It has been about a month and my health is way better. Im not sluggish and no more crazy stomachaches. I to will be going to the doctor to see how severe it is, which in my opinion is pretty severe. Since June I have gained so much weight and with a gluten allergy it may sometimes cause weight gain and not weight loss. So I have started my road to weight loss as gluten free and am starting to see a difference. I'm not substituting bread or any of that for now I am cutting it out. Good luck!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My children were both diagnosed at a very young age with celiac disease, a gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance is different than an allergy or sensitivity, but are often times confused with one another. I'm frankly very thankful for my kids having to eat this way, as we all eat more healthier because of it. That said, there are a lot of really not the best nutritional alternatives for gluten free, many still have sugar and white rice flour which isn't a great healthy way. (They first thought my son when 3 had leukemia when it was celiac disease, I'll take the gluten free any day)

    I follow Ann Louse Gittleman's diet the Fat Flush Plan, which is gluten free or low gluten diet. I do it simply because with my kids lifestyle it's an easy way to keep the whole family gluten free. The same author also has Fat Flush for Life, which is a seasonal diet plan. Both are really great for those that want to eat gluten free.

    Wheat loses it's nutritional value by the time it make it to our processed foods anyway. I think we would all do better without wheat flour. I try to avoid the whites...sugar, flour, rice, potatoes. Stick with whole foods and you'll be much better off IMO.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    My children were both diagnosed at a very young age with celiac disease, a gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance is different than an allergy or sensitivity, but are often times confused with one another. I'm frankly very thankful for my kids having to eat this way, as we all eat more healthier because of it. That said, there are a lot of really not the best nutritional alternatives for gluten free, many still have sugar and white rice flour which isn't a great healthy way. (They first thought my son when 3 had leukemia when it was celiac disease, I'll take the gluten free any day)

    I follow Ann Louse Gittleman's diet the Fat Flush Plan, which is gluten free or low gluten diet. I do it simply because with my kids lifestyle it's an easy way to keep the whole family gluten free. The same author also has Fat Flush for Life, which is a seasonal diet plan. Both are really great for those that want to eat gluten free.

    Wheat loses it's nutritional value by the time it make it to our processed foods anyway. I think we would all do better without wheat flour. I try to avoid the whites...sugar, flour, rice, potatoes. Stick with whole foods and you'll be much better off IMO.

    Check out these sites: They have some AWESOME kid (and party) friendly recipes! :)
  • x3mommy
    x3mommy Posts: 73 Member
    My kids too are gluten free! I love finding additional resources... thanks!