New Year's Resolution/Low carb approach

Hi, I've been using MFP to track my carbs. In Dec, I read the book "Why we get fat: and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes, and it convinced me to give the low-carb diet a try. Since Jan 1st, I've dropped 10 lbs. I've also quit drinking and started working out on a regular basis. I'm a runner by habit, and may even consider running a few races later in the year. I have to admit I'm surprised I was able to stick to the diet (it's not been easy to cut carbs, especially bread & pastas) this long, but so far, it does appear to be working. The extra protein also seems to be helping my recovery after my runs and weight lifting. Looking for friends with similar interests, like low-carb dieting, running, lifting, etc. MFP has been so helpful, not sure I could've done it without my iphone MFP app!



  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    Hey Mike! I'm on the low-carb approach too. I make everything I eat and rarely eat out right now. I'm currently limiting my sugars for three weeks every month. I'm also doing P90X for the next three months and my muscles sure feel it. I run with my dog three times a week. Feel free to add me. :)
  • kayde5056
    kayde5056 Posts: 11 Member
    I just started low carb this week. I need the willpower to avoid bread! Feel free to add me!
  • crookboo
    crookboo Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 50 lbs doing low-carb. It's not even so much of a "diet" for me at this point, but the way I eat all the time. Feel so much better and filled with energy. Highly recommended!
  • Hi Mike, Im new to the low carb diet and so far loving it!
    Any tips or recipes that helped you with you weigh loss would be greatly appreciated:)
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    I eat a low carb diet most of the year..have since 2007. you're welcome to add me
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    Love reading Gary Taubes!
    I'm now reading Good Calores, Bad Calories and have The Diet Delusion getting shipped to me now!
    I just keep my carbs to less than 30% and have been successful.
    Keep up the great work!
  • Looking for low carb friends ????
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    How low are your carbs? Just curious.
  • siggasvana
    siggasvana Posts: 5 Member
    I am also doing a low carb high fat diet. I lost 20 kg in 2012 on a low carb diet and gained it all back in 2013. In total I need to loose about 45 kg. I recommend reading That site is full of information on low carb diets.
    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hello Mike,
    I also will be doing a low carb dieting soon. I haven't started yet because im recuperating from a recent major surgerykn the 03 Feb. Im really looking forward to starting . Feel free to add me.