Annoyed not lost this week!

I'm in my 4th week of MFP and have lost 5lb, but even though I stuck rigidly to the usual 1000-1200 cals daily I've not lost an ounce this last week. How can I kick-start things?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Weight loss is not linear and you are going to have weeks where you slightly gain due to water retention, and weeks where you do not lose nothing. So keep doing what you are doing and you will start losing again.

    Also, on the days that you are netting 1000 you are not eating enough. You should be at least netting 1200 a day.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    By eating more!! You should not be eating under 1200 calories, and also try measuring yourself, when the scale doesn`t move and inches drop good things are still happening
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I don't see the need to "kick start" anything. 5 pounds in 4 weeks is just fine.
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    I think 5 pounds in 4 weeks is a great start personally but keep in mind, being a woman, our body has natural cycles. I've discovered this since logging regularly on MFP, I'll be up a week due to ovulation, down the next week, up again for TOM, down again the following week. It all evens out, don't sweat it. At first, it was discouraging but as you keep logging, you'll discover your body's natural ups and downs. (Sorry boys, TMI?)
  • svenena
    svenena Posts: 25 Member
    I've just finished my fifth week, have lost 8lbs so far, and just wrote myself a blog post about how annoyed I am not to have lost this week. In fact I've GAINED 0.4lbs. This is despite my daily average net cals for the week being 1341, which should be plenty low enough for me to lose.

    It IS annoying, but I'm going to see what happens next time before I allow myself to feel too disheartened. I knew that my weight would fluctuate and go up at times for no apparent reason, but it's still really annoying when it happens (for the first time anyway - I daresay I'll get used to it, and so will you!).
  • Becky170467
    Becky170467 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks everyone. It does tie in with hormones so hopefully will notice some difference next week. I ve just started to measure waist hips & thighs too to keep track of losing inches (I hope)!