Irked by the Paleo-freak and venting

I wanted to get some feedback from others regarding nutrition and sugars from juicing before bed.
Last night for dinner I had a 1/2 cup medley containing scrambled egg, ground turkey, peppers, fresh garlic and sun dried tomatoes. I paired this with 12 oz. of fresh juice. I juiced four carrots, three baby apples, and two mini tangerines. I had just completed an intense workout and burned close to 800 calories. Throughout the day I watched the amount of carbohydrates, sugar and calories as I am trying to lose weight.

So at times I post pictures of what I eat on Facebook, yes, I'm that girl. Doing this helps hold myself accountable. I also have numerous friends who enjoy the motivational healthy meals I prepare for myself and are quite mindful of living a healthy life. I have one friend who found "Paleo" about a year and a half ago and now is a freak about all things paleo. "Oatmeal and all grains are the Devil!" is pretty much his motto. He lost about 45 pounds and is now at a very healthy weight. He also does long-distance biking. At times I have noticed he mentioning not having the energy to complete his day-long bike adventures. This makes me wonder if his Paleo views have gone too far and he is not in taking enough carbohydrates now in order to sustain his energy levels.

So anyways, he made a comment (as he ALWAYS does) regarding my food choices and how it's "not Paleo, therefore it's wrong". So of course he made a comment about how the fruit juice in my fresh juice was too high to have before bed and should have had that in the morning or mid-day. Having sugar and carbs in the morning or midday is ideal. However, when I just got done with the intense workout I had, is having two apples juiced with carrots and tangerines that bad to have at night? There is a huge difference between a 24 oz Jamba Juice and 12 oz of freshly juiced veggies and fruit.



  • just_Jennie1
    If posting your food on FB is giving you flack then why don' t you start a blog instead?

    I started a blog to keep myself accountable. I write about whether or not I worked out, how I felt that day, what I eat (with pictures, ingredients and calorie count) and I post my workout for the day.

    ETA: And if this person is annoying you then unfriend him. Problem solved.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    To be fair, if you're trying to lose weight, all you need is to watch calories. Ignore them because clearly if you're happy, that's what matters the most. Finding sustainability is key to success. There's nothing wrong with any food in the context of a balanced diet. Just make sure you're getting enough protein, fat, carbs, and fiber. Some people get all crusader - Esk when they find something they're having success with and like insisting their way is the only way.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member

    This is a great suggestion! However I don't post enough on FB regarding pictures and workouts to invest in writing a weekly blog. It's more of a "look what I made" post and my other friends who also eat healthy and workout love to make quick comments.

    I tried to blog when I did a 90-day challenge. But with school, my rehearsals and work, I just have no time.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Meal timing is largely irrelevant. If you want juice before bed, have it. As others have said, as long as you are at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight.

    Basically (and this is an oversimplification), your body is always shuffling the calories around. Sometimes it will be stored, if you don't need it. Then it will pull from its stores when you need it. If overall you need more than you take in, your body has no choice but to use up those stores.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    This :)

    I'm happy for him and his success, and I welcome him sharing his story. But his way worked for him-it doesn't mean it is the Universal solution for everyone. Not to mention it's about having a healthy diet, we should not always be going on a diet...if that makes sense.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Doesn't matter when you drink your juice..all that matters is that you have a deficit. I eat fruit and cottage cheese often for dessert. Evil carbs and simple sugars and a healthy dose of protein 20 minutes before bed.. i'll probably never lose weight.. *looks down* oh wait...

    ETA: I have a friend who is paleo.. I love the recipes she posts, but I wouldn't want to follow the diet. I love stealing her recipes though! Lots of yummy ones!
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Doesn't matter when you drink your juice..all that matters is that you have a deficit. I eat fruit and cottage cheese often for dessert. Evil carbs and simple sugars and a healthy dose of protein 20 minutes before bed.. i'll probably never lose weight.. *looks down* oh wait...

    Great work! :) And why do fruits get such a bad wrap? It's fruit.Packed with vital nutrients and minerals for our body. It seems like some people seem to categorize apples, oranges and blueberries with candy bars, ice cream and sour patches...
  • lunapetu0311
    MAYBE drinking all that sugar before bed isn't THE best choice if you are trying to diet "by the book" but since you watched your intake throughout the day and burned so many calories working out, I don't see anything wrong with it. So many worse choices could have been made! :)

    PS I know lots of Paleo people from my gym and they CAN be annoying. I did strict Paleo for about 4 months and lost weight quickly but it wasn't something I could keep up with permanently. For myself, I needed the extra carbs for energy.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    My opinion is that your friend is wrong.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Doesn't matter when you drink your juice..all that matters is that you have a deficit. I eat fruit and cottage cheese often for dessert. Evil carbs and simple sugars and a healthy dose of protein 20 minutes before bed.. i'll probably never lose weight.. *looks down* oh wait...

    ETA: I have a friend who is paleo.. I love the recipes she posts, but I wouldn't want to follow the diet. I love stealing her recipes though! Lots of yummy ones!

    If we are balanced in our healthy living, we may find some of our meals to be labeled as "Paleo". I enjoy many of the foods found within the Paleo diet as well. Give me spaghetti squash any day of the week!
  • 125KC
    125KC Posts: 71 Member
    This :)

    I'm happy for him and his success, and I welcome him sharing his story. But his way worked for him-it doesn't mean it is the Universal solution for everyone. Not to mention it's about having a healthy diet, we should not always be going on a diet...if that makes sense.

    ^This....anyone who is your friend and is supportive would not be trying to push his methods on you in any way. If he can't wrap his head around the fact that you are doing what works for you, then this guy should be kicked to the curb. I liken this type of behaviour to door to door religious groups. I have not qualms whatsoever in what a person chooses to believe in, have faith in, or follow, but if you try to push your views on me in anything other than a friendly FYI, you can consider that door shut. We are all unique and we all benefit from different things. Period.

    I agree with the poster who said de-friend him. This is not a friend.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    MAYBE drinking all that sugar before bed isn't THE best choice if you are trying to diet "by the book" but since you watched your intake throughout the day and burned so many calories working out, I don't see anything wrong with it. So many worse choices could have been made! :)

    PS I know lots of Paleo people from my gym and they CAN be annoying. I did strict Paleo for about 4 months and lost weight quickly but it wasn't something I could keep up with permanently. For myself, I needed the extra carbs for energy.

    There wasn't that much sugar in my fresh juice- maybe around 20 grams tops? Is that too much? I had more juiced carrot than anything. What is the ideal amount of sugar a person should have?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Paleo people, atkins people, herbalife people, shakeology people, body by vi people, pretty much all fad diet people are going to be completely unconvinceable that they are wrong.

    I would just completely ignore what anyone says and continue on your way. Whether or not you're succesful isn't their business.

    On the other hand you could keep that info to yourself if you're receiving too many ridiculous responses.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    Why don't you ask him not to comment?
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    This :)

    I'm happy for him and his success, and I welcome him sharing his story. But his way worked for him-it doesn't mean it is the Universal solution for everyone. Not to mention it's about having a healthy diet, we should not always be going on a diet...if that makes sense.

    ^This....anyone who is your friend and is supportive would not be trying to push his methods on you in any way. If he can't wrap his head around the fact that you are doing what works for you, then this guy should be kicked to the curb. I liken this type of behaviour to door to door religious groups. I have not qualms whatsoever in what a person chooses to believe in, have faith in, or follow, but if you try to push your views on me in anything other than a friendly FYI, you can consider that door shut. We are all unique and we all benefit from different things. Period.

    I agree with the poster who said de-friend him. This is not a friend.

    Oh no, it doesn't bother me that much to de-friend him :) He is my old bassist and eventually need to collaborate with him regarding some music. But he just gets annoying enough for me to vent about it here and start conversation :)

    I honestly think he doesn't realize how his posts come off. He is the only one who sees the negative when everyone else (who also lead healthy lives) enjoy my quick posts. I probably need to send him a nice email and tell him is all.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    MAYBE drinking all that sugar before bed isn't THE best choice if you are trying to diet "by the book" but since you watched your intake throughout the day and burned so many calories working out, I don't see anything wrong with it. So many worse choices could have been made! :)

    PS I know lots of Paleo people from my gym and they CAN be annoying. I did strict Paleo for about 4 months and lost weight quickly but it wasn't something I could keep up with permanently. For myself, I needed the extra carbs for energy.

    There wasn't that much sugar in my fresh juice- maybe around 20 grams tops? Is that too much? I had more juiced carrot than anything. What is the ideal amount of sugar a person should have?

    You don't need to worry about this unless you have some medical condition like diabetes, PCOS, frequent yeast infections etc.

    As long as you're hitting your calories the amount of sugar and the time in which you consume them don't matter.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    MAYBE drinking all that sugar before bed isn't THE best choice if you are trying to diet "by the book" but since you watched your intake throughout the day and burned so many calories working out, I don't see anything wrong with it. So many worse choices could have been made! :)

    PS I know lots of Paleo people from my gym and they CAN be annoying. I did strict Paleo for about 4 months and lost weight quickly but it wasn't something I could keep up with permanently. For myself, I needed the extra carbs for energy.

    There wasn't that much sugar in my fresh juice- maybe around 20 grams tops? Is that too much? I had more juiced carrot than anything. What is the ideal amount of sugar a person should have?

    First of all there's nothing inherently bad about having sugar or any other macronutrient before bed provided that you're meeting dietary and energy needs over time. The fact that you're eating them at night vs any other time of day isn't going to make a significant difference in your fat loss provided that it doesn't cause you behavioral/performance problems/etc.

    Secondly regarding sugar intake, if your total carbohydrate intake is reasonable (ie the sugar doesn't cause you to neglect protein and fat, or to over-consume total calories), and you're eating a diet of mostly whole and nutrient dense foods, I wouldn't be concerned with managing sugar intake.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Tell him that if he doesn't knock it off you're going to sick a bunch of Vegans on him. Both are equally obnoxious and can argue with each-other for hours. He'll be so preoccupied defending his religion and bashing theirs that he won't have time to comment on your food choices.

  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    MAYBE drinking all that sugar before bed isn't THE best choice if you are trying to diet "by the book" but since you watched your intake throughout the day and burned so many calories working out, I don't see anything wrong with it. So many worse choices could have been made! :)

    PS I know lots of Paleo people from my gym and they CAN be annoying. I did strict Paleo for about 4 months and lost weight quickly but it wasn't something I could keep up with permanently. For myself, I needed the extra carbs for energy.

    There wasn't that much sugar in my fresh juice- maybe around 20 grams tops? Is that too much? I had more juiced carrot than anything. What is the ideal amount of sugar a person should have?

    You don't need to worry about this unless you have some medical condition like diabetes, PCOS, frequent yeast infections etc.

    As long as you're hitting your calories the amount of sugar and the time in which you consume them don't matter.

    True True. In spite of the additional 50 pounds I am carrying, my cholesterol levels and blood pressure are perfect. Never had to worry about diabetes or woman issues either. Quite thankful with all this. Thank you for your feedback.
  • abickford82
    In the 5 years I've been in fitness. I've tried everything. I could not ever, ever, ever give up bread or oatmeal (though I do limit it A LOT). We all could do paleo, but it's not sustainable (IMO) in the world today we live in. At least not for me.

    Just ignore the person the best you can. I "juice", too and I know there is the extra sugar, but it works for me. I do that in conjunction with IIFYM, and eating 6-8 times a day. What's good for one isn't for another. If it gets to be too much honestly...I'd tell him off and the attitude isn't appreciated.