10 Pounds by Christmas! Whose with Me?!



  • I know it's a little late, but I am so in. I didn't actually indulge much at all on Thanksgiving or since (only because I work 12 hour shifts at a hospital and I wasn't about to cook when I got home), but I'm still onboard to lose 10 pounds by Christmas. I've only lost 4 so far, so 10 more would put me at 14 which is a very respectable number and would help me hit my mini goal!!!!!! Looking forward to follow-up posts and success stories!!!! Good Luck Everyone!!!
  • I'm in. I weighed in at 221.5 this morning. I need to do this. I have been slacking and in the last 70 days of logging, I have lost about 5 pounds. I have to get going on this.
  • 10 pds by Christmas sounds doable to me, lets give it a try!
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    I'm in. SW = 185
    Christmas goal 175
    Lets do this!
  • yes i am in. i need a challange, my weigh in is on Monday every two wks. will start it for wkly until after the 10 challange.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    Ten pounds by Christmas is too fast for me. I have the best success at a pound a week. Good luck to all you who are trying!
  • I'm in!
    CW: 280
    Christmas weight goal: 270
    We can do this together!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    This sounds doable - I'll give it a go. ☺
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    OK Guys, it's never to late to join. The more the merrier!

    Yesterday's water intake - 8 cups

    Didn't do to well eating today still missing about 700 calories! I don't want to eat it now all at once. It might not go down well.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Amen to the not cooking so much next year for Thanksgiving! I still have some very yummy sweet potato souffle that's about 750 calories per serving!
  • Oh boy, this past week was not good for my diet lol... Im joining in!!! Good luck
  • So since yesterday I lost 2 pounds putting me at 219.5. Yay. So my goal is to get to 211.5, and drink enough water. I have yesterday and today I am also done with my water, and exercise, and calories look good. This challenge will put us at losing slightly more than 2 pounds per week. I hope it works. I set my calorie log to lose 2 per week, but it doesn't go any lower. I guess I will not eat all my exercise calories?
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    as of this am i now am down to 217.3
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Water water water, I'm on glass 8. More to come!

    Tomorrow starts the workouts. Of course I picked the day that I have a zillion things going on! So if all goes as planned, I will do weights before noon and a run later on in the evening. Going light on dinner because it's going to be early, and I have to run after it, and I'm going out later as well :)

  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I'm on my last glass of water. I'm sure I will drink the rest before I go to sleep. Things started off slowly today, I skipped breakfast which is not a good thing to do. I made up for it at lunchtime. We had pizza, not so good but I maintained my caloric intake. Yeah, me!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I'm on my last glass of water. I'm sure I will drink the rest before I go to sleep. Things started off slowly today, I skipped breakfast which is not a good thing to do. I made up for it at lunchtime. We had pizza, not so good but I maintained my caloric intake. Yeah, me!
  • lyaxan
    lyaxan Posts: 3 Member
    I will join you, 10 pounds by December 25. It's sure enough doable for anyone who wants it.....
  • I'll join, and post when I weigh in.
  • Sorry, I think I changed my mind and will try to be more realistic (for me) about what the month of December is usually like... baking cookies, parties, etc. I think I'm just going to stick to my slow but sure approach. Good luck to you all, though!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry, I think I changed my mind and will try to be more realistic (for me) about what the month of December is usually like... baking cookies, parties, etc. I think I'm just going to stick to my slow but sure approach. Good luck to you all, though!

    Thats just fine do what works for you! I know I need to challenge myself or else I will over eat. Last Wednesday a girl at work brought in these delicious looking pecan bars, I was soooo tempted! I remembered that I need to post my weight on Friday and I decided that it wasn't worth it. I mean how would it look if the instigator of this challenge didn't lose any weight and gained. Pretty bad huh? So, I decided what was best for me was to weight myself everyday and challenge myself to 10 lbs by Christmas!
    You do whats best for you ans remember slow and steady wins the race!
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