So I started the new year with a bang and I don't plan on quitting. I have had a "NO EXCUSES" attitude that has pretty much turned my life around. Although I only see minor results so far.,, I FEEL AWESOME..... I recognize this is a life change and seeing the different profiles on here has also helped to inspire me to push harder.

As the days progress I push harder and I learn more. A year from now I want to be able to look back and see the great journey that I have taken still knowing there is more to go.

What battles have you faced on your various journeys?


  • DianaB1211
    Thank you for your positive attitude..it is refreshing!! Everything is mind over matter, especially when it comes to weight loss.

    My biggest hurdle to overcome is patience...I want to be fit right now! I need to slow down and realize it will come in due time.

    Good luck to you!!! Congrats on a great start!!!
  • 247Hustler
    247Hustler Posts: 16 Member
    I can understand the patience hurdle. I think that is something most of us share. I get over that by extending the time I expect to see results.
  • AsianSuperfly
    AsianSuperfly Posts: 73 Member
    That is a true winners attitude all the way.
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    This is a great post Hustler. Thank you for your wonderful positivity.

    I feel awesome too! Everything about this is awesome, even the clothing dilemma (boo hoo, now I'm going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe, awwww). Actually, wearing clown clothes/tents for the next couple of months is getting to be a bit of a challenge, or rather the temptation to go out now and buy new clothes even though they won't fit me in a couple of weeks is the challenge. Which I guess comes down to patience. I want to be my goal weight NOW!

    But I completely agree that when I get to that weight I'm going to be able to look back at the journey and say that I really committed to and finished something great. Great for me and also for everyone around me, which is the best of compliments when they tell me I've inspired them to live healthier lifestyles. :)
  • 247Hustler
    247Hustler Posts: 16 Member
    I feel you on the clothing dilemma but you do have to admit that with every goal that you set for yourself and reach as you look back on the money spent you see it was so worth it or project into the future and KNOW it will be worth it.
  • bradXdale
    Right on bro.

    Just remember quitters will always quit. Once you quit you will never stop quitting. So don't quit.
  • 247Hustler
    247Hustler Posts: 16 Member
    @Bradxdale That is so so true. I do believe though that people that quit may have been biting off more than they can chew and may just need to attack whatever they are doing in a different way.
  • sjkcwatson
    sjkcwatson Posts: 61 Member
    Great attitude! I started off LAST year (Jan 7th) and just kept at it. Nothing fancy - just following the basics and being consistant. 40 lbs later I hit my goal weight and I've stayed at my goal weight for 7 months and logged day 400 today. Now I'm looking to add some more strength training. It works - just stick with it!!!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    You have got it :-) For me the biggest challenge I overcome was the false belief that I needed to lose weight when in fact what I really needed to do was change myself - my attitude to food , my focus on my body, and what i chose to do as 'hobbies'.
  • jollysvn
    jollysvn Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with you, new year new start - look ahead to 12 months (11 now !!) and we will be different people
  • 247Hustler
    247Hustler Posts: 16 Member
    @Sjkcwats, @Davert123 - Reading posts like this is AWESOME.. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me motivated and keeps me from looking back and just worrying about the road ahead.