Loss of motivation!

Hello! I lost 10 pounds in January but LIFE has a way of coming in and bumping you off your path. I havent been logging in to MFP as often as I should, maintaining my work out schedule or have the enthusiasm to be creative with my heathy cooking. I havent made any progress in 2 weeks (no weight gain, thankfully)! Its so frustrating and its been difficult to get back in the mind set I was in before some unexpected life events that are causing me some emotional stress. Any advice on how to kick start my motivation and get my stride back? I want to be down another 5-10 by the end of February.

Any advice, good-mood food, new work outs, any ways to relax and rejuvenate and motivation that has worked for others is appreciated :)


  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Ask yourself again why you are doing this.

    Find time even if there seems to be no time at all.

    Roll out of bed if you have to. Don't think about the reasons why you can't..

    You can do cardio workouts and you have to look at this way...you can burn so much calories in 30 minutes. Plus, it's only 30 minutes of your life after you are done with it you can get back on what you want to do.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Hi Ahuelsk, Your doing great! for me visualization is a great technique. Picture yourself as you are now transforming into how you want to look, feel and be. Picture the weight leaving your body, tell your body that it does not need to carry the extra reserves anymore, food is like the air we breath it will be there when you need it it does not need to be saved. Did you know that it is also impossible to feel bad and smile at the same time - I mean really smile not a half hearted one. Dark chocolate is a great feel good food. If you have stopped working out all together just make time to do something walk around a local park or one of the routines maybe that you enjoyed like Yoga or weights if that was your thing - there must be something in your work out that you liked - start there (with the carrots, then you can add some cabbage as your motivation is re-kindled). Hope this is some help - I believe it is important that you love the body your in right now and who you are (being). This time will act as a reference point ( not a point of control over your life but a reference point ) which you can reflect on in the future. This is part of your journey to help your patients in the future when they hit obstacles in their life you can empathize and give them a spark of encouragement to fuel their actions. Keep up the great work.
  • monette13
    monette13 Posts: 40 Member
    I lost my motivation as soon I had my baby 5 mths ago. I keep making excuses about being tired, working too much, going home and preparing dinner for family and taking care of the new addition. I keep saying I don't have time because of everything else I am doing. I need to learn to make time for myself and NOT feel guilty. I need motivation from all the friends at MFP I can get. Please friend me and be my motivation...
    I keep falling off the wagon, (or forget to get on) ..forget to close out my day to log my numbers and say I would rather sleep. Even though I wake up ever 2 hours with feedings... I need more energy.. and I know to get this.. I need to workout and eat better..

    Please help!!!
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Hi Monette, reading your profile you have already have identified a number of motivational items. You say you "know what to do" now instead you need to "live it". Your family is important to you and YOU are important to your family! You and they deserve the best you that you can be. Sometimes a dramatic actions are needed and other times a slow and steady changes are more practicable. You are the best compass to when and what degree you need to do. Break it down - you say you need to eat more healthy start there, when you look for "work out time" what can you do with your 3 year old in the park after work - most kids who are active are not overweight - there is a reason for that they just do not stop (try to keep up!). Make exercise fun and with your family - so you don't feel guilty. When you lay on the floor playing with the new little one is there any Pilates moves like holding a plank while you talk to her. That kind of thing - making your life about healthy living and family does not need to be hours of treadmill and cross fit training.

    Logging on MFP is the last priority - actually doing those things with your family eating and being healthy are much higher - Live it Monette your whys are big enough you just need to realise this if you are "falling off the wagon" your reasons for doing it are not congruent with your real values this is when you assess and adjust for the wind to fill your sails.