The Fast Food Magnetic Pull

WOW. I just went to the doctor's office on my lunch break for an appointment and it took every single little ounce of self control I could muster up to not stop at ANY fast food chains to get lunch. I am an addict. Bad. Bad bad addict. I'm addicted to food in general but fast food is my kryptonite. I feel ashamed that it took THAT MUCH fighting with myself to make it back to the office without stopping. Today is the FIRST DAY that I have decided to try to get back on track and to have that little of willpower on day 1 just really bothers me.

Any other fast food addicts out there that have to phystically fight themselves to not pull through the drive thru? This has been an eye opener for me, that's for sure.


  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    Its my day 1 back on track too... thankfully Ill just eat anything so its just limiting my intake. Im too busy to be bothered with STOPPING for fast food.

    Its hard but its a day at a time. after a few days I always find it easier.
  • VickieFat
    Hi I'm a fast food addict also.Today is my 1st day and have joined here because I am addicted to takeaways and not only look bad for it but feel bad for it too! I really dont know what the answer is at the moment,maybe take one day at a time?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I got over it! First I picked the healthy options... then after a while I realized I could make a better version of those at home. I've had fast food maybe twice in 6 months since.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    you gotta think on the + side, you didn't stop. i had a huge problem, ate fast food 2x a day usually 6 days a week. its so easy and tasty and cheap. each time you resist the magnetic pull, the pull weakens a bit. it took me nearly 2 years to fully give up fast food. i do still eat some fast food on occasion (hot dogs are just better from the dog stand then they are at home!) but i can resist so much to the point now, i don't even consider fast food an option. it does take an embarrasing amount of will power, but with time you can make it, you just have to believe in yourself, good luck!
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    I'm a food addict, plain and simple! But I've learned to choose some of the better options - side salad, grilled chicken breast, unsweet tea. After a while it get a bit easier. Hang in there.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Somewhat off topic, but those dang Taco Bell commercials at 10pm ALMOST make me wannt go out in -10 windchill to crush some Amerixican food. Black magic, I tell ya.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Wendy's and her evil tractor beams suck me in every now and then. I don't bother resisting, but I do make her wait until after my Saturday long run for a lunch date. And I buy and even carry the tray because I'm a gentleman.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    I love fast food, and fit it into my day every couple of weeks. I find allowing myself to have it, guilt free, keeps me from craving or binging too badly. Also, as my body has gotten used to new habits the desire has decreased -- and some things that never bothered me before make me feel sick/sluggish/etc, which helps (sad but true). I used to LOVE candy, and now the bulk of sugar makes me feel miserable!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Good for you. I find I have more success by celebrating every victory instead of being down on myself for every failure.

    Any habit can be broken. Keep working on it, but don't beat yourself up. You can fit fast food into your plan. Maybe not every day, but it is possible.
  • MrsBrosco
    I can relate. It depends upon how bad your "addiction" is.

    Can you go and make smart choices? Every place has good options if you look for a minute and figure out the calorie counts.

    Can you go, have a little and be satisfied? Or can you go once a week and have a lot and be ok with that?

    It's all about moderation. Even for fast food. The only reason I'd suggest you completely eliminate it is if you go, order way too much, and find yourself right back there the following day, repeat cycle.

    Think you could try going and using some discipline? If so you're good. But if it's just too strong a temptation for you and you can't sensibly indulge I see what you're saying and I feel your pain.

    Nope, it's pretty bad. I had actually quit once before a couple of years ago, I completely gave it up. Then I got pregnant again and everything flew out the window, I have not been able to real it back in since. It's almost as if once I get a craving NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Nothing but getting that food and satisfying the craving. But then i'm back to feeling down and angry with myself the minute i'm done eating.
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    no kidding about the taco bell commercials.

    I'm a fast food addict too, but more so for the convenience than the foods. When I'm craving whatever they have I just make healthy alternatives now at home. I'm lucky though, I work from home and my wife stays home so when I'm swamped with work she can make whatever I want. If I am on the go however, I always key a low cal snack bar so that if I absolutely just have to eat something I've got it. This is kinda sad but I usually only keep 1 bar in the car to resist the temptation of eating more than one.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Took me about two weeks to get over the cravings. Happy to say they don't really suck me in anymore. And now that I'm past the initial withdraw, I find I can "treat myself" to something now and then. There's an Arby's right by work. I just love that Ruben sandwich. I get it about once every two weeks and just work it into my calorie goals. I skip the potato cakes. But yeah. That first couple of weeks, that would have set me off the rails.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Hi. My name is Concordancia and I haven't ordered anything with fries in 42 days.

    The best solution I have found is I just don't go by myself. Pulling into Wendy's by myself is my version of hiding vodka in the desk drawer. If I let myself pull up to the drive thru, I will tell myself that fries once every couple of months won't kill me and I deserve the spicy chicken club sandwich, remember how happy those make you...Then I will probably go back the next time I am running errands, because that one meal didn't cause any damage...Then having Wendy's that often will start adding up, so I will go to McDonald's instead...

    If I happen to be out and absolutely must eat, I make it a local restaurant, and I get out of the car and go in. Even if I am going to order gyro and fries at the counter, it just doesn't have the same mental effect on me. If I don't have time for that, I won't starve in an afternoon. I won't be very productive, but I won't starve.

    And no, I don't deprive myself of fries: I eat my husband's.
  • momtastic2014
    Me :sad:
  • MrsBrosco
    no kidding about the taco bell commercials.

    I'm a fast food addict too, but more so for the convenience than the foods. When I'm craving whatever they have I just make healthy alternatives now at home. I'm lucky though, I work from home and my wife stays home so when I'm swamped with work she can make whatever I want. If I am on the go however, I always key a low cal snack bar so that if I absolutely just have to eat something I've got it. This is kinda sad but I usually only keep 1 bar in the car to resist the temptation of eating more than one.

    See, i'm a binger as well so I do not keep ANYTHING in my car or it would all be gone on a daily basis. I've even attempted counseling for all of this and all she says is, "If you know you have a problem then fix it. It's those that don't know it's a problem that need help." I'm sorry, but that's a load of crap! The people that know what they are doing is wrong and bad and still do it anyway are the ones that have a REAL problem!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Pulling into Wendy's by myself is my version of hiding vodka in the desk drawer.

    lol Love that!
  • MrsBrosco
    Pulling into Wendy's by myself is my version of hiding vodka in the desk drawer.

    lol Love that!

    There is SO much truth to this- even the feeling ashamed afterwards.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    "The people that know what they are doing is wrong and bad and still do it anyway are the ones that have a REAL problem!"

    The question is, what do you REALLY want? Not what do you want "right now" but what do you want in the LONG term?

    I love chocolate. I love beer. I can crush an entire pizza without blinking. But each time that urge comes, I ask I want the temporary chemical release I get from indulging in these unplanned pleasures, or do I want ripped abs, great self confidence, higher energy, and to LIVE LONG so I can enjoy my life and family for as long as possible?

    If the answer to that question is "Screw my future, I want what I want when I want it!", then you need to take drastic action to break those chains relative to your triggers and stimuli. If that means taking a different way home, to the store, whatever...then DO IT. We can always rationalize our decisions, but eventually you have to find a way that the excuses won't get in the way of success.

    You CAN do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    WOW. I just went to the doctor's office on my lunch break for an appointment and it took every single little ounce of self control I could muster up to not stop at ANY fast food chains to get lunch. I am an addict. Bad. Bad bad addict. I'm addicted to food in general but fast food is my kryptonite. I feel ashamed that it took THAT MUCH fighting with myself to make it back to the office without stopping. Today is the FIRST DAY that I have decided to try to get back on track and to have that little of willpower on day 1 just really bothers me.

    Any other fast food addicts out there that have to phystically fight themselves to not pull through the drive thru? This has been an eye opener for me, that's for sure.
    If you knew the food place had cockroaches, would you still fill your "addiction" and eat there? Probably not. It's not an "addiction" it's a behavioral response to how fast food tastes. Like any other habit, you can change it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition