Starting P90X3 - Can I even do this?!

Can I? Yes, though it probably won't be pretty. LOL

I have decided that this week to start the P90X3 workous. I have lost over 100 lbs so far but have hit a 3 month plateau and thought this would be a great way (along with adjusting my cals) to break this pesky plateau. I won't lie ... totally scared ****less! Any words of wisdom from those currently doing it or who have completed it? Feel free to send FR's because I believe I am going to need support on this part of my journey.


  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    YOU CAN! I just watched the "intro" video and thought the same thing - this **** looks HARD.

    Add me if you want an accountability partner! I am starting tomorrow and could use one!!!
  • tbgree00
    tbgree00 Posts: 25 Member
    P90X3 is fantastic. I'm starting week 6 and it's the most fun I've ever had doing a routine. I've done Power 90, P90X, T25, and the 30 Day Shred. Maybe I'm just now "ready" to do this stuff but it's a lot more fun and nicer to have a 32 minute commitment than have 60-90 minutes.

    If you keep positive and remember that showing up to work out is 80% of it you will do great. Be safe but don't get discouraged if it doesn't work out quite right at first. Do your best and forget the rest!
  • Yes!!!!!!! Do your best and forget the rest. :)

    Just started week 5. Lots of core work and tough moves but it gets a little better each time.
  • christyallgood
    christyallgood Posts: 79 Member
    I am starting week 6 on Wednesday. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. I was scared too! But 30 minutes is over before ya know it! It is a lot of fun too!! Add me if you like!!
  • Yes you CAN do this! I'm in week 4 now and I LOVE it. I'm already seeing results. Good luck :smile:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I am on week 1! :) I am doing workout 6 tomorrow (did a couple doubles this week cuz I started on Tuesday and I'll be out of town this week will be normal one-a-days). Add me if you'd like--any of ya!
  • Definitely!! I am on week 5 and absolutely love it. It being only 30 minutes is great too. I have tried other programs that had a lot more cardio, and prefer this mixture of workouts. It's so much fun.
  • Janelle977
    Janelle977 Posts: 2 Member
    I've just started this too and would love to talk to some of the rest of you doing this. Are there any threads to post on how the workouts are going? I really like working out with Tony - he's such a goofball and my favorite of the 5 Beach Body workouts I've bought. Are any of you adding some additional cardio? It's so cold and snowy here that I'm thinking of doing a couple miles a day of Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's too for some easier cardio burn, and maybe an occasional Brazil Butt Lift for some extra lower body toning. I've been trying to lose that last 10-20 lbs since I had my son 2 years ago, and my numbers just keep getting higher rather than lower. I need to make it happen!
  • 3rdwoozie5
    3rdwoozie5 Posts: 46 Member
    YES! It's designed for a beginner in mind. You don't have to be an athlete to follow the program. I'm about to start block 3 of the program and love it.
  • I agree that anyone can do it. The modifications are for any fitness level. Just don't try to push yourself to do advanced until you're ready for advanced and you'll do great! :smile:
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    bump just starting. gonna do it tonight at 10pm tho after class :/ super late i know.. but i gotta do it.... good luck to us :)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Of course you can do it! It's hard, don't get me wrong, but it's meant to be hard so you'll push harder and improve. If you could just do it on the first day, it wouldn't be much of a work out now would it? I'm starting block two and have had great results, not to mention it's fun to do. You're going to face plant the floor. You're going to fall over during yoga. You're going to curse at the TV. But no matter how bad you do, you still did more then if you didn't push play :) Feel free to add me! I don't always log my food diary, but I do update my workouts and I get er done! Here are my results...
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    Wow, congratulations on your weight loss. If you have achieved that you'll kick that P90X3's booty.
  • michmich68
    michmich68 Posts: 65 Member
    Of course you can do it! It's hard, don't get me wrong, but it's meant to be hard so you'll push harder and improve. If you could just do it on the first day, it wouldn't be much of a work out now would it? I'm starting block two and have had great results, not to mention it's fun to do. You're going to face plant the floor. You're going to fall over during yoga. You're going to curse at the TV. But no matter how bad you do, you still did more then if you didn't push play :) Feel free to add me! I don't always log my food diary, but I do update my workouts and I get er done! Here are my results...

    Yep, I've done all these things in my first two weeks. LOL.

    I'm loving the program.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    of course you can :-) . . . . I officially started on Monday (although I had the series for a week or so before and did some of the workouts so i knew what was coming) . . . . feel free to FR me- I love the accountability
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Of course you can do it! It's hard, don't get me wrong, but it's meant to be hard so you'll push harder and improve. If you could just do it on the first day, it wouldn't be much of a work out now would it? I'm starting block two and have had great results, not to mention it's fun to do. You're going to face plant the floor. You're going to fall over during yoga. You're going to curse at the TV. But no matter how bad you do, you still did more then if you didn't push play :) Feel free to add me! I don't always log my food diary, but I do update my workouts and I get er done! Here are my results...

    Oh meee too! My husband laughs at me because I was in the middle of push-ups and I called a "shavasta" break and fell into the floor LOL.

    Yep, I've done all these things in my first two weeks. LOL.

    I'm loving the program.