Is anyone doing the whole30?

I have been reading about the whole30 diet plan.

Has anyone done it or is doing it now?

Any thoughts on this diet plan?



  • I just started it yesterday! So far so good, but I find breakfast tough. I'm not an egg eater, and since I hit the gym at 6:00am I've having trouble finding something light that's compliant. I tried making a sweet potato hash for this week, but it's really heavy and hard to get down when you first wake up. Otherwise I find it all completely realistic and simple to follow.
  • I am not doing it right now but did it a little over a year ago. I will say that it's a good 30 day plan if you are looking for a jump start to your diet. For me personally, it wasn't a plan that I could keep up with long term though.

    The first 1-2 weeks were hard because I had strong cravings for bread, chips, sweets, etc (things I ate alot of) but after about 10 days I no longer had the strong cravings anymore and it became easier to follow the diet. I did find that eating the extra protein kept me fuller and I had fun looking up paleo recipes! After the 30 days, I kept going til about 4 months. But then I suddenly had had enough of being SO strict with what I ate. I started craving beer, cheese and peanut butter so bad!

    I did lose 10-15 during those months (I lost a lot at first then it slowed down). Sadly, I gained it back after about 9 months of eating normal again.

    I did learn a lot from the plan and to this day have cut back BIG time on wheat and other grains, still eat no beans, have increased healthy proteins and have added a lot more vegetables into my diet. So for those few new habits I am thankful....But for me, it wasn't an eating plan that I could keep up with 100% permanently.

    Good luck! :)
  • Thank you for the reply and comments! I really apreciate your time and thoughts!

    I am still considering it. I have a lot to research yet.

    It would do me a lot of good to stay away from sugar!!

  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    I've done it before, I'm now on a less strict version of Paleo/Primal. The first week was the hardest, after that it was no problem. I lost weight steadily since I've started eating this way, and I really enjoy it. I have added dairy back in after I finished my Whole30, as well as peanut butter (almond butter is great, but far too expensive). I have been eating this way since October with no problems sustaining it, but you really do have to commit to some long-term lifestyle changes in order for it to do you a lot of good. Good Luck!
  • I just started day 1 the other day. I feel the best when I follow a paleo diet so want to give it a shot for real this time. My only exceptions are fage full fat greek yogurt (1000x better than the no fat) and cheese lol.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I did a Whole 30 in January and now just eating Paleo / Primal focusing on anti-inflammatory foods.
  • I am currently doing Whole30 :)
  • lisaivfrn
    lisaivfrn Posts: 5 Member
    Yep! Love it. I am on day 12 and I have already lost 11 lbs!
  • lisaivfrn
    lisaivfrn Posts: 5 Member
    Try a banana and almond butter (or apple).
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I plan on starting when I get back from Vegas after St Patricks Day. I don't know if I totally buy into the no dairy thing, but I figure eating food I cook myself at minimum can't hurt. I'm interested to see how it impacts bloating for me.
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    Yes! I am on day 11 :o)
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    I have started it a couple times, only done it once. I would say this to anyone who is thinking about doing it.
    1) Do your research. Whole30 is not for everyone. I am all about clean eating, but there are just some things that different desired outcomes require. Know what you can and cant eat ahead of time.
    2) Don't make assumptions when you are shopping. You will be SHOCKED how many items have sugar (much less all that chemical crap) in them in the ingredients...
    3) Prepare for war. Don't plan one day at a time. Prep as much as you can to have your food as ready as possible, because nothing makes you want to quit like knowing you have 2 hours of cooking to do and you are starving.
    4) Have fun and get creative! Nothing about Whole30 has to be boring... yeah, you are eating a lot of the same ingredients, but there are thousands of things to make and lots of very delicious dishes that are extremely healthy... some just take longer to prep... :tongue:
  • snwills32
    snwills32 Posts: 15
    I am on day 11!
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I did it over a year ago and loved it. Whether you want to continue with paleo after the 30 day program or not, it's a great way to rid your body of your sugar addictions.

    Side note: I wouldn't recommended anyone consider this program as a diet in the sense that you're looking to lose weight in those 30 days. I say that because if you add everything back once you're finished, you're going to gain any weight you lost back.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I'm planning to start on Sunday!! Is there an active group here or can someone direct me to a group elsewhere for support and ideas? I ordered the book from the library and should be getting it tomorrow. I also printed the grocery shopping lists, etc. In Jan I cut out dairy and gluten and added it back very slowly in Feb. My main problem has been sugar and not eating enough veggies. Hopefully this program can help me with that. :flowerforyou:
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    I also want to start Sunday. It'll give me time to research, shop, and plan. I would be very interested if there was a group out there too :-)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Reisingmel, I don't think there is an active group. We can support each other in this thread or start a new one? Or we can message each other. I am not sure if I will be logging in all my foods. I think with all the veggies that I will be eating it could be too time consuming. I might keep track of my protein though.

    How is everyone else doing who started recently. Any tips you can give us? :flowerforyou:
  • Lacrumb
    Lacrumb Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I just started my second Whole 30 yesterday! Results from my first one are on my profile pic. Loved my first one. The key to success is tons of planning and prep on the weekends.

    I'd love to chat with you girls, share recipes and encourage you! Best of luck!
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    @Lacrumb, @alf1163 , and @reisingmel - I am currently on Day 8 and this is my second round and I'm loving it as much as I did the first round. Key is to plan, plan, plan! Please feel free to add me. All encouragement, tips and recipes are welcome :-)
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    @Lacrumb, @alf1163 , and @reisingmel - I am currently on Day 8 and this is my second round and I'm loving it as much as I did the first round. Key is to plan, plan, plan! Please feel free to add me. All encouragement, tips and recipes are welcome :-)

    @lisaivfrn - Sorry, I forgot to include you up here :-)