Anyone else NOT weigh themselves?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You just described exactly what I do. I was 50 yo before I ever owned a scale. I really wish I had not bought it. I've recently gone back to what has always worked for me, which is using the mirror and my jeans to determine when I've gained or lost weight.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Jut the opposite here - I'm scale obsessed. I think either extreme is not healthy.
  • no i dont get on the scale..i dont know how much i weigh, i had to make up a weight to put in to join this program. i have an eating disorder and when i get on the scale it just makes me obsess over the numbers.. it becomes a numbers game to me instead of a health game. when its about numbers for me its about how low can i get this number, how few calories can i eat.. the best advice anyone ever gave me is to just stop getting on the scale..we are MORE than a number!!!
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Only twice in the past 10+ years (to figure out my calorie counts on here). I also don't know my measurements or body fat percentage, etc. I gauge my progress by strength gains in the gym and how I look in a mirror/pictures.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I think motivation is hard to maintain long term without some way to measure progress. Measuring tape and the way clothes fit...those can be "interpreted". Scale data is cold. (and for me, necessary).
  • I am just the opposite I weigh myself twice a day and if i dont see a weight loss I get upset. So my husband hide the scale and now its been about a week and today I am going crazy not being able to weigh myself. :(
  • jaexo
    jaexo Posts: 2 Member
    As a fellow scale phobic, I haven't been weighing myself either. I did the first week, however got discouraged when the number didn't go down as much as I had hoped. Now I am just focusing on how I am feeling and how my clothes are fitting. I will occasionally try on a pair of shorts that I would like to fit back into to see how they fit!
  • I am feeling better and someone told me I am looking better but as weight goes I have not weigh myself. I will do it once a week and be happy with any loss.