How do you get back on the horse?

Gained back 3/4 of what I lost last year? Finding hard to do/did you get back on the horse?


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Started slow. Just logged what I ate at first, with minimal restrictions. Then started restricting here and there to meet my macros more often. Then started incorporating exercise.

    Go at a pace that feels comfortable to you. No need to make a dozen changes at once that overwhelm you.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I don't have stirrups when I ride, so I find a stump or something to boost myself. ;)

    Same goes for fitness, I think. Gaining back weight is frustrating, and what worked the last time might not work again in the same way. I'd start by changing some habits, drink more water, establish a workout pattern, and cut out "empty" foods like soda that cause fluid retention for me, then really give more attention to the diet.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    For me, I am just now getting back on track. I learned that "everything in moderation" doesn't really work for me. I need a plan for my workouts and I can't deviate. I need to plan "treat days" and make them rare. I have to log honestly every day or I won't log for weeks. I learned this after losing 35 pounds and then slowly unraveling and gaining it all back.

    You may need everything in moderation to stay sane. You may need to regularly change up your routine to avoid boredom. The point is, learn from your mistakes and let it make you better and stronger.

    Motivation can't come from the outside. You have to decide to do this for you. Get yourself back up and take it one step at a time! You can do it.
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    I am right there with you. I gained back everything I had lost over the period of a year plus some, in another year. It has taken me months of saying "I'm going to start" or starting for two days and then giving up. I am now in my third week on logging every day with the exception of my free days. I am doing my best to not stress about being a few calories over like I had in the past. Also, I used to do my best to meet my macros, and I am slowly getting back to that by just being aware of what my daily macros are and working back towards it.
    I am nowhere near an example but this is the best second start I've had on this journey.
    I am also trying to get some basic cardio in 2-3x/week and again, not stress about making it the optimal workout, just friggen move!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I read a great quote on here the other day:

    Did you forget to brush your teeth? How many months before you started brushing your teeth again?

    Just start. You know what you need to do.