is peanut butter causing my skin to break out?

sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
I normally have very clear skin, except if I consume dairy. I have been noticing for the last several months that my skin is broken out pretty much constantly; it's not very visible; more like rough sandpapery-feeling on the cheeks. At first I thought I must have eaten a bit too much dairy. Then I thought maybe it was a new moisturizer, so I stopped using it. Then I even thought it might be makeup, so I stopped using it too. But the acne is still there.

I realize that for the same time period I've been broken out I have been having PB2 every morning and eating peanut butter energy bars most days. These are the only new additions to my diet over this time period.

This is not to say that I haven't eaten peanut butter in the past; I certainly have. It's just that I've never had SO MUCH pb.

Anyone else experience breakouts from PB?



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I can totally relate to the sandpapery cheeks feeling that you describe (and also my chin and right under my jaw bone). Peanuts are legumes and, it is claimed that, like grains, they also contain "toxins" that irritate the gut, so I suppose it could be that you are sensitive to peanuts and it is showing up in your skin. My skins has definitely gotten smoother, but I can't really trace it to the peanut butter I was eating before because I eliminated dairy, grains and legumes all at once, so it could have been any of them (or something else entirely that I have gotten rid of but haven't thought about).
  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    hm... I'm also having more acne breakout and I have increased the amount of peanut butter to daily. Yet it might also be because of the summer. I noticed I break out more often during summer time. Specially after I used 100 UV sun block lotion
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I have actually had great skin for 18 years, since I discovered that dairy caused me acne and quit consuming it. I have never been affected by weather before, so I am starting to think it's PB. bummer!!

    I've had to significantly up my calories in order to lose weight, and PB was my fave way to do it.

    Sheesh. I'm quitting PB tomorrow and see if my skin can clear over the next few weeks.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Other nut butters as a substitute maybe? Also, I take digestive enzymes/ probiotics and they both help with skin issues.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    perhaps its not the peanut butter but whatever is in your energy bar? i've heard of of anyone breaking out because of pb.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    I broke out because of PB last time I tried a PB facial. I wouldn't recommend it...

    (sorry, couldn't resist) :laugh:
  • NoDairy
    NoDairy Posts: 88
    I was going crazy too, i even became vegan.. but pb is allowed but i noticed it was that im cutting pb... I never liked it until i read it was good fats and bla bla, but i am allergic.. so glad cuz i cut so many healthy stuff like eggs, oatmeal, grains
    Did u figuere it out?
  • DoreenDC
    DoreenDC Posts: 17 Member
    I have been experiencing the same breakouts!!! Sand paper type on my cheeks and forehead....oily has hell throughout the day and I was just laying here trying to narrow down the cause and it's gotta be the PB 2!!! So I did a search and there u were! That's it it stops tomorrow! I never had a problem with natural peanut butter, just wanted to cut calories, but my skin has always been I'm so happy I think that's the culprit! ;)
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    I have the same problem with peanut butter which is making me sad cos I love it so much! Have people found almond butter also causes acne or is it okay? Trying to find a substitute.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Intolerances to peanuts seem to be fairly common, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was to do with that.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I have actually had great skin for 18 years, since I discovered that dairy caused me acne and quit consuming it. I have never been affected by weather before, so I am starting to think it's PB. bummer!!

    Check the ingredients in your energy bar. Perhaps it contains whey protein.
  • I'm so happy i found this post! I have had scaly, dry, peeling type acne that was always irritated and somehow oily while being dry (?) I have been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches since i was in elementary school and as soon as I hit high school i got that horrible acne. I stopped eating peanut butter for a while for no apparent reason and the acne subsided. I just recently got it back and lately i have been snacking on peanuts and peanut butter!! For years I have been trying to find the cause and it was right under my nose!
    Just read an article on legumes and grains and other nuts that are not good for the digestive system, and the forehead (which is where my acne is) reflects problems with digestion! It all makes sense!
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