How to not look like fattest person in gym?



  • Understand that everyone is pulling for you.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    This is why going to the gym does not work for me. I am self conscious and I do worry about this. It's much easier for me to work out at home and walk around my neighborhood.

    I wish I had known about MFP years ago and had the input you've had in this post tonight. I've paid for countless gym memberships over the years that didn't get used bc I just couldn't go to the gym.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Just keep going. I once saw a woman transform her body before my very eyes...she did it by showing up and literally working her *kitten* off every day. I never spoke to her or knew her (we were all too busy with our workouts), but I was da*mn proud of her!

    As for people looking at other people at the gym. Of course I look around. I do a lot of sets and end up with a lot of rests and I look around, make eye contact, whatever. So, YES, I am looking at people ("people watching")....but I am NOT judging them. Just what else am I going to do, stare at my feet? (I do that sometimes too.) We are all on our different paths, there can be no judgement about that. And even if there was--who cares?! You're way over there on your path and I'm way over here on mine--even if you're judging me, it effects me absolutely zero. But, you can, however, learn a lot from watching others at the gym (I've learned some exercises and how to use some of the equipment, etc). So there is that.

    Maybe walk into a gym as if it's your home team. Imagine everyone there is part of a team and you all wear the same color jersey, so-to-speak. That's how I've kinda started to feel about the gym.

    ETA: that lady who transformed herself wore the same gray sweat pants and gray t-shirt every single day and it started as a normal fit (not too tight and not too loose), but by the last time I saw her, it was all hanging off of her. It was one of the main reasons I could always spot her on the cardio machines everyday and how I could easily see how much she was changing day-to-day and week-to-week, as the clothes got baggier and baggier. =)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I just started going to the gym a month ago, because it's too damn cold to run outside. The first couple of times I went in to run on the hamster wheel...uh...treadmill...I felt awkward and like I stood out...I actually was the fattest one in the room a few times. I wanted to just walk instead of running and being all jiggly. Then I reminded myself that it seriously doesn't matter. Does what they think change anything? no. Is feeling awkward gonna hurt me? no. Is there a solution? YUP: do it anyway. acknowledge to yourself that you feel awkward and that it's ok to feel that way. Which situation is worse...feeling awkward, or staying overweight? I prefer awkward.

    I've been going a few times a week for just the past month...but already, I walk in like I own the place.

    I don't have any advice for how not to look like the fattest one there, except for not worrying if you are.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    "You wouldn't worry what people think about you, if you realized how little they did."

    ^^ Truth bomb. Nobody cares. People at the gym are there to mind their own business, and the only time I make note of a fat person at my gym is to silently cheer them off for having the guts to change.

    this. totally this.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1. put on work out gear
    2. walk in gym like you own the mo fo
    3 crush your workout
    4 leave

    end thread/
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    Haven't read the comments yet so sorry if I'm repeating, but,,,,,I used to feel self conscious at the gym (for other reasons.....don't how this machine works, are people laughing at how weak I am, etc), but I say just go. Most people are just doing their own thing. I also believe that those who do notice those of us who are less advanced are probably thinking "good for you. I remember when that was me!". And the few that judge, well, they have their own issues in life and aren't worth the worry. What I did was start doing cardio (treadmills and ellipticals are easy to operate) and while there I would observe others using the various weight equipment. That way, when I started using it, I had an idea of what to do. Getting in there is 75% of the battle. You can do it. Best of luck to you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Any tips?

    I want to leave right after walking in most times.

    How do you go about not look like fattest person in gym? Maybe baggy clothes or something?

    Go in there and own your work out. And continue to own it, people won't care. Wear something confortable and functionable.

    i am usually so immersed in my workout that the only time I look around is on rest breaks..and even then I am not thinking..oh look at this fat dude what the F is he doing in here….I am just trying to focus on next set…now if some hot chick is doing *kitten* to grass squats, I will definitely notice that!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks for input. I guess I only feel like everyone is looking because that is all I am doing it looking around at all the different people the whole time and what they are doing. I can't help myself.

    then you have waaaaayyyy too much time ..

    I would suggest picking up a copy of starting strength and/or new rules of lifting ..and then build a program around compound movements and lifting heavy < start doing that and you will have a lot less time on your hands...
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I have the same thoughts at the gym or in the pool, however I have discovered that often I'm working out longer or harder than they are. For example I was at the pool tonight. I started by swimming laps for about 35 minutes, then did another 30 minutes of toning with dumbbells. There were several people who came in and left while I was still there. One even made eye contact and gave me a smile like 'good job.'

    Just get in there and focus on working your butt off.

    That said I'm still very self conscious about trying new things and I haven't worked up the courage to do a group class.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    My crossfitting, super buff friend posted this on FB

    "Laughing at a fat person going to a gym is like going to a hospital and laughing at the sick people." I thought that was a nice way of putting it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Continue to be consistent with exercise and eating correctly and within a few months you won't be. That's how.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I read this over the weekend and I could so relate! I've been at both ends of the spectrum. Continue to put your best foot forward and the rewards you reap from your hard work will pay off!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    The only ones at the gym judging the way you look should be you or your trainer. Pay no mind to anyone else, because they don't matter.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    1. put on work out gear
    2. walk in gym like you own the mo fo
    3 crush your workout
    4 leave

    end thread/
    Yup, yup, yup...


    OP everybody starts somewhere and I understand feeling self conscience but just focus on your routine and let the outside world melt away. You have as much right to be there as anybody else.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I promise there aren't as many people looking at you as you think there are. Actually there many not even be any at all.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Don't look around at other people. Have a plan when you walk in, go to your weights/machine, get on with it. Wear headphones. Perfect your 100 yard stare. Be in the moment and focus on what you are doing.
    No-one cares what you're doing. Only you should care what you're doing.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I like this screen shot...


    Look forward to seeing your success thread in the future OP.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Stop being so self defeating. You're at the gym, you're doing a good thing and if anyone tries and tells you otherwise kindly tell them to get lost!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    1. put on work out gear
    2. walk in gym like you own the mo fo
    3 crush your workout
    4 leave

    end thread/
    Yup, yup, yup...


    OP everybody starts somewhere and I understand feeling self conscience but just focus on your routine and let the outside world melt away. You have as much right to be there as anybody else.
