What did you waste your money on?

I was replying to another post and it got me thinking of all the weight loss things I threw money away on before finding MFP.

I can't even begin to think of all the "miracle" weight loss pill I bought. Hydroxicut, Power thin, Slim something or another and lots of others, most usually cost about $30 a bottle. In the 80's I did slimfast (mixed with whole milk, duh!!), in the 90's I did the fat free everything and bought alot of Susan Powter tapes and videos (I did lose some but ate too much pasta and other fat free carbs). Bought more pills. I then bought the 6 week body makeover, I could never stick to the strick eating plan. Then Adkins and South Beach, again both to strict, but did get alot of good reading time in with all the books on them. Next I joined weight watchers and that worked for a while but the point thing drove me nuts and I gained back all I lost.

This time I said I was not going to spend another dime to eat less and move more. That is free and the only way to lose weight and get fit. How about that, the only plan that really works is totally free!!

So what did you waste your money on in the past?


  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    Exercise tapes! :tongue: I'm sure they would have been quite effective if I had used them more than once!!! :bigsmile:
    Now I have a gym membership, and while it does cost quite bit of money, I actually use it! So I figure it's money well spent... And hey, combined with MFP, it's the only thing that worked!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Atkins (that lasted 2 weeks)
    Slim Fast pre-made shakes (gained weight with those)
    Xenadrine (made me so hyper I lost about 10 lbs just from all the extra energy)
    Weight Watchers brand foods (was too lazy to actually read the labels on food products)
    South Beach brand foods (see last "excuse")
    Curves gym membership (plateaued after about a month of working out. total waste of money)

    ahhhhhhhh i love living the healthy way. it's easier and CHEAPER and it doesn't give me heart palpitations.
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    I also tried the slimfast diet. I couldn't drink those shakes because they tasted so bad to me. I feel as if I wasted a lot of money on different books discussing different types of dieting and weight loss. There were a couple that I did find helpful but for the most part I didn't even read all the way through them. It is easier and is working to log all that I eat and read the labels on food. And of course...exercise! :bigsmile:
  • celeste2u
    I did pretty much all that you have done. I have tried diet book after diet book. I would always peruse the pill aisle at Walmart and see if there was something new and improved. I even thought about doing the hcg diet. Then I found MFP. I am so thankful that I did. I have since purchased an elliptical and some DVD's, but nothing that will "alter" my body chemistry unnaturally.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    wow... a lot of things, i tried a powder you're supposed to sprinkle on food that is supposed to curb your appetite... forgot the name, excercise tapes, tried a few diet pills, i tried weight watchers but wasn't commited, a gym membership i never went to, what i would give to have the time to go to a gym now lol
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    relacore. body fat. doesn't work. nothing works better than diet and exercise!!!