Sugar per day?

Hi everyone

Im starting out on here again after a large break. I am doing well in coming just under in calorie, fat, carb and protein goals and alot under in sodium but the sugar is way over like anywhere between 20 and 70g! I dont eat any refined sugar its all from fruit and I am eating a lot less fruit than I was before I started tracking. Does anyone else have this issue?



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    the guidelines were revised - what sugar allowance do you have set per day ?
  • allysteven880
    at what range of sugar you use daily is important to trace. you should do some physical work after that. I think so.
  • pippapopper
    pippapopper Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ally

    I have just started out too and I ahve type 2 diabetes, yesterday I had 26g sugar mostly from carbs. Last night and this morning my blood sugar was the lowest it has been in a while. I try to get only around 100g carbs per day, works for me :-)