3 days at Gym, and I'm not sure this is for me.



  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    Currently I get up at 4:45 a.m with no time to spare, i get ready get out the door and am at work at 6:45. I leave work at 3. If I go to gym I am 5:00 getting home, and the kids go to bed at 7:30...... 5 to 7:30, 2.5 hours a day really sucks to have with my kids when im giving baths, homework, etc time just flies and i feel like I've had no time with them. I was getting home at 3:30 before the gym, big difference for me.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    how do i adjust them right to fit me, how many of each should i do? in what type of order?

    First, the order for now is really not that important. Doing it is what matters. For adjusting it, you can always ask one of the trainers that's there at the time - this doesn't need to be a session. Also, some machines might have a description right on it. Lastly, for how many - shoot for 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Pick a weight you can do 8 of, then next time 9 and so on until 12. When you get to 12, next time increase the weight and go back to 8. Rinse and repeat.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Talk to your trainer. Let him/her know what days you're working out alone and ask for a write up of routines you can do. I think it will also help your trainer on the days you're together to focus on certain things and address questions.
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    The only reason I am able to do it now is bc the trainer is standing there with me telling me how many of what to do and how to do them right. being left alone I am going to be so lost.

    Then you probably going to fail at this. Time to rethink what your life goals are.

    ps your trainer sucks. Ask him/her how to use the squat rack and perform the major lifts. I wouldn't pay good money to have someone watch me use a machine and or treadmill.

    He shows me how to use everything, then i do it. I'm not paying yet, first week is free. so i don't want to commit to this by doing a contract if i can't go through with it.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Currently I get up at 4:45 a.m with no time to spare, i get ready get out the door and am at work at 6:45. I leave work at 3. If I go to gym I am 5:00 getting home, and the kids go to bed at 7:30...... 5 to 7:30, 2.5 hours a day really sucks to have with my kids when im giving baths, homework, etc time just flies and i feel like I've had no time with them. I was getting home at 3:30 before the gym, big difference for me.

    Single parent, full time job, three kids.

    You have to make the time for you.
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    You need to have a plan, whether it's working out at a gym or working out at home. If I walked into the gym without knowing what I was doing that day (which I have done plenty of times before I got it together) I would feel the same way you do.

    Have a plan. Know your workout before you go and stick with it.

    Can you give me an example of some workouts?
  • bidemop
    bidemop Posts: 2 Member
    I like going to the gym because it gets me out of the house...and I have enough equipment at home to have a home gym. For me, the gym is my time away from the kids, from the mess, from the dog, from the work that I do at home, from the school that I do at home, etc. That's how I look at it. Even if I go there and run on the treadmill for an hour (cause it's still brutally cold here), that's time that I have for me. I also bought myself a year's worth of personal training sessions - 1 a week - because I'm already at the gym at least 3x a week (though usually more often than that). For me the gym is an escape because I can't do a DVD here at home without seeing a cobweb or without my dog biting at my heels and me wanting to stop and take care of that situation. I imagine that after the membership is up I maybe will have devised a way to curtail the distractions at home, but for me now, it's worth it. I feel that self-motivation is the key in either case - whether you work out at home or in a gym. For me I feel much better if I leave the house and the excuses and distractions behind and take that time for me, if that even makes sense. I look at it as an investment in me and I really don't have an excuse not to go.
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    Currently I get up at 4:45 a.m with no time to spare, i get ready get out the door and am at work at 6:45. I leave work at 3. If I go to gym I am 5:00 getting home, and the kids go to bed at 7:30...... 5 to 7:30, 2.5 hours a day really sucks to have with my kids when im giving baths, homework, etc time just flies and i feel like I've had no time with them. I was getting home at 3:30 before the gym, big difference for me.

    Single parent, full time job, three kids.

    You have to make the time for you.

    I definitely applaud you for that! BC i do have my husbands help, couldn't imagine it if I were single.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I ended up joining a team instead of going to the gym. We have workouts as a group and it is laid back. It is nice because I feel like I have support and a nudge to do my workout, but I don't have someone lording over me.

    Also, some trainers are just. Bad. So bad at their jobs. I went to a trainer once who had me doing sprints the first day with him to prove that I needed his guidance. He never even did any sort of fitness assessment. Don't let one bad day or one bad trainer put a bad taste in your mouth. I went through two very bad trainers, and two amazing trainers who just did not fit into my training style before I found my current coaches and my team.

    Kiss a few proverbial frogs, and don't give up!!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You need to have a plan, whether it's working out at a gym or working out at home. If I walked into the gym without knowing what I was doing that day (which I have done plenty of times before I got it together) I would feel the same way you do.

    Have a plan. Know your workout before you go and stick with it.

    Can you give me an example of some workouts?

    It all depends on your goals.

    I lift, that's my main priority. My goal is to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass (not building it, big difference). I started with a program called Stronglifts and read a book called Starting Strength. I've been lifting for a year now and it has made all the difference in the world. I used to be a (poor) runner and because I miss it a little I started doing it once a week now.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    The only reason I am able to do it now is bc the trainer is standing there with me telling me how many of what to do and how to do them right. being left alone I am going to be so lost.

    Then you probably going to fail at this. Time to rethink what your life goals are.

    ps your trainer sucks. Ask him/her how to use the squat rack and perform the major lifts. I wouldn't pay good money to have someone watch me use a machine and or treadmill.

    He shows me how to use everything, then i do it. I'm not paying yet, first week is free. so i don't want to commit to this by doing a contract if i can't go through with it.
    Ask your trainer if he can provide you written instructions, or a written workout plan.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Doesn't the trainer write down what to do? I work with a trainer but only once every week or two. In the beginning he wrote down everything we did and I was just able to repeat it on the days we didn't meet. After a while you should be advancing enough to figure out how to put together your own routine from what you've done in the past. That said, if you want something super easy to remember try 5x5 Stronglifts. It's literally alternating two workouts composed of 3 exercises each day.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday and it really got me to thinking, CAN I do this alone next week? The only reason I am able to do it now is bc the trainer is standing there with me telling me how many of what to do and how to do them right. being left alone I am going to be so lost. Does anyone get in shape successfully at home with equipment? If so what do you have? I am tempted to just buy a treadmill, i already have a stationary bike at home. I was also very upset that I had gotten home later and missed so much time with my kids. I work full time so my time is very limited. Just overall bad bad day yesterday :-(

    When the trainer isn't right there, he or she is going to leave you with a list of things to do: which exercises, how many reps, etc. So you will TOTALLY be able to do this. That said, a gym isn't necessary. If you have a stationary bike though, I wouldn't waste money on a treadmill. You're going to need to do strength training as well as cardio. Find your fitness. Whatever works for you that makes you feel alive and strong. My personal favorite is kettlebells. Check out some videos on kettlebell strength training and see what you think.
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    Okay this is how it went, you tell me is this a bad trainer. I got there, he tells me to warm up on treadmill for about 5 minutes. I do so. Then we move on to the upper body, he demonstrates what i need to do ( a plank i think) hold it for 25 seconds, then do this other thing where i lay down and hold my legs up for 25 seconds. rotate back and forth 3x. then we go to all the machines. we do 2 at a time rotating the two machines for 3 sets. he demonstrates each, then i do it. we did about 8 different things. then okay go get on the treadmill again for 25 minutes. then i leave.

    Well what if that was my last day in training. today when i go, what do i do? do i do leg machines, treadmill? upper body machines? do i switch back and forth? I'm so lost :-(
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Okay this is how it went, you tell me is this a bad trainer. I got there, he tells me to warm up on treadmill for about 5 minutes. I do so. Then we move on to the upper body, he demonstrates what i need to do ( a plank i think) hold it for 25 seconds, then do this other thing where i lay down and hold my legs up for 25 seconds. rotate back and forth 3x. then we go to all the machines. we do 2 at a time rotating the two machines for 3 sets. he demonstrates each, then i do it. we did about 8 different things. then okay go get on the treadmill again for 25 minutes. then i leave.

    Well what if that was my last day in training. today when i go, what do i do? do i do leg machines, treadmill? upper body machines? do i switch back and forth? I'm so lost :-(

    either switch back and forth between upper and lower body, it is up to you if you want to do the treadmill after or not. You could just do your bike at home after the kids go to bed for the cardio part. The other option could be to get the book starting strength or new rules of lifting for women, and follow either of those programs (much better than using the machines as well)
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    Doesn't the trainer write down what to do? I work with a trainer but only once every week or two. In the beginning he wrote down everything we did and I was just able to repeat it on the days we didn't meet. After a while you should be advancing enough to figure out how to put together your own routine from what you've done in the past. That said, if you want something super easy to remember try 5x5 Stronglifts. It's literally alternating two workouts composed of 3 exercises each day.

    Hasn't written down anything yet. So I guess I should ask that when i go back today.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Okay this is how it went, you tell me is this a bad trainer. I got there, he tells me to warm up on treadmill for about 5 minutes. I do so. Then we move on to the upper body, he demonstrates what i need to do ( a plank i think) hold it for 25 seconds, then do this other thing where i lay down and hold my legs up for 25 seconds. rotate back and forth 3x. then we go to all the machines. we do 2 at a time rotating the two machines for 3 sets. he demonstrates each, then i do it. we did about 8 different things. then okay go get on the treadmill again for 25 minutes. then i leave.

    Well what if that was my last day in training. today when i go, what do i do? do i do leg machines, treadmill? upper body machines? do i switch back and forth? I'm so lost :-(

    Can you not ask him to provide you with (for example) 3 different workouts and then you can do each of them once a week then you get a good mixture?

    If its more about missing your kids then could you go home at 3.30pm half the week and workout once they are in bed?
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    Okay this is how it went, you tell me is this a bad trainer. I got there, he tells me to warm up on treadmill for about 5 minutes. I do so. Then we move on to the upper body, he demonstrates what i need to do ( a plank i think) hold it for 25 seconds, then do this other thing where i lay down and hold my legs up for 25 seconds. rotate back and forth 3x. then we go to all the machines. we do 2 at a time rotating the two machines for 3 sets. he demonstrates each, then i do it. we did about 8 different things. then okay go get on the treadmill again for 25 minutes. then i leave.

    Well what if that was my last day in training. today when i go, what do i do? do i do leg machines, treadmill? upper body machines? do i switch back and forth? I'm so lost :-(

    either switch back and forth between upper and lower body, it is up to you if you want to do the treadmill after or not. You could just do your bike at home after the kids go to bed for the cardio part. The other option could be to get the book starting strength or new rules of lifting for women, and follow either of those programs (much better than using the machines as well)

    For some reason I just feel like I get more out of the treadmill verses the bike. do they basically do the same thing? My legs were wore after the treadmill and they weren't the bike , maybe i had it where the bike was too easy to ride, not hard on the peddling.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I don't think the Gym is for everyone, esp if you have kids and no extra time to run off there and miss being with your kids. They are only young once and I think it's important to spend time with them

    I'd say get some dvds your like, hand weights and work out after your kids go to bed. If they wake up or what not your husband can go to them while you work out
  • kgaylord76
    kgaylord76 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a treadmill at home that I use 3 times a week. My Sister and I joined a gym and I try and go there 3 times a week. Some weeks my schedule doesn't permit me to go to the gym. But that doesn't stop me. I just walk/jog on my treadmill, do squats/lunges, push ups and crunches. I have the 30DS I have used and like it. When I do the 30DS my 6 year old son likes to exercise next to me. Some days are hard because I work full-time and come home to help with homework, etc. You just have to stay motivated. I am at a point that I feel weird if I don't work out. Stay positive you can do this!