upping my calories , advice???

I need advice! I want to stop exercising (will go for long walks) and focus on my food diet only which will be 1400 calories. Will I lose weight or not?


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Without knowing your height, weight, and activity level this is impossible to answer.
  • wriri7_x
    wriri7_x Posts: 94 Member
    Without knowing your height, weight, and activity level this is impossible to answer.

    Height: 5 ft 4
    Weight: 170 lbs
    Activity level, walk around A LOT on Monday-Wednesday, the rest of the days minimal exercise.
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Why would you want to quit exercising? It's good for you - no matter your goal.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    exercise is not a critical component to losing weight. it merely helps, in a variety of areas. walking around A LOT is still vague so it is still hard to give concrete advice.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why would you want to quit exercising? It's good for you - no matter your goal.

    this! but yes, on 1400 cals and no exercise you should still lose weight.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Why would you want to stop exercising. Part of the reason I exercise is so I can eat more food. 1400 cals a day just sucks. You are constantly thinking about what you can eat and how many cals left you have to go before you go over.

    But yes, you can lose if you are 5'4" weight 170lbs and eat 1400 cals a day. The lighter you become, the lower your cals need to go as your weight loss will slow down. If you are strong enough to do it. I could not. I am your height and started out higher than you. Now I am 150 lbs and eat 1850 cals on average a day. I workout and burn quite a bit as well so I can eat more food.

    Plus, I want to be fit, not just slim. and to be fit, I need to workout.

    Good luck to you in whatever plan you decide to do.
  • niniagrn
    niniagrn Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, you can but it may take long to lose the weight. Exercising helps with your metabolism, which will burn calories when you aren't moving.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I would think that almost no matter who you are, eating as low as 1400 calories / day will cause you to lose weight. I used to do that, but I'm a 200 lb. male. I agree with other posters, though, that you shouldn't stop exercising. It's just good for you, wards off cancer, keeps your body capable of doing everyday activities when you're older, etc.

    As far as nutrition, balance your macros (which, for most of us, means focusing on increasing your intake of lean protein). I personally would get in even a 30 minute workout every day and allow yourself to eat another 100-200 calories / day.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm in the process of upping my calories to keep up with my workouts. it took my body three weeks of holding onto everything I put into it for it to start losing weight, again.

    food is fuel. food is our friend. and you're worth the wait. :)
  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    I am adding more to my exercise plan after discovering Peanut Butter Pop Tarts. Exercise makes weight loss easier and I get to eat foods Dr Oz says I shouldn't.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Well lets try math:
    BMR for you is 1,491/day
    A person your weight walking at 2mph for 60 minutes will burn 193 cals

    So, 1491 cals burned just by being alive + 193 cals to slowly shuffled around for 60 minutes total over the course of a day = 1,863 cals burned
    This showing us that if you eat 1400 cals you'd lose weight even if you just laid in bed all day, so getting up any at all will increase the amount of calorie deficit you are experiencing.
  • adamrbinder
    adamrbinder Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost over 100 pounds and my advice, is solid nutrion and a good workout program. I am a huge fan of P90X and T25. send me a message and I can help you.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I smell a Beachbody coach...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Reading between the lines, your header says you're upping your calories. Does that mean you currently eat fewer than 1400 a day? Are you thinking of quitting exercise because it makes you hungrier?

    My advice would be to set MFP to lose 1lb a week, no more, and eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories. You'll feel better and less hungry, and will feel more like doing exercise you enjoy as part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    I have similar stats (170lbs, 5'2"), with light exercise (walking to classes)
    I have a calorie allowance of 1750, and am still losing weight. So yes, you will lose. In fact, you should probably increase your calorie intake so you don't get hungry :)
    That said, although you don't need exercise to lose weight, adding it helps improve fat loss and muscle gain (rather than muscle loss and fat gain). Plus it's all around good for your health, improving your heart health, lung health, etc. So it's good to at least add in a run or gym workout once a week!
  • wriri7_x
    wriri7_x Posts: 94 Member
    Why would you want to quit exercising? It's good for you - no matter your goal.

    this! but yes, on 1400 cals and no exercise you should still lose weight.

    Well I just want to concentrate on my food and get that right without binges and then I probably will start to exercise.
  • wriri7_x
    wriri7_x Posts: 94 Member
    Reading between the lines, your header says you're upping your calories. Does that mean you currently eat fewer than 1400 a day? Are you thinking of quitting exercise because it makes you hungrier?

    My advice would be to set MFP to lose 1lb a week, no more, and eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories. You'll feel better and less hungry, and will feel more like doing exercise you enjoy as part of a healthy lifestyle.

    Yes I was eating 1200 calories so not much of a difference. It has nothing to do with being hungry I just feel that 1400 would be something I could do in the long haul.
  • I say why not. If it is your wish to focus on your calorie intake to lose weight then that's your prerogative. It's your life and your journey. And if you track correctly, at 1400 you will get results. The time might come when you want to reintroduce exercise into your life, and that's your call. It's nice to get advice from other people but don't forget that you call the shots in your own life.