
Is it just as bad to have a 20fl Gatorade then it is to have a diet soda?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Define "bad."

    If your concern is the acids eating your teeth, Gatorade is loads better.

    If you are dehydrated, Gatorade is loads better.

    If the carbonation upsets your stomach, the Gatorade is loads better.

    If your concern is sugar, then read the labels.
  • julesbollenbach
    julesbollenbach Posts: 13 Member
    Bad as in I need something sugary for the day and I'm trying to figure out which is the better choice. I know everyone will tell me both aren't great but I would like one of either once a day.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Bad as in I need something sugary for the day and I'm trying to figure out which is the better choice. I know everyone will tell me both aren't great but I would like one of either once a day.

    Why aren't either "great"? There is nothing wrong with having 1 Gatorade or 1 Diet Soda a day....

    It depends on what you want out of it, if they're just a "treat" to meet your sweet tooth you just need to account for the calories in the Gatorade.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It just depends on your priorities. Are you more sensitive to sugar or artificial sweeteners?
  • julesbollenbach
    julesbollenbach Posts: 13 Member
    That is what I am curious about, some people say artificial sugar is really bad and can cause you to gain weight and some people say regular sugar is the enemy. I don't know what to believe! I just really want to lose weight but also be able to enjoy a soda or juice once a day. I prefer Gatorade.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    That is what I am curious about, some people say artificial sugar is really bad and can cause you to gain weight and some people say regular sugar is the enemy. I don't know what to believe! I just really want to lose weight but also be able to enjoy a soda or juice once a day. I prefer Gatorade.

    Then drink the Gatorade. If you don't have any cravings, then it isn't the devil and you can go about your merry way.

    If, on the other hand, you find yourself faced with unbearable cravings, try something different.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I look at 1) is there anything benefit to my body in consuming "whatever" and 2) are there healthier alternatives. I see no benefits in these two and an abundance of alternatives that are better for you.