Low-Carb: One meal off for a special occasion?

I hope I don't regret this... I'm taking a 1 meal break from my low-carb/Atkins diet for a special dinner with co-workers we do every few months...and possibly again on Valentine's Day (I may just have a steak though...MMM). I hope I don't lose my momentum/progress. I've been really diligent up until now and I have had great success with it. I feel better too.

So...since I am having 1 meal (it's a special dinner where the Chef decides your courses for you and pairs them with a beverage) off the low-carb plan (I've been in 20< carbs/induction) and I plan to go back to induction tomorrow morning what will the side effects be?

I have lost about 6lbs in a week and a half and I'm pleased with this result. I don't want to completely backtrack either.

Has anyone else paused their low carb diet for a special occasion (and jumped right back to low carb)?
How did you fare?


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I never paused it while in the Induction phase. My off meals were always at Phase 2 or 3 when you are adding in additional foods which ups your carb count anyway.
  • itsbakertime
    itsbakertime Posts: 85 Member
    Do you feel like it hampered you at all? I completely forgot about the fact that I am unable to customize at the event I am going to. I have been eating under 50carbs for about 3 weeks but I've been on induction for a week. I don't feel any carb cravings though. I wonder if I should just go to phase 2 after tonight....
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I hope I don't regret this... I'm taking a 1 meal break from my low-carb/Atkins diet for a special dinner with co-workers we do every few months...and possibly again on Valentine's Day (I may just have a steak though...MMM). I hope I don't lose my momentum/progress. I've been really diligent up until now and I have had great success with it. I feel better too.

    So...since I am having 1 meal (it's a special dinner where the Chef decides your courses for you and pairs them with a beverage) off the low-carb plan (I've been in 20< carbs/induction) and I plan to go back to induction tomorrow morning what will the side effects be?

    I have lost about 6lbs in a week and a half and I'm pleased with this result. I don't want to completely backtrack either.

    Has anyone else paused their low carb diet for a special occasion (and jumped right back to low carb)?
    How did you fare?

    Low carb diets don't offer any advantage in fat loss over more balanced diets, holding cals and protein constant. Assuming no medical conditions.

    And those 6lbs this week? not much of it was fat
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I hope I don't regret this... I'm taking a 1 meal break from my low-carb/Atkins diet for a special dinner with co-workers we do every few months...and possibly again on Valentine's Day (I may just have a steak though...MMM). I hope I don't lose my momentum/progress. I've been really diligent up until now and I have had great success with it. I feel better too.

    So...since I am having 1 meal (it's a special dinner where the Chef decides your courses for you and pairs them with a beverage) off the low-carb plan (I've been in 20< carbs/induction) and I plan to go back to induction tomorrow morning what will the side effects be?

    I have lost about 6lbs in a week and a half and I'm pleased with this result. I don't want to completely backtrack either.

    Has anyone else paused their low carb diet for a special occasion (and jumped right back to low carb)?
    How did you fare?

    Low carb diets don't offer any advantage in fat loss over more balanced diets, holding cals and protein constant. Assuming no medical conditions.

    And those 6lbs this week? not much of it was fat

  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I hope I don't regret this... I'm taking a 1 meal break from my low-carb/Atkins diet for a special dinner with co-workers we do every few months...and possibly again on Valentine's Day (I may just have a steak though...MMM). I hope I don't lose my momentum/progress. I've been really diligent up until now and I have had great success with it. I feel better too.

    So...since I am having 1 meal (it's a special dinner where the Chef decides your courses for you and pairs them with a beverage) off the low-carb plan (I've been in 20< carbs/induction) and I plan to go back to induction tomorrow morning what will the side effects be?

    I have lost about 6lbs in a week and a half and I'm pleased with this result. I don't want to completely backtrack either.

    Has anyone else paused their low carb diet for a special occasion (and jumped right back to low carb)?
    How did you fare?

    One meal one time? Go have fun. It may take a couple days to get back into ketosis and you might gain some water weight back for a few days.
  • itsbakertime
    itsbakertime Posts: 85 Member
    I enjoy eatting low carb. I feel healthier overall and I am satisfied. The first few weeks are strict but I essentially eat meat, eggs, dairy, veggies, and I will start incorporating more fruits on phase two. That sounds fairly balanced to me. My carbs are from healthy veggies instead of bread and sugar. I've lost inches, not just weight.

    Thanks for the feedback and support. Life is all about balance and enjoyment. I know it is a "lifestyle" but in life...we eat ice cream or cake every ONCE in a while. I'm interested to see how I feel after. Oh boy!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Do you feel like it hampered you at all? I completely forgot about the fact that I am unable to customize at the event I am going to. I have been eating under 50carbs for about 3 weeks but I've been on induction for a week. I don't feel any carb cravings though. I wonder if I should just go to phase 2 after tonight....

    At the point where I was at in my journey, no, it didn't hamper me at all. I was like you and didn't have cravings, so it was just one meal off and then continue on with my regular eating my body was used to after that one meal.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I enjoy eatting low carb. I feel healthier overall and I am satisfied. The first few weeks are strict but I essentially eat meat, eggs, dairy, veggies, and I will start incorporating more fruits on phase two. That sounds fairly balanced to me. My carbs are from healthy veggies instead of bread and sugar. I've lost inches, not just weight.

    Thanks for the feedback and support. Life is all about balance and enjoyment. I know it is a "lifestyle" but in life...we eat ice cream or cake every ONCE in a while. I'm interested to see how I feel after. Oh boy!
    Do what works for you. Plenty of people say "stick in your calorie allowance" and you can eat ice cream and cake any day but its obviously easier said than done (otherwise why would most people be here in the first place?). Some people can't believe that Atkins or low carb can be enjoyable/sustainable so they knock it because they can't understand that their right (and in their minds, only) way is not the only way that works to lose weight and have calorie deficits.

    Having the cheat meal or day is a personal choice...it'll knock you out of ketosis but that'll be for you to decide if it's worth it.
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    Anyway, OP, I've been doing low carb for 4 weeks and this past weekend had to travel for a big work event and was off plan the whole time. I actually found that the high carb foods I ate weren't as enjoyable as I remember them being (seriously how was that bagel not mind blowing?), and when I returned home it was no problem at all switching right back to my low carb way of eating. In fact, I was excited about it and my having my regular eggs and bacon breakfast this morning was like heaven! The scale showed a 4 lb gain, but I was expecting it (refilling my glycogen stores, water weight and all that) and I'm not worried about it. I did not eat an excess of 14000 calories in 3 days.

    Enjoy your off plan meal, jump right back on the plan afterwards, and don't be discouraged if you see a gain. It's most likely temporary!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
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  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OP, one meal won't derail you but if it's very carb heavy, like ACG pointed out, you will gain some of the water weight back. When you go low carb, you store less glycogen/water, so it's common to see large losses the first few weeks. So if you do gain a few lbs, they will come back off once you go back to low carb.
  • Looking for low carb friends :-)
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    I have been trying to go low carb since the beginning of the year and have had some off meals. Just have it in your mind that you are going to get back on the low carb the next day. As for Valentine'd Day just try to be picky on what you eat, steak and salad maybe. Good luck. I know that eating low carb can sometimes feel restrictive, especially with going out to eat. Good luck!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Looking for low carb friends :-)
    Check out some of the low carb groups! I'm in the Atkins group even though I don't follow it to a "T". Good luck!
  • I enjoy eatting low carb. I feel healthier overall and I am satisfied. The first few weeks are strict but I essentially eat meat, eggs, dairy, veggies, and I will start incorporating more fruits on phase two. That sounds fairly balanced to me. My carbs are from healthy veggies instead of bread and sugar. I've lost inches, not just weight.

    Thanks for the feedback and support. Life is all about balance and enjoyment. I know it is a "lifestyle" but in life...we eat ice cream or cake every ONCE in a while. I'm interested to see how I feel after. Oh boy!

    I've just started on low carb to meet the other half of my goal *hardest half*. I feel incredible!! So I agree.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I don't do low carb... but I can't really see how 1 meal will derail you if you are committed to your plan.

    I do know that when I eat a lot of carbs I do not feel my best. Esp if they are not from healthy whole natural sources (such as fruits and veggies) So you might feel crappy for a day because of that..