Join me to lose 50 lbs.



  • Hey,I'm looking to lose 50 or more,do I'm in :-) x
  • Dvorah17
    Dvorah17 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me, too! We can support each other. I am also trying to lose 50-60 pounds. Have lost 30 so far but still a long way to go!
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    You can add me! I am still on my journey!

    A little bit about me is that I am a college student who is majoring in respiratory therapy! I have ALWAYS been overweight as a child. When I was 14 years-old and was about to enter into high school, people starting making fun of me a lot for being so heavy. So one day I just up and decided that I wanted to lose weight because going in the medical field I needed to "practice what I preach". After weighing in at 225 pounds I starting a diet and exercise routine at my local gym!
    It is safe to say I am a fitness addict now! I love everything about being a healthier me! I am currently 150 pounds and happy as ever!
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
    I have 50 to lose myself! You can add me - we can do this!
  • Looking to lose 60 here and very serious about getting back to a healthy weight! Feel free to add me.
  • Hi! Earlier this year, I had 50 pounds to lose. Now I only have 40 to lose! After 45 days of straight forward honest logging of my food, I'm feeling really good about this journey. Excited to see your progress :smile:
  • MrsTaraDStringer
    MrsTaraDStringer Posts: 51 Member
    Hey im a mum of 2 and im 5"10 so my ideL weight is around 11st, though i want to get down to 10st 3lbs; I'm currently 13st 3lbs so still got to loose 45 lbs, already lost 3lbs so still got 42 lbs to go!
  • vrinda9183
    vrinda9183 Posts: 160 Member
    I got 50+ to go....add me too..
  • I my goal is to lose 60! lets go!
  • AmyJC81
    AmyJC81 Posts: 16 Member
    I have 45 to lose.. Add me :-)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Still need 40+ to get! we got this!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    We can do this! I have about 50 pounds myself to lose to get to my goal (one of my goals anyway). Please include me in your group. Also, anyone please feel free to add me as a friend. I've learned that you can't have enough friends or support on this journey.
  • dmgelinas
    dmgelinas Posts: 36 Member
    I'm looking to look about 68 lbs! Add me Anyone! I log daily, and my diary is open!
  • H! I quit smoking 32 days ago. Put on some serious pounds!
  • khhowe1
    khhowe1 Posts: 9 Member
    :) On my way to loosing 70 lbs... 31 lbs have already gone! You are more than welcome to join me on my journey!
  • TNW81
    TNW81 Posts: 1
    I joined today. I want to lose 50lbs. Add me to the list. :smile:
  • Hi just joined this week. I have more than 150lbs to lose. Please add me! I'd love the support :-)
  • I was just told that Beachbody is CRAP. Funny enough by someone who represents 'FITNESS'. I am curious, what other workouts are you all currently doing?

    I am doing BB and I am seeing results. Countless people before me have seen results.

    Just wondering
  • briannashaw_
    briannashaw_ Posts: 59 Member
    I sent you a request. I had about 50-60 to lose, and have lost 25 so far! I will totally offer encouragement!
  • Hi everyone,
    My name is Ellie and I'm 18 and I've been overweight since i was around 12/13. Diet after diet and still nothing works!! but now finally I'm trying a plant based vegan diet and cutting out: animal products, wheat, dairy, sugar, oil, and salt. my mom went down about 5 sizes on the same diet and many people have lost 100+lbs on it. When I started in December, I weight 215 lbs and now I weigh 206! my goal weight is somewhere between 135-150. I really need support and I'm so excited to chat with more people who are fighting for fitness and health like me. cant wait !