Any other OAS sufferers out there? How to get around it?

I have a VERY hard time eating raw fruits and vegetables. My mouth, lips, and throat are set on fire and I get moderate hives. I know most of the nutrients are in these raw miracle foods but I don't know how to get around this without either loading up on Benadryl or getting a shot from an allergist once a week for 6 months to a year :( Just wondering if anyone else has this problem and what they do to get past it without fully cooking their vegetables and fruits.

To learn more about OAS (Oral Allergy Syndrome) check out this link:


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Is this a epidemic?
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Is this a epidemic?

    EXACTLY what I was thinking!! I've never even heard of it and today I've seen two threads about it. *shrugs*
  • Surreallia

    Thank you very much for the link, I will do some research on it!

    It is not an epidemic. Nor is it funny to joke about. It's one of the most debilitating problems I've ever experienced, and I've dealt with it for ten years and gained nothing but weight because I am too scared of the repercussions of eating raw healthy food. It is extremely common in most adults with outdoor pollen allergies, as it is itself a pollen allergy. I provided a link for those who didn't know what it was.

    Not trying to come off rude by the way :)
  • 4_littledickeys
    4_littledickeys Posts: 5 Member
    Surreallia, I also have OAS, except my body decided it was going to skip the itchy mouth and hives and go full anaphylactic on me ( go hard or go home, right? lol) I supposed my first sign? of OAS was when I was a kid and apples started causing my gums and throat to itch. At first it was just annoying, and then it got to the point that they weren't worth eating as the itching was too bad. As is common with OAS, when I turned 21, suddenly things I'd eaten all my life caused my throat to itch like crazy and slightly swell. Raw almonds that I kept in my car, black berries off a bush that ate from all my life, etc. The reactions got worse and worse with each reaction-- and I had no idea what I was allergic to until I finally got tested. People look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them I have OAS; most have never heard of it. I found your thread today as I was searching if Juice Plus would be safe or not. Its often very difficult to find out how things are processed, as I'm sure you know, and I haven't had much luck yet. I doubt a Juice Plus rep would know much about OAS and would never in a million years give the ok to take it for liability reasons... and the same goes for a doctor and Juice plus :/