Calorie Shifting and math

Has anyone tried calorie shifting?

How did you determine the number of calories for your High and Low days?

I was thinking of trying a pattern like this (where H is high calorie and L is low calorie, C is cheat day, and also adding in Workout calories if I work out that day)

H L H L H L H (first week)

H H L L H H C (second week)


I had to make an excel spreadsheet to calculate all this.
Has anyone tried anything like this?


  • tonya24
    no but that seems like a good idea...
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    I'm interested to see what people have to say about this. I've heard about it but never tried it.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    It looks like a good system...but, I think you should just have the high days when you FEEL hungry rather than schedule them
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I too would like to know if anyone has tried this and if it works
  • mamayoga
    I've been trying to read about it on the internet.

    Part of the theory is to confuse your body about what calorie intake to expect.
    They suggest you do it on a schedule to make sure you aren't inadvertently doing it in a predictable (to your body) pattern.

    All I know is, I lost weight over Thanksgiving, and I think it's because I was accidently calorie shifting.

    That is, I changed my exercise schedule (cause the gym was closed thursday and friday) and although I "overate" on Thanksgiving day, I still lost a couple pounds, when I had been stuck for several weeks prior to that.
  • mamayoga
    Seems like phase III of the Curves diet plan is a type of calorie shifting.