Any Snowshoe'rs/Hikers Out There?

I primarily use snowshoeing and hiking/peak-bagging for my exercise. Any others out there like me?


  • rainydaylady27
    Woop woop! That's my preferred method of exercise and main motivation that I'm doing this... I want to be able to hike and climb mountains for a long time to come :)
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I go hiking pretty much every weekend here but we don't have any snow.
  • osuzorba
    osuzorba Posts: 35 Member
    My wife and I do very long day hiking. Currently training for Cactus to Clouds (hopefully a full round-trip). Only way we stay motivated at the gym.
  • raetwssrae
    raetwssrae Posts: 16 Member
    My boyfriend and I are loving the snow in Colorado this season!! We try to shoe twice a month, and have some major 14'er plans for the summer. However, that is not our main form of exercise. Just hoping to get in better shape to go farther and longer and really do some good exploring.
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    I love snowshoeing, but sadly the mountains near me this season are in poor shape. Last I checked, only half the trails were open with very little new snowfall. If I'm lucky I'll maybe be able to get up there once or twice before the spring melts.
  • ripzone13
    ripzone13 Posts: 83 Member
    Heck ya! If we could just get a little more snow right now I'd get more snowshoeing in. Also my main motivation behind amping up my endurance, and cutting some poundage- hiking it up this summer!
  • hei_ma_ma
    hei_ma_ma Posts: 61 Member
    Yep, hiking is my primary outdoor activity in the summer. In the winter I ski uphill (and then briefly downhill) and cross-country though the snow situation in my area this year is the most dismal ever in about 30 years. I went hiking last weekend. Actual hiking with hiking boots. It is pretty much unheard of to hike on dirt in the winter here.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I hike, snowboard and ski. Might be doing some snowshoeing this season.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I looooove hiking when it's warm out! I live in a foresty borough of a big city so I get access to parks and trails and stuff :)