Does the master cleanse really clean your body?

juday3 Posts: 78 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I have been at a weight stand still for quite sometime. A family member suggested doing the master cleanse to help re-start my weight loss. I am skeptical however, this family member has done the master cleanse a few times throughout the past two years. I remember she started at the beginning of this year doing the master cleanse for 3 months and she dropped down to a size 5 from a size 12. I remember she took a break from the cleanse for a few months and now she has gained 40lbs back and says that its her thyroid causing the weight gain.She was told by her "healer" to go back on the master cleanse for 90 days which will help get her thyroid back in balance, and will cleanse her system. She firmly believes that the cleanse works and would like me to give it a try since I can't seem to lose weight. ( I have increased my exercise and stay within my calorie range, but still no loss). So, I guess my question is- does this master cleanse really work to clean the body or is it just a form of starvation to lose water weight?


  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    i'd like to know more on this myself, but you do mean she went from a 12 to a size 5 right?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I personally don't like cleanses but many people swear by them. When I hit a stand still I usually look to foods that are prone to that "cleansing" effect - Leeks, grapes, dried fruit, beans. I focus on incorporating these into my regualr meals and usually I start dropping again within the week. Just my $0.02.
  • juday3
    juday3 Posts: 78 Member
    i'd like to know more on this myself, but you do mean she went from a 12 to a size 5 right?

    Opps.. Yes she went from a size 12 to a size 5.
  • Faiithangel
    Faiithangel Posts: 1 Member
    I have a friend at work who did the master cleanse for 14 days and lost 15 pounds (no food). The book tells you how to come off of the cleanse and how to start eating again. I heard it's really good weight and health wise and thinking about doing it myself next week for 1 week to see how it works. I'll let you know :)
  • k_eye
    k_eye Posts: 18
    what sort of excercise do you do? cos if you are having a little bit of a plateau sometimes all you need is a little workout overhaul - changes the muscles use, or how they are used.

    Also - do a change in diet ( like a "clean" diet with tons of water) sometimes that can change too. We all react differently with wgt loss.

    I just think cleanses are more like a starvation diet. And if your family member lost THAT much wgt and then tossed it back on just a quickly it can't be healthy.. That being said - if you have increased your exercises try upping your calories. Crazy i know, but if you are using up more calories your body may be storing it cos its thinking you dont have enough food and should store it.

  • The cleanse itself isn't what is making you lose the weight it's the lack of calories, I know a guy who does it all the time and he will lose 15-20 lbs and gain it all back every time
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I've never done a cleanse, but seriously - our bodies are designed to handle this kind of thing on its own. Drink plenty of water, eat enough fiber, and you shouldn't need any "cleansing". I've read all about the master cleanse, and there's no way you can get proper nutrition (vitamins/minerals/etc.) while on the diet - you're consuming virtually no protein - almost all your calories are coming from the sugar in the maple syrup. Plenty of people who have done it have lost weight - but plenty of people can lose weight eating right and exercising. I think I prefer my calories in the form of real food.
  • What master cleanse are you talking about? The only master cleanse I have ever heard of is the one with water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. There is no way that someone could keep that up for months straight??
  • so, BASICALLY, the master cleanse is a starvation diet that does NOT contain all of the essential nutrients needed in the human diet. how it works is it "cleans" the poop out of your body. you also might lose a good deal of water weight. the second you start eating normally again, you will most likely gain the weight back.

    a human body that is in relatively good health detoxifies it's self. the non-specific toxins that the master cleanse claims to flush out, are already flushed out by body by urinating, defecating, sweating, and breathing.

    here is a really good article written by dr. ed zimney:

    it sounds like you are at a plateau. everybody on the slow and steady weight loss journey will hit a plateau at one point! it's totally normal! you will start losing again, soon. maybe change up your routine a little bit. jumpstart your metabolism by exercising a little bit more or trying a work out that you haven't done before. maybe take a day or 2 off from exercise and confuse your body. maybe eat more low-calorie foods though out the day. i tend to lose the most weight when i eat 6 times a day.

    anyway, good luck! slow and steady wins the race!
  • juday3
    juday3 Posts: 78 Member
    What master cleanse are you talking about? The only master cleanse I have ever heard of is the one with water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. There is no way that someone could keep that up for months straight??

    Yes this is the one with water, lemon, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. This family member does the master cleanse for 3 months straight. Actually its her, her husband and her "healer/guru". The healer swears up and down by this and after a certain amount of time they just drink juice from fruits and vegetables and basically go into an all liquid diet.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I've never done it and I think cleanses are as bad as a fad diet (which they essentially are). Of course you'll lose weight only "eating" what this cleanse requires. How about you just try and eat a cleaner diet and make sure you get in enough fruits/veggies/whole grains and water? Much might not lose 50 pounds in 3 months but it's much more sustainable and healthy!
  • I'm not an expert, but that sounds just really unhealthy to me, not to mention miserable!! I wouldn't try that if I were you...Sometimes (especially following a day of eating especially unhealthily) I'll do a one day "cleanse...but all it consists of is lots of water, green smoothies throughout the day, hot green tea, and a light dinner that night with lots of raw vegetables. I try to always make sure I get my calories and nutrients in...I think we should be working on being kinder to our bodies rather than trying to starve them into compliance.
  • I think we should be working on being kinder to our bodies rather than trying to starve them into compliance.

    yes! beautifully said.
  • juday3
    juday3 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you to everyone that replied to this post. The information was very helpful. I do believe that the master cleanse is not a good path to take on the road to weight loss. I will try to incorporate more healthy foods such as more raw fruits and veggies and mix up my workouts. Thanks again everyone!
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