weight plateau

I lost 7 pounds in 21 days and inches but I have stopped losing and need help..I exercise e eryday doing the 24 fat loss and toned exercise..what am I doing wrong..still need to loose 6 or 7 more pounds...help


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    How long have you been "stuck"?

    7 lbs in 21 days is pretty impressive. Your body might just need to readjust.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Let's say you stay stalled for another two or three weeks.. eat more calories. It sounds absurd but when we lose a lot of weight in a short amt of time and are more active, our bodies actually need more fuel in order to release the weight. I was stuck at 168.5lbs last year for two months straight because I refused to eat more than 1700 cals. Someone told me to eat more, I did and the weight just started pouring off again.

    Also recommend zig zagging calories which means eating different caloric amts everyday. So lets say your caloric intake for the week looks like this: 1600 2100 1750 1900 1800 1650, 2300, etc,.
  • Whenever I get stuck, I cut out carbs and dairy, and the scale starts moving again. Take a really good look at your diet and make sure you are eating clean.
  • Can I just ask what is the 24 fat and toned exercise? I've not lost anything for about 3 weeks but I haven't put any one either so keep going:)
  • I lost 7 pounds in 21 days and inches but I have stopped losing and need help..I exercise e eryday doing the 24 fat loss and toned exercise..what am I doing wrong..still need to loose 6 or 7 more pounds...help

    1. 7 pounds at 3500kcal/pound is a net loss of 1166kcal/day.

    2. This probably means much of that weight loss was not fat but water etc

    3. Are you sure that you are not still losing fat at the rate you were previously but the effects are now less dramatic?

    How many days have you been stuck?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How long has it been since you saw movement on the scale? A plateau is usually defined as 4-6 weeks without any movement on the scale with no changes to your routine. A week or three without a loss could be anything from water weight (exercise, sodium, hormones, etc) to overestimating your calories.

    How much are you currently eating? How accurately are you logging? Your diary is set to private so we aren't able to see what you're eating. If you're comfortable setting it to public it might help us to see what's going on. If you aren't already, make sure that you're tracking and logging accurately. A food scale is best, but measuring cups are better than eyeballing.

    Are you logging your exercise here on MFP and eating back any of the extra calories you earn? It's possible that MFP is overestimating the exercise calories you're burning, causing you to eat too many back.