
I'm thinking about juicing. I've got about 30lbs to lose total and I want a quick jump start to get my self esteem up. I'm planning on doing the whole "no solids" for a couple of days and see how it goes.


  • ILxScalco
    ILxScalco Posts: 72 Member
    I did that once, couldn't handle the taste. It's also extremely expensive.
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    I buy fruit and raw vegetables all the time, but they go to waste because I forget to eat them : (
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    make sure you take in at least 1200 cals still. Just because you are juicing doesn't mean you should go to an extreme deficient on your cals. Log in your juices just as you would your food, there is plenty of juices in the database
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Everything you need to know about juicing.


    eta: P.S. Juicing won't "jumpstart" s**t.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    it might jump start you but once you return to a regular healthy diet you might gain it back - why not eat instead of drink your calories and drink lots of water - you would benefit just as much if not more by eating real fruit and veg than juicing it and would likely feel less deprived - calories in fruit and veg are so low that I would rather eat 3 cups of it than put 3 cups through the juicer and end up with 1 cup of juice
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    make sure you take in at least 1200 cals still. Just because you are juicing doesn't mean you should go to an extreme deficient on your cals. Log in your juices just as you would your food, there is plenty of juices in the database
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I buy fruit and raw vegetables all the time, but they go to waste because I forget to eat them : (

    buy some frozen you can put it in smoothies and still benefit from the fibre, etc
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    it might jump start you but once you return to a regular healthy diet you might gain it back - why not eat instead of drink your calories and drink lots of water - you would benefit just as much if not more by eating real fruit and veg than juicing it and would likely feel less deprived - calories in fruit and veg are so low that I would rather eat 3 cups of it than put 3 cups through the juicer and end up with 1 cup of juice
    Because I can get full off of one apple. It's sad that my 13mo eats more than me
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    Anyone have any good experiences with it?
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I loved it....I was hungry though, so I would just eat some of the veggies in between. you poop a lot...and you start noticing ALL the food commericals on tv, and you also dream about food at night. My stomach did get noticeably smaller though, but I had lost about 15 lbs in the 10 days, most of it being water and crap. Most of what you are going to lose Is water and crap if you are only doing it for a short period (less than two weeks)
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    I want to do a vegetarian diet for a couple of weeks after the no solids diet.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Everyone has their opinion about juicing and I'm sure it works for some people. There are a few strikes against it, however. It is extremely expensive; it takes the fiber out of the food; it is messy; and many people find themselves hungry with just drinking and not chewing and eating food. Also, where are your fats coming from when you juice?

    For most people, it is not a satisfying way to live the rest of your life. Weight loss does not have to be brutally uncomfortable. I was never hungry and looked forward to everything I eat.
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    How is it expensive?
  • I tried a 5-day juice and quickly lost 5 lbs, but quickly gained it all back plus an additional pound the first 3 days after finishing it. I really liked how great I felt and how much energy I had, but it was also very difficult. I learned the hard way that to lose weight and keep it off you have to eat normal food, exercise, and maintain those habits.

    I still enjoy juicing though and have one for lunch with a salad every day. My favourite juice includes 1 beat, 1 green apple, 2 carrots, 1 celery stalk, half a cucumber, ginger, and sometimes a lemon :)

    Everyone's experiences are different and I wish you good luck!
  • I personally loved juicing. I did it for a few days to "detox" myself and I felt amazing. Since I plan to go fully raw, I plan to juice a lot more. You start to notice your skin and appetite change. The only reason you will feel hungry is if you don't eat enough. Make sure you eat/drink the amount of calories you are required. I say do juicing while also snacking on raw fruits and veggies. Research a bit more. Go on YouTube to look at many recipes. Every juice I make is very delicious and fresh. Try it for a day first and see if you will like it. :)
    Here is some more info http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/healing-properties-juicing
    EDIT: If you really want to try it, don't let anyone stop you. If anything talk to a doctor or nutritionist (even research it on your own). Only you know yourself best. Good Luck <33
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    How is it expensive?

    you will use way more fruit and veg juicing - the volume is reduced substantially
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    How is it expensive?

    one bundle of non- organic kale is 1.99.....and you use about 3 of those. that's just one little ingredient. If you watch fat sick and nearly dead, it costs about 24 dollars a day for Walmart priced veggies to juice, and like 36 for organic.
  • PrairieSlims
    PrairieSlims Posts: 42 Member
    I found you really need a good juicer as I was using a Magic Bullet and it just didn't cut it. I was putting things in like Kale that was great in shakes. I either do a smoothie with veg or one piece of fruit. Today I had 3 servings of fruit at 12 each for sugar content which put me over -5. I guess I have to watch more closely. I prefer just juicing the odd meal and still eat the regular food.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    I am all for mixing it up and trying different things. "Juicing" is a very broad term - juicing leaves you with a concentrated sugar hit (with fruit) and with little fiber. Puree / Smoothies however you would find much more filling as you do not lose the fibrer For fat you could add a little yoghurt to the smoothies (perhaps Greek? or natural). Yes you could also add Psyllium husks to the drinks for fiber but this takes some trial and error to get it right. If just for a couple of days to see how you go / feel - just go for it and see what your body does IMO - I think you will be heading to the loo quite briskly at some point :)
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm going to get my first 3 days worth. Now I'm really curious about cost...I'll check back in