How do you get motivated?

On those days when you don't want to go work do you get motivated?

Some days I have to have a full on pep talk to get me going....anyone else have advice on this?


  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I enrolled in a for credit dance class at college.

    That way If I don't go I fail and bring my GPA down.

  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    I joined a challenge at the diet site. I pay money to join and get all of it back plus a little more when I reach my goal. They have two challenges: A 4-week/lose 4% bodyweight or a 6 month/lose 10% bodyweight program. I chose the 10% bodyweight challenge over six months because I have long term goals.

    It's not really the money that motivates me, but the focus on deadlines, progress, and accountability. Working for me so far.
  • KapuaK
    KapuaK Posts: 39 Member
    I enrolled in a for credit dance class at college.

    That way If I don't go I fail and bring my GPA down.


    I enrolled in two exercises classes at school too! Great idea!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Motivation comes from within, all you need to do is make a decision.....set a goal (must be challenging but attainable) and make a plan. It's the same for everything else in life...........
  • leviclampitt
    ==> Put yourself into a position where failure (aka skipping workouts) means punishment.

    Like a woman said above, that punishment could mean a lower grade for a class. Or it could mean that you have to pay someone $50 dollars (aka accountability partner) if you miss. You could even go as far as to tell a whole bunch of people of your audacious goal and maybe even sign up for a Mud Run. Because you don't want to look like a flake, you'll be more "motivated" to continue.

    When it comes to fitness, punishment is more effective then reward. My advice is to make your own game (with distinct punishments) that you have to play.

    With time, you'll have a habit (and hopefully a love for fitness) so you won't have to rely on it.
  • PrairieSlims
    PrairieSlims Posts: 42 Member
    JUST DO IT!!!!
    Think you great you will feel afterwards!!!!
  • Mrsko79
    Mrsko79 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a fitbit flex that keeps me going. I also do classes at the YMCA. And if I dont sleep good and am not motivated one day, my calories are adjusted so I can focus on nutrition and sleep.

    Motivation is going in the AM before im awake enough to say no lol
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    I made a routine out of it. Wake up, pre-workout meal, work out, post-workout meal, shower, get ready for work. I don't have to motivate myself to brush my teeth, I just do it because I know it's good for me.
  • blunderball
    blunderball Posts: 21 Member
    I started teaching a yoga class for the employees where I work...then encouraged my boss to join.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I told my husband to nag me every night if I haven't worked out yet. XD He's Army, so he's pretty good at being, erm, "motivational", shall we say? ;)
  • Muzfox
    I have this really unrealistic view in my head of what I want to be like when I'm down to my ideal weight, think Vin Diesel in Pitch Black body hehehe. I'm going to get there and nothing is going to stop me! Music is the other great motivator for me. I'm a weird one, I'm over 40 and I love Hardstyle, 150 beats per minutes gets you going! Don't know what that is? Youtube Headhunterz or Qlimax. I'd recommend sunglasses and big speakers!
  • SouthernMommy11
    Get a workout Buddy! On days shes not interested I get her going and vis versa. You can also try setting a rewardbsystem for yourself. 5 days in a row to the gym and you get a manicure ( or whateve relaxes you!)