152 g of protein? How on earth?



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Feel free to check my diary, I am consistently eating 170 g/protein every day. If you make it a priority you can make it happen.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I am supposed to eat about 100g of protein a day and I find it hard too. I'm not paying $25 for 12 protein bars, I don't like the taste of whey. I don't eat seafood.

    Kind of a tough thing. There is only so much eggs, chicken, and greek yogurt a person can eat. I usually get about 75% of my protein. Maybe 50% on some days. I like to eat other foods besides the ones listed before...and I have been losing weight just fine.

    Just do what is good for you. Don't change what you are doing if you are losing weight. A lot of people on here stress eating a lot of protein and I just honestly cannot do it. So you are not alone ;-)
  • rya4eva
    rya4eva Posts: 18 Member
    I am suppose to eat about 145g per day and I use protein shake a lot! I try to get in at least 40g per meal and 10g per snack. I use protein powder a lot! Not just as a shake but in recipes too. I just made peanut butter protein cookies and protein banana bread. Check out www.goherbalife.com/maryahjackson/en-us these are the protein products I use.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    It was also about protein. Full title is: "Quantitative effect of an isoenergetic exchange of fat for carbohydrate on dietary protein utilization in healthy young men."

    Full text can be found here:


    See bottom of 1st column on page 8 to the top of the second column (I would copy the extract but its a pdf)

    That study wasn't measuring the amount of protein consumed, it was measuring whether changing the ratio of carbs to fat would have an effect on protein utilization. The only thing it says about protein is that 0.57g/kg body weight is an insufficient amount for a young, healthy male. No arguments to that here.

    And it was one example of the RDA being insufficient - which was the point of my post and what was asked for. There are a lot of studies in that thread that, when looked at as a whole (and when especially when read on conjunction with other research, some of which were also provided), give an extremely compelling case that the RDA recommendations are not adequate, especially when on a hypocaloric diet and/or when active.

    The study may not have been about the optimal amount of protein - but it did make assertions about the lack of adequacy of the RDA recommendations. Again...that was the point of the thread.

    You need to look at the body of evidence, not focus on one individual study just because it was not conducted for the specific purpose of looking at protein adequacy, especially when said study actually came to the conclusion that the RDA was not adequate.

    The paper was from 1979 and the protein amount they used was 0.57g/kg BW (I don't think that was the RDA, it says they used the recommendation from FAO/WHO for a safe level of protein intake) The recommendation now is 0.8g/kg BW.

    What do you think the protein requirement should be?

    Can you please look at the other links she replied in a different reply in this thread?

    They will specifically show that amounts exceeding the RDA are generally superior.


    ^ Scroll down to protein recommendations and check the links.

    Edit: Here --
  • _AwesomeSauce_

    I drink one or two 50g RTD's (Ready To Drink) can's of protein, along with all my other protein intake.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    according to some of you folks on here, I'm supposed to eat .8 grams of protein per 1lb. of body weight. I calculated it, and came out to 152 g of protein? That's a lot of protein, I mean, when there is only a few grams of it in one egg, and the highest being from meat, but geez, I'd have to eat a whole chicken to meet that goal, wouldn't I? How do you guys do it?

    BTW, I'm female, 5'3, 190lbs, and exercise 5 days a week burning 330 calories a day. Thanks.

    Also, MFP has my calories set at 1200 and IIFYM has it set at 1600 calories.

    The way to do it is to eat a lot of foods throughout the day that have high protein counts but are relatively low in calories. The best source of protein is obviously meat but you don't need to eat a whole chicken. For instance, one breast of chicken will have anywhere between of 30 and 50 grams of protein, depending on the weight. I had a 6 oz steak the other night that had about 40 grams of protein. Have at least one meal per day with something like a breast of chicken or a piece of steak with some veggies and maybe some rice too. That will help you get there.

    There are also other types of food that have surprisingly decent protein counts. Some carbs, for instance, have decent protein counts. A serving of bread or rice, for instance, has about the same amount of protein as an egg (usually between 5 and 8 grams of protein). Lentils are also packed with protein; nuts have protein as well (including nut butters). And then there's dairy. Milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt all have protein. Greek yogurt is actually a great source of protein. For a little packaged cup anywhere between 80 and 120 calories, you can get between 12-14 grams of protein.

    So what you'd want to do is include as many protein-filled foods as you can in a day, try not to eat too many foods that have high calorie counts but extremely low protein counts (i.e. something that's 300 calories with 1 or 2 grams of protein only), have at least one meal with a good-sized serving of meat (breast of chicken, steak, fish, etc.), and add in a serving of whey protein to give you another boost of 15-30 grams.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Eat protein at every meal, even snacks. Theres protein in a lot of things, even cheese, beans, etc. I personally only need 110g and am always trying not to go over. You can get it from meat, eggs (egg whites are better), dairy (if allowed), beans, nuts, greek yogurt has 12 g per serving. I would invest in a good protein powder that you would enjoy drinking, most have 25g per serving. Heres what I ate today as my protein sources so you can get an idea: 2 egg whites, 3 slices center cut bacon, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 1 can tuna, 2 chicken sausages, frozen greek yogurt bar, and 1/4 serving protein powder. That all came around to 100 g and I didn't have an excessive amount of eggs or meat. Even things like milk and bread have some protein. Once you start tracking what you eat, you'll see its not too hard to get the protein you need. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    this is the advice I would have.

    I will get 131 grams of protein without touching any shakes today (but I usually supplement with them or protein bars). I had some egg muffins with breakfast sausage crumbles, ground turkey and veggies, 2 hardboiled eggs and a tbs. of peanut butter, some tuna, and a chicken and bean soup for dinner. Boom. Very doable.

    I think the secret to success like this poster mentioned is building all meals, even snacks, around lean proteins. Also ditto her on the good tasting protein powder. It's so hard to choke them down when they taste like chalk.
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    Two scoops of protein powder with milk will give you 50 to 60 grams depending on which powder and how much milk at about 400 calories. I eat about 275 grams a day, so 15o would be a breeze for me...
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I didnt even make it to dinner yet and I'm at 100g of program for the day

    I had steak in my lunch with spinach, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, protein shake....if you are really focusing on that look more into meats and fish and use a protein supplement
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Eat protein at every meal, even snacks. Theres protein in a lot of things, even cheese, beans, etc. I personally only need 110g and am always trying not to go over. You can get it from meat, eggs (egg whites are better), dairy (if allowed), beans, nuts, greek yogurt has 12 g per serving. I would invest in a good protein powder that you would enjoy drinking, most have 25g per serving. Heres what I ate today as my protein sources so you can get an idea: 2 egg whites, 3 slices center cut bacon, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 1 can tuna, 2 chicken sausages, frozen greek yogurt bar, and 1/4 serving protein powder. That all came around to 100 g and I didn't have an excessive amount of eggs or meat. Even things like milk and bread have some protein. Once you start tracking what you eat, you'll see its not too hard to get the protein you need. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    this is the advice I would have.

    I will get 131 grams of protein without touching any shakes today (but I usually supplement with them or protein bars). I had some egg muffins with breakfast sausage crumbles, ground turkey and veggies, 2 hardboiled eggs and a tbs. of peanut butter, some tuna, and a chicken and bean soup for dinner. Boom. Very doable.

    I think the secret to success like this poster mentioned is building all meals, even snacks, around lean proteins. Also ditto her on the good tasting protein powder. It's so hard to choke them down when they taste like chalk.

    But how many calories do you consume a day? I feel like I'd be over with your meal plan.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    It was also about protein. Full title is: "Quantitative effect of an isoenergetic exchange of fat for carbohydrate on dietary protein utilization in healthy young men."

    Full text can be found here:


    See bottom of 1st column on page 8 to the top of the second column (I would copy the extract but its a pdf)

    That study wasn't measuring the amount of protein consumed, it was measuring whether changing the ratio of carbs to fat would have an effect on protein utilization. The only thing it says about protein is that 0.57g/kg body weight is an insufficient amount for a young, healthy male. No arguments to that here.

    And it was one example of the RDA being insufficient - which was the point of my post and what was asked for. There are a lot of studies in that thread that, when looked at as a whole (and when especially when read on conjunction with other research, some of which were also provided), give an extremely compelling case that the RDA recommendations are not adequate, especially when on a hypocaloric diet and/or when active.

    The study may not have been about the optimal amount of protein - but it did make assertions about the lack of adequacy of the RDA recommendations. Again...that was the point of the thread.

    You need to look at the body of evidence, not focus on one individual study just because it was not conducted for the specific purpose of looking at protein adequacy, especially when said study actually came to the conclusion that the RDA was not adequate.

    The paper was from 1979 and the protein amount they used was 0.57g/kg BW (I don't think that was the RDA, it says they used the recommendation from FAO/WHO for a safe level of protein intake) The recommendation now is 0.8g/kg BW.

    What do you think the protein requirement should be?

    As I already noted, you cannot look at just one study - there are a plethora of studies in that link that show inadequacy of RDA recommendations which you appear to be ignoring. I also linked other threads and resources. The recommendation of 0.8g/kg has been shown on numerous occasions to be inadequate in many circumstances.
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Like I tell everyone who asks this question... look through my food diary.
  • Naomibunluv123
    Naomibunluv123 Posts: 18 Member
    I do just that, I eat lots yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, meat, cheese and most importantly chicken!!!
  • cmstirp
    cmstirp Posts: 51 Member

    It was also about protein. Full title is: "Quantitative effect of an isoenergetic exchange of fat for carbohydrate on dietary protein utilization in healthy young men."

    Full text can be found here:


    See bottom of 1st column on page 8 to the top of the second column (I would copy the extract but its a pdf)

    That study wasn't measuring the amount of protein consumed, it was measuring whether changing the ratio of carbs to fat would have an effect on protein utilization. The only thing it says about protein is that 0.57g/kg body weight is an insufficient amount for a young, healthy male. No arguments to that here.

    And it was one example of the RDA being insufficient - which was the point of my post and what was asked for. There are a lot of studies in that thread that, when looked at as a whole (and when especially when read on conjunction with other research, some of which were also provided), give an extremely compelling case that the RDA recommendations are not adequate, especially when on a hypocaloric diet and/or when active.

    The study may not have been about the optimal amount of protein - but it did make assertions about the lack of adequacy of the RDA recommendations. Again...that was the point of the thread.

    You need to look at the body of evidence, not focus on one individual study just because it was not conducted for the specific purpose of looking at protein adequacy, especially when said study actually came to the conclusion that the RDA was not adequate.

    The paper was from 1979 and the protein amount they used was 0.57g/kg BW (I don't think that was the RDA, it says they used the recommendation from FAO/WHO for a safe level of protein intake) The recommendation now is 0.8g/kg BW.

    What do you think the protein requirement should be?

    As I already noted, you cannot look at just one study - there are a plethora of studies in that link that show inadequacy of RDA recommendations which you appear to be ignoring. I also linked other threads and resources. The recommendation of 0.8g/kg has been shown on numerous occasions to be inadequate in many circumstances.

    I looked over some of the other studies but none that I saw seemed very compelling. One had a study population of 20 and had them on a different diet for only 2 weeks. Some of the other studies were specific only to hardcore athletes and had small study populations as well.

    As I understand it, the committee responsible for the dietary reference intake meet around every 5 years and go over all the recent, relevant research to decide if anything needs changing. They don't just pull these recommendations out of thin air. I believe they put out their last update in 2010 so maybe by 2015 they will up the protein recommendation. Who knows.

    I was just pointing out to the OP that the actual recommendation put out by experts is lower than what she's been told, since she expressed frustration at trying to reach what she thought her protein goal should be.

    Also, I really am interested in what you think an adequate protein amount is.
  • popo312
    popo312 Posts: 78 Member
    For me it's lots of fish, greek yogurt and protein powder and bars. Usually a protein drink in the morning with breakfast and after my workout. Usually one protein bar a day. Combined with my diet I can usually hit the 158g goal for the day.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    thanks for all the replies guys. I appreciate it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    It was also about protein. Full title is: "Quantitative effect of an isoenergetic exchange of fat for carbohydrate on dietary protein utilization in healthy young men."

    Full text can be found here:


    See bottom of 1st column on page 8 to the top of the second column (I would copy the extract but its a pdf)

    That study wasn't measuring the amount of protein consumed, it was measuring whether changing the ratio of carbs to fat would have an effect on protein utilization. The only thing it says about protein is that 0.57g/kg body weight is an insufficient amount for a young, healthy male. No arguments to that here.

    And it was one example of the RDA being insufficient - which was the point of my post and what was asked for. There are a lot of studies in that thread that, when looked at as a whole (and when especially when read on conjunction with other research, some of which were also provided), give an extremely compelling case that the RDA recommendations are not adequate, especially when on a hypocaloric diet and/or when active.

    The study may not have been about the optimal amount of protein - but it did make assertions about the lack of adequacy of the RDA recommendations. Again...that was the point of the thread.

    You need to look at the body of evidence, not focus on one individual study just because it was not conducted for the specific purpose of looking at protein adequacy, especially when said study actually came to the conclusion that the RDA was not adequate.

    The paper was from 1979 and the protein amount they used was 0.57g/kg BW (I don't think that was the RDA, it says they used the recommendation from FAO/WHO for a safe level of protein intake) The recommendation now is 0.8g/kg BW.

    What do you think the protein requirement should be?

    As I already noted, you cannot look at just one study - there are a plethora of studies in that link that show inadequacy of RDA recommendations which you appear to be ignoring. I also linked other threads and resources. The recommendation of 0.8g/kg has been shown on numerous occasions to be inadequate in many circumstances.

    I looked over some of the other studies but none that I saw seemed very compelling. One had a study population of 20 and had them on a different diet for only 2 weeks. Some of the other studies were specific only to hardcore athletes and had small study populations as well.

    As I understand it, the committee responsible for the dietary reference intake meet around every 5 years and go over all the recent, relevant research to decide if anything needs changing. They don't just pull these recommendations out of thin air. I believe they put out their last update in 2010 so maybe by 2015 they will up the protein recommendation. Who knows.

    I was just pointing out to the OP that the actual recommendation put out by experts is lower than what she's been told, since she expressed frustration at trying to reach what she thought her protein goal should be.

    Also, I really am interested in what you think an adequate protein amount is.

    I would recommend, again, to look at the whole of what I linked. Taken as a whole, in my opinion, it is a VERY compelling case. Also, I linked a thread and a video that explains the issues with the studies they use. I would suggest also that you look to the studies used as the basis for the RDA and see if you are comfortable with them based on sample size and specificity.

    Basically, even if you believe that the RDA is adequate - the RDA is based on an isocaloric diet, not a hypocaloric one. If you believe that this does not change protein requirements, that is up to you, but based on the overwhelming amount of evidence out there, I do not believe that it is a good conclusion to come to.

    As an additional comment, many 'experts' who research protein requirements do not believe that the RDA is adequate.

    Regarding your question as to adequate protein, the answer depends on a number of factors, including activity levels, whether at maintenance or at a surplus/deficit, the depth of any deficit and body fat, among other things.
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    Recommend daily allounces are total CRAPOLA if you have any desire to have a good strong body.
  • cmstirp
    cmstirp Posts: 51 Member

    You know, I'm not actually disagreeing with you. I'm open to the possibility that the protein RDA is too low for people trying to lose weight. I was just questioning the evidence you provided since, in my opinion, it seemed lacking. That's not to say there isn't other sufficient evidence out there. Nutrition and dietetics is a growing field and there are new discoveries made all the time. My replies to you weren't meant to be confrontational, or to make you believe what I believe, I was just trying to have a conversation about protein requirements. I guess this type of format makes that difficult to achieve.
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member