What's your motivation for losing weight?

I'm just curious, what is that one thing hat freaked you out and made you say, "Okay, this time something's got to change."

For me, it was a couple things that shocked me... Realizing I was 8 lbs away from my heaviest pregnancy weight, and seeing myself in an unflattering photo in an outfit that I *thought* looked good on me.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    For me it was when my BMI went into overweight. But what keeps me going is the hope that I can post photos of my cosplays online and not get called fat.

    Given that one of my photos got shared on Facebook last night and the comments say I'm too fat I guess I'm still nowhere near that goal.
  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    Summer Wedding in August. I have the dress. I fit in it just fine, but I seriously want some "arm guns" like Michelle Obama.
  • I am renewing my vows this year, the first of Aug an I want to be in a nice dress and feel good about it. We didnt have a wedding so for me this is my big chance to do it :) and I have a dress in mind so I can pull it up and look at it when im feeling like I am not sure if I will make it. I don't want to be super model thin but would like to lose enough to stand in front of everyone and not feel awkward :>
  • missyme10
    missyme10 Posts: 38 Member
    Mine is to ride my little pony.

    I was just too heavy for her so she became an over grown pet.

    I've lost enough to potter about on her for 20 mins, but nothing else.

    This has really spurred me on now, made me realise just how much I'm missing out on and how much I really want to be able to go for long leisure rides this summer.
  • My motivation is to save my marriage. I'm taking Phen and I'm using it for about 2 months... I lost 9kg and I'm so happy!!!
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    My motivation is to finally breakout of dangerous starving myself/binging/starving/binging and purging cycles/diet pills ect. I'm over weight and out of shape due to my destructive lifestyle and for once I wanna walk my talk and be HEALTHY! I use to be an avid performer and my reward to myself for loosing AND MAINTAINING the weight loss (for a year) is enrolling in aerial arts (I.e aerial hoops, silks, ect.)
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    My motivation is the closet full of clothes that don't fit me anymore. And that my man of two years has been hinting at marriage quite a bit and I don't want to wait until I have a ring to start killing it at the gym. I want to look good for life. Not just a wedding.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    my motivation is my self esteem, confidence, clothes i want to wear, my family and just to get them to stop saying I AM THE OLDEST because I am so big and my older sister is so tiny!
  • frecklesandfries
    frecklesandfries Posts: 32 Member
    Well I felt motivated when I went to the doctor's office and asked if I could be weighed backwards because I didnt want to see the scale. That was AWFUL. Also, I have my wedding coming up in August and a week long cruise that follows to prepare for! Hoping to drop 20 pounds by August.
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    Kind of a three fold combo for me. I am a SAHD, usually wear t-shirt and shorts everyday. Finally had to go somewhere and dress nice. I put my pants on and had to lay down to button them. Obviously gained some weight, went and bought a scale and I have gained 50lbs in the last year. I was shocked. Then I was asked to be in a wedding in May, and then last week found out I had gout.

    So those three things happening all with in the same two week period has inspired me to get down to my pre-wedding weight.
  • ILxScalco
    ILxScalco Posts: 72 Member
    Because I don't want to die in my 40's. :p
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    I just want to experience the joy of feeling fluid and comfortable in my own skin and in this world. And I wan to shop. I want to shop a lot. And travel.....with no stupid physical restrictions because I couldn't have self control. Yeah...that's about it right now I guess. :-)
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Wanna be whistled at D:<
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I wanted to look good. I had no idea it was possible to feel as good as I feel now, so that wasn't an initial motivator although it makes me want to keep the weight off.

    I saw myself on the Fan Camera at Citizen's Bank Park in Philly. Actually, I saw our section of probably over 100 people and the biggest person in the frame was wearing a black shirt. It took a few seconds before I realized it was me in that black shirt. I was so big that my arms couldn't fit at my sides and were crossed on my stomach. Ugh. To be a woman and the biggest person out of 100, in Philadelphia, no less, felt like the most awful thing ever. Although I didn't start losing weight immediately, that night is forever etched in my brain as my biggest negative motivator.
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    I lost a lot of weight about 4 years ago. I felt so much better when I was normal weight. After losing the weight I went back to the same old eating habits and gained back 60 pounds. Finally, I "get it".
    My husband is retiring at the end of April and we are planning on walking daily, hunting mushrooms, hunting asparagus, travelling,
    visiting with the six kids and nine grands and generally having an active life.
    This is the latter part of our life together and I want to do what I can to be able to live it to the fullest.
  • bl1nk6
    bl1nk6 Posts: 175
    basically i look like *kitten*, this is just not me :( but its my health and everyone around me that will suffer if i dont im sure.. alot of people depend on me .
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    When I realized that the feeling i was going to pass out between meals and the cloudy urine meant that my denial about having diabetes was REALLY strong. I have no idea if I had diabetes or if I was becoming pre-diabetic, but I decided right then and there I wasn't going to let it go on any longer. Good luck in your journey!!
  • my husband is 14 years younger than me, when i saw the pictures from my sons wedding I wanted to throw up at myself. I want to look good and be healthy. I have 7 grandchildren and im sure more to come and I want to be here for them.
  • I'm just curious, what is that one thing hat freaked you out and made you say, "Okay, this time something's got to change."

    For me, it was a couple things that shocked me... Realizing I was 8 lbs away from my heaviest pregnancy weight, and seeing myself in an unflattering photo in an outfit that I *thought* looked good on me.

    isn't that the most awful feeling? that happened to me in quite a few pics. look in the mirror thinking I look awesome, then seeing the pictures and realizing I look like a fat pig]
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I started because my BP, which had been stable most of my life, went high and I had to get on a diuretic. I stay motivated because I have a 5-year old who I want to see grow up (and chase around).

    My BP is now normal without meds, and I can run after my daughter all day.