How long will it take to noticeably lose weight.

Ive been tracking my diet for nearly a week, and Ive gone to play basketball every night for a min of 60 min with the exception of tonight.

Im 5'11'' and i weight about 189 - 190 lbs, mostly in my midsection.

Im trying to figure out when I should start seeing results, my biggest problem is that if I dont see something fast, I get bored and i guess give up.

mostly looking for reassurance that If I eat my daily 1830 calories and exercise daily, I have to start losing a little bit withing a month, like at least a lb.


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I think it took the first 15 lbs to notice a difference.
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    It depends. How large is your calorie deficit? In theory, you should lose 1 lb for every 3500 calorie deficit. However, it is more complicated than that and weightloss is not perfectly linear. Some people lose a lot initially that is really just water loss due to depletion of their glycogen stores (a quick energy storage form of carbohydrates used by your body). Some people gain a little with a new exercise routine (especially strength training, but it sounds like you're doing mostly cardio) which is again, water weight. I think men usually lose quicker than women... so I'm sure you will see results soon enough (within a few weeks) - if not, make sure you're logging accurately (weighing solids, measuring liquids) and maybe don't eat back all of your exercise calories every time. Some people on here say they didn't see weightloss for the first 1-2 months, others lose right away. Good luck! :)
  • drattedfatbody52
    Stick with what you are doing and don't despair. Most weight loss isn't visibly noticeable to others until a person has lost about 20 lbs. For men especially, recognize that you have more muscle mass and will covert to muscle mass faster than a woman will which could mean that your supposed "failure' to see even a pound lost means that your increased exercise is ALREADY working to improve your health and fitness. Even if you don't lose a whole lot of pounds quickly, you may notice your clothes fitting differently and gain that "feel good' that comes with regular exercise in a few as three weeks. My husband did regular exercise for many months with improved flexibility, strength and stamina BEFORE he started losing his "love handles." He still carries a little padding over his belly in spite of being at his goal weight. That wouldn't likely change at this point w/o lipo but I'm not complaining.

    You are doing what you need to do and if you begin to "feel bored" with what you are doing in terms of your exercise, change it up. Some of my co-workers (all of whom are men who did a "biggest loser" during a month) found that they took a "day off" and ate whatever they wanted about the third week, just for one day, then resumed their dieting plans and lost more. They referred to it as shocking their systems.

    Good luck and hang in there. If you find that this continues, try exercising before you eat breakfast and you may sleep better too.
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    People only started commenting when I got to around 12kg lost, but then I have a lot more to lose. Try measuring rather than weighing. Much better indication.
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    Take pictures. I take pictures every Wednesday when I weigh in. I don't think I look any different in the mirror today than I did when I started, but when I look at the pictures, even with what little I've lost, I can tell a difference. And, I agree with the above poster that measuring is a sure-fire way to notice a difference.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I was about your size. I saw a clear difference when I'd dropped about 10 pounds.

    I suggest taking Before pics. It makes it easier to tell. Because you see yourself every day the incremental changes are imperceptible until something dramatic happens like you notice you've gone down a pants size.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    1) I saw the past 3 days of your journal and noticed that your sodium is quite high.
    Water will be retain in your body for about 3-4 days. Drink a lot of water, chill on the sodium and stay under your sodium goal for 3 days.

    2) Are you accurately measuring everything correctly? Weighing chicken before it's cooked? Measuring all measurements with instruments. Also entering the same brand and using exact foods you're eating, not "homemade" entries that MFP offers when typed in?

    3) You may not be burning as much as calories as you think you are. For best accuracy, get a heart rate monitor, that would measure your calorie lost. If not, I would honestly half the calories lost of what MFP gives you to stay safe, or even less depending on the effort you put during basketball.

    4) Weigh yourself in the morning. No drink, no food, no nothing. Try to piss/**** before you weigh yourself if you can too.

    If you do not get results after doing what I've outlined for you.
    Then you have a thyroid problem.

    Don't give up. You wanna keep trying to lose weight, or at least monitor your food? Or do you wanna just let it all go and get fat and unhealthy? You choose.
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    Have you measured different parts of your body? When you weigh yourself then you should measure yourself as well. You may see small changes there where you arent on the scales. Plus give it at 2 to 3 weeks to get your body adjusted to the new plan. If it is not working out for you, then look at changing the calories
  • rijana12
    rijana12 Posts: 81 Member
    I would definently recommend taking some measurements. Also, depending on what you are trying to do, maybe start lifting as well? As you gain muscle, you will burn more calories. So maybe try to incorporate that a couple days a week as well. But don't be discouraged. You don't have that much to lose so it's going to take you longer to lose it. You got this! :bigsmile: