Menistal Tear... Is exercising possible??

A week ago today I was "being healthy" and took the 4 flights of stairs at work to my little cubicle (like I do most mornings) and within 30 mins my knee swelled and I have been on crutches since.

My arms are getting a great workout from the crutches but I can feel the change in my body from eating all the wonderful food over Thanksgiving and not being able to exercise.

I am open to suggestions for any exercises I can do until my knee is 100% again.



  • Meg28
    Meg28 Posts: 59
    Oh that's a bummer. Hopefully they will have you off crutches quickly. I recommend swimming! It is easy on the legs and you can always put a little buoy (some pulls supply them, but places like **** sports should have them as well) between your legs to keep them really still. If your gym doesn't have a pool, a lot of communities have them for no to minimal cost or some facilities just have a drop in pool rate. After 40 minutes, you'll feel much better!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    OUCH I am so sorry to hear that!!!!!
    My daughter has this Sesame Street exercise vid!!! lol. they actually have an exercise on there for people confined in wheelchairs-because a little girl on the show was in a wheelchair.
    BUT that struck her interest and we had to find more "workout in a chair!!!" -the song that goes on the vid. lol You tube has TONS!!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Pilaties is good cuz you are off your feet.
  • dansu2000
    Did you tear your meniscus? I did that last year and at the same time tore my ACL. You need to give it time to heal before you do any exercise. I would definitely check with your doctor.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    A week ago today I was "being healthy" and took the 4 flights of stairs at work to my little cubicle (like I do most mornings) and within 30 mins my knee swelled and I have been on crutches since.

    My arms are getting a great workout from the crutches but I can feel the change in my body from eating all the wonderful food over Thanksgiving and not being able to exercise.

    I am open to suggestions for any exercises I can do until my knee is 100% again.


    Hey there,

    How bad is the injury? Have you had it looked at or are you just "pushing through it" as many folks do.

    If the meniscus is infact torn, you would likely require a Knee Scope Operation to remove or repair the tear...otherwise, you'll be fighting constant pain and swelling during certain movements.

    I had a meniscal tear myself and was off my feet for about 2 weeks after surgery (exercise wise anyway), but now I don't have any problems.

    Give your body time to heal and you'll recovery sooner. Push through it and you'll just aggrivate things and cause more damage in the long run.

  • majikmeg
    Swimming and yoga classes are great because the teachers usually know what you can and can't do.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    you can do cardio with your punching