Question for "Athletic Build" ladies



  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    best idea- get your body fat tested with calipers, find out from a trainer what puts you within the "fit" range (this is the range above good and under professional athlete). That would give you a good idea. I am built very muscularly and was pleased to find out that I am not nearly as over what I need to be!
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Calipers are the crappiest method of body fat testing, with HUGE margins of error. Don't do that. There's no reason to test your body fat just for vanity, and unless you're doing a dexa scan, it's not accurate.

    What you can clearly learn from this thread is that even given an approximate height (5'4") there is a HUGE difference in what each individual considers their comfort weight. There are some women who are very densely muscled at higher weights, and women who are less muscular who weigh less at the same height. It comes down to your preference.

    I'm 5'4.5", and with my current muscle, could get down to about 125lbs and step on the stage to compete in bikini. I could wait a year, add more muscle, and compete in figure. They're different looks. It depends on your personal aesthetics, and goals. Setting a strict weight number doesn't make sense, since all this is basically subjective.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I've always been small and "solid". Even at my VERY thinnest I was only 104, and I'm just 5'0". My muscles are built densely, and in compact little "balls", which actually works to my advantage, because they start to pop out with great definition after only a couple of weeks of heavy lifting.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I've always had a larger build (5'10). My long term goal would be 160-170. However more than that I'd like my BF% to be 21-24%. If my BF is anywhere in that range the number on the scale is irrelevant.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    5'7" - Used to body build when I was in my late teens (up to 20 - when I got prego) I was in the high 150's then. When I got back into shape after the baby I was 164 (best shape post baby - with heavy lifting) I wore a size 10

    Now 176 and in a 12 (some 10's)- hoping to get to the 160's again and a solid size 10.

    Edited to mention - BF% is really more important to me now anyway. And Maybe if I can get it in the lower 20's then I may even wear an 8...
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    At 5'4" with a more muscular build I was always mad at WW for telling me I should weight 130s. When I reached 131 (this is quite a few years back pre-three kids) I was so skeletal looking. It just was not a good weight for me. At this point I am seeking 150 as I have been more than comfortable and wearing a size 6 there in the past. Once I reach that goal I will determine what will work best from there. I think it needs to be more about bf% and what you are comfortable at.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Btw, I KNOW that lifting won't make me huge...but I am aware that muscle does weigh more than fat.

    A pound of fat and a pound of muscle both weigh a pound. The fat just takes up more space.

    thank you.

    I know it's a pet peeve thing- but I can't stand when people say "a pound of X weighs more than a pound of Y."

    NO IT"S MORE DENSE. dense- dense is the word for which you search.

    I'm 5'8" and am around 162- and looking to add. But ideally I'd be around 150.

    I see your logic but I don't think the statement is completely incorrect. hypothetically if you and me both wear the same size of jeans but your legs are all muscle and mine are all fat, then you will weigh more than me BECAUSE YOUR MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN MY FAT. Correct me if I'm wrong but I can see both arguments

    No, sorry that is incorrect. A lb of muscle is simply more dense than a lb of fat, just like a lb of brick is much more dense than a lb of feathers. They still all weigh a lb.

    As defined by Free Dictionary, weight is, "The force with which a body is attracted to Earth or another celestial body, equal to the product of the object's mass and the acceleration of gravity." Which is why you would weigh more on Jupiter than Earth, but your mass would stay the same.

    There is no argument. It's physics.

    ETA: I consider myself an athletic build. I'm 5'5" and currently 130 lbs.

    But 1 cup of muscle weighs more than 1 cup of fat. She really didn't specify measurement as a pound.

    When I was rowing crew and lifting I was 130 and that worked for me. I'm 5'4" and have always been on the powerful side even when not exercising.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm 5'3". I'm best around 118.

    If by athletic, you mean flat chested, that is. I'm rather petite.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    5'5", looking to settle into 125-130 (basically I want <18%BF which should be in this range). Even athletic women who lift heavy have a hard time having enough LBM to maintain low bodyfats at very high weights (although you can look dang good at higher than 18%, that's just my personal goal) because building muscle takes time.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    But 1 cup of muscle weighs more than 1 cup of fat. She really didn't specify measurement as a pound.

    OMG you win the internet. I am so using this line next time....
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    Btw, I KNOW that lifting won't make me huge...but I am aware that muscle does weigh more than fat.

    A pound of fat and a pound of muscle both weigh a pound. The fat just takes up more space.

    thank you.

    I know it's a pet peeve thing- but I can't stand when people say "a pound of X weighs more than a pound of Y."

    NO IT"S MORE DENSE. dense- dense is the word for which you search.

    I'm 5'8" and am around 162- and looking to add. But ideally I'd be around 150.

    I see your logic but I don't think the statement is completely incorrect. hypothetically if you and me both wear the same size of jeans but your legs are all muscle and mine are all fat, then you will weigh more than me BECAUSE YOUR MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN MY FAT. Correct me if I'm wrong but I can see both arguments

    If you compare same size portion then the muscular leg will weigh more because you will need more pounds in muscle to make up the same space as the fat leg.

    You are comparing a cup of lettuce to a cup of pasta and saying pasta weighs more than lettuce. What you mean is 1 cup of pasta weighs more than 1 cup of lettuce. However 1 lb of lettuce would be a whole lot of lettuce if you were comparing pound to pound.

    1 lb will always be 1 lb.
  • love2run2az
    I also have an athletic build with large quads. Don't stress about weight, instead take your measurements and keep track of fat loss. you will notice that your clothes will get loose as you lose fat even though the scale might tell you otherwise. Also, you might want to consider doing a liver cleanse at some point to free up the liver to de-tox and facilitate fat loss. We hold a lot of fat in our mid sections and if the liver is congested, which everyones is, fat loss becomes nearly impossible.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    5'6, 130 lbs and around 18% bf. Wear a size 2-4
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    I am 5'6. I look my best around 160-170lbs. which is about a size 12/13. I am currently 191lbs and wear a size 14W. Waist: 33" Hips: 42" Thighs: 27" Personally, I like to feel like an athlete and know if I can go hard at the gym for an hour to an hour 1/2 4-5 days a week, then I feel great. Numbers on a scale is bull****. Good Luck!!
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'8" with an athletic build. I am not a small framed woman...maybe medium framed? I was an athlete from the time I was able to play t-ball until now. I still play softball in the summer on a league and basketball with friends. My legs are definitely the legs of an athlete and will never be "skinny" bc they are so muscular. I still lift weights 3 times a week. I remember in high school, instead of taking photography or some other elective, I always took conditioning with the guys. Pretty genius, I think :-P

    My goal weight is 150ish. Right now, I am at 176 and I am in between a 10 and 12. 11 Juniors is working pretty well for me. Feel free to see my pics in my profile. Anything under that is probably going to make me look sick. The bmi chart says my healthy is like 140-160, I think, so I hope to hit right in that. I will never be able to be a "skinny" woman because of my frame, but I don't want that anyway. At 150, I will probably be a happy 8.

    Good luck, hun!
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    Can you message me about a liver cleanse? What does that entail? Thanks!
  • mtbaker64
    mtbaker64 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'0" and very muscular. My trainers have suggested a goal weight for me to be 145. (30 lbs to go).
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 5'1" and have always had an athletic build, keeping my BF at the lower end of 20%-24%. I find my BF changing somewhat now that I'm 61 and although I've always weight-trained (I'm a personal trainer for the last 14 years), I have to pay more attention to my diet now to keep my muscle. I weigh 122-124 and am not, and have never been curvy...more straight up and down but I've also always had visible muscle which I really like!
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm 5"3.5" and I've been an athlete my whole life. I definitely have an athletic build and lots of muscle under the fat that I have ;)

    For me, I could never go below 125 (I'd have to starve myself) My goal is somewhere in the 125-130 range, but I'll be ecstatic just to be at 135!

    I am setting monthly goals in increments. I started at 171, and I'm 164 now, so I'm hoping to be 155 by mid-March and 140 by July.

    I feel that I'll just figure out how low I want to go as I reach my incremental goals. If I reach 135 and I feel it is ideal for me, then I will maintain there.

    My cousin is my height and she's 115-120 just naturally. She was never an athlete but always just thin. We just have completely different body compositions.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I love this thread. That is all.