EA Sports Active 2 - Anyone else using this to work out?

Lisamarie7574 Posts: 70 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Everyone!

I'm doing the 9 week Program of the Wii EA Sports Active 2. I love it, and I occasionally go to the EA Sports Active 2 website to check out my results online. I formed a group on there, but what stinks is that you can't communicate or leave messages with ANYONE in your group! You can't talk to them or anything! You can only view their stats and how they're doing in the program. That sort of defeats the purpose of a group to me! So I was wondering if anyone on here is using the same means of exercising! Anyone out there doing this "Active" thing too? Let me hear from ya!

:) Lisa


  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I'm on week 2 of the cardio start program! :)
    Hadn't realized that option about the group, it kinda defeats the purpose of having a group then.
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    Yep I do it. I'm on the second phase about 4 days in. I love it too. Except it gets on my nerves when it doesn't register the running, kickups, etc. I also bought a polar hrm cuz I discovered the hrm on the game is seriously off.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Yep I do it. I'm on the second phase about 4 days in. I love it too. Except it gets on my nerves when it doesn't register the running, kickups, etc. I also bought a polar hrm cuz I discovered the hrm on the game is seriously off.

    I hate when it doesn't register for sure, especially if I know I'm doing it right.
    How far off is the hrm in the game from the one you've purchased? I was hoping it was accurate.
  • Lisamarie7574
    Lisamarie7574 Posts: 70 Member
    Yes! Do tell about the HRM! How big is the discrepancy?

    I HATE when you're doing kick-ups or stride jumps and it's not registering and you keep jumping around trying to get it to move and it doesn't and by time it does you're already too tired to do the exercise!
  • I'm curious to know about the HRM too! I've been considering getting an HRM, because what the game tells me I'm burning seems pitifully small for as hard as I'm working and as big as I am... lol.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I just got the game today for my PS3 but haven't tried it yet. I've been reading reviews and a lot of people say the Kinect version has issues with accuracy because it doesn't always track their movements properly. The Wii and PS3 versions don't have that issue as often because they come with motion sensors that you wear on your body,

    I also checked some forums about the accuracy of calories burned vs HRM's and it's been mixed. Some say it's been dead on with their polar HRM's and some say that it's off by a lot. What I noticed though is that those who said they were off were usually not getting as big of a burn as they should have, which I feel is more manageable than if it over estimated.

    Probably not the answer some were looking for, but it was interesting to me. I'd also like to hear from others who have had more experience and also use HRMs. Anyway can't wait to try it! :D
  • I'm getting a HRM tomorrow. Give me a day or two and I'll get back to you... lol.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I LOVE my EA Sports 2 for the Wii! I am interested to know about the HRM as I don't think it is correct becasue sometimes I am huffing and puffing and think my heart is going to pop out of my chest and it is registering at a level 1 or at 100 bpm, and I know it is much higher.
    I do get frustrated sometimes with the motion sensor when it isn't counting all my moves... especially the running or doing the ab work, flutter kicks can be a real killer at the best of times, but I think I did 60 tonight to get in the 32!
    I am in phase 2 of the 9 week challenge.
    We should start a group here!
  • asyia74
    asyia74 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm doing this too. I am a few days into Phase 2. I actually found this post by searching to see if anyone else has trouble with kickups registering. I use the Wii as well. Nothing else has issues, but the kickups never register! I have tried everything, but I just sit there and listen to my trainer say over and over "Catch up now... Time to play catchup... Catch up to me..." Argh :)
  • I hate the kick ups! Also, about every 2 or 3 work outs, I reset the motion sensor so I know it's working well. Except on kick ups.
  • my husband and I use it with his Rehabbing With The Troops program and we love it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the calorie counter was off. Our workout sets are always 30 minutes long and they're high impact, fast paced, and it's discouraging to look at the screen and not even have broken 300 calories. where can you get one of those bands????
  • Okay, so I just did my first EA Active 2 workout with my new Polar FT4 heart rate monitor. Here's the breakdown....

    Total calories burned as per HRM: 198
    Total calories burned as per EA Active 2: 200.8

    I was checking the heart rate periodically throughout, and generally it was pretty close... within 5. So I don't know if anyone else has widely varying results, but my conclusion is that EA's included HRM is acceptable.
  • Biannker
    Biannker Posts: 1
    Ok well my HRM seems to be working fine, I tried my EA active sports today, it was great!, Really got a great work out!, I had a gd sweat, I am now on the 9 week program, I officially start tomorrow, wish me luck!
  • qmartin78
    qmartin78 Posts: 10 Member
    I just got the EA Sports Active 2 for the family PS3 and I was thinking the calorie burn count had to be off also! I was sweating buckets! I loved the workout, it is just what I needed for home. And I agree with all that it was not always registering my kick ups or my running at times. I began the 9 week program yesterday, so I will update with my results soon! How did everyone else do? I do not see any current updates for this game.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    its a GREAT GREAT program. when i last did it a few years ago, i lost 12lbs in 2 weeks. it was making me do what i had paid my trainer to teach me. i think ill pull it out and start it again. god knows i need to. also there are no updates to it because theyve discontinued development on it. a shame really, but at least its still available!
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I initially used this game when I was first starting to workout and I lost about 20 lbs in a matter of a few months. I loved it, found the online community wasn't set up to be very useful.

    I've also used The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout and lost a good amount of weight with it as well. I don't use the video games so much anymore because I now have a gym membership, but I still love them!
  • qmartin78
    qmartin78 Posts: 10 Member
    The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout? I may have to look into that. I have fallen in love with Hip Hop abs and anything Leslie Sansone (Walk away the Pounds) does. Hard to get to the gym so I have to make my home a gym. :-)
  • steengod
    steengod Posts: 35 Member
    ya, that's also why I like my Wii so much.

    And find it much easier to find half an our or a whole our at home, than going to and from a gym first.

    I have a lot of different kinds of games for it, depending on, what I feel like doing.
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