Looking for some friends!

I just had my 3rd child 2-1/2 weeks ago and was idle on MFP for most of the pregnancy, a lot of people deleted me because i guess they didn't have the patience to leave me on their friends list until I had the baby and could start back up on my diet and exercise.

Here's a little about me: I am a cake decorator in a small town, I have been overweight for 5 years and for that entire time I couldn't break past my plateau of 185 no matter how hard I pushed...until NOW. I -Just- broke past it this last week and am at 178, I have lost 30lbs since the first weigh I had that was a few hours after having my daughter. ..I am 15lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight!

I have 2 goals, Short term is to get down to 160 and my long term main goal is to get back down to 130. I have a lot of work to do to get there and could use the encouragement on hard days!

I am looking for the extra push and motivation from my MFP friends that I've missed since I was gone. maybe even some new mommies are out there? Send me friend requests please! I would love to get this started again!



  • AreUjoking2
    I will help support you. Mommy of 5 here! And anyone else wanting/needing some support, feel free to add me! :smile:
  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm definitely here to support! Sending you a FR. You seem very motivated already, keep it up!
  • JolieVivas
    JolieVivas Posts: 5 Member
    MEEEeee toooo!! I need friends as well. Thought I could do this alone, but after a month alone I've realized I need the extra help. Add me, add me, add me please. =)
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    I'd love to support each other! Working momma to 3 kids here too :)
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    I will add you. I just had my 3rd baby 3 months ago. Any of you other mamas feel free to add me too :)
  • 55Megamus
    what about the dads! anyone can feel free to add me or check out my profile, it explains me and the type of friend I can be
  • wildrosegeo
    wildrosegeo Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a working mum to 1. I would love to have more parents on my friends list!
  • redfootinfotech
    redfootinfotech Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking for some support as well. I am a mom of 4 ages 2, 10,11, and 14. I am a Full time computer programmer as well and am very sedentary most of the time due to the amount of computer work I do. I recently started the Ketogenics diet and lost 8 lbs so far. But could use some support from time to time.
  • ILxScalco
    ILxScalco Posts: 72 Member
    Anyone, feel free to add me.
  • seaberry09
    seaberry09 Posts: 38 Member
    Mama to two over here looking for new friends as well.
    Sending FR now :smile:
  • KrisJ125
    KrisJ125 Posts: 93 Member
    I'll add you--I did the same thing: went idle and many of my firends dropped me --I need encouragment!
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a full-time desk job and my husband travels often. I am also a full-time stepmom to a busy 10 year old girl.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    3 kids, WOW, you have my utmost respect dear lady!

    You are welcome to add me if you like, but be warned I am blunt and honest in my comments and opinions.

    I will however be there to help in any way I can and I have a huge following of positive people that will do the same.

    No slacker here, lol

  • amycuz14
    amycuz14 Posts: 41 Member
    I sent you a fr! My kiddos are older (8 and 10), but I homeschool and work at home, so it's such a struggle to get it all to fit in a day, and making time for working out. I could use support as well, and will do what I can to support my friends as well!!!